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They're backkkkkkkk...GOLD RUSH...2011

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The promo's for next week show Jack in a hospital bed admitting he's "Totally addicted to morphine".

I'm with you! I'm not goning to work my a$$ off, be drenched in the rain, live in a trailer/tent, freeze your nutz off, put up with Jacks Bull$--t for 3-4 months working 15 hours a day for a stinkin' $8K.
Tom, the first commercial we saw over here only had Jack's voice saying that. Yesterday I saw the commercial you're referring to. We'll verify it tonite in any case. Just what we need a grand dad who's high on a real big excavator! I wonder if he'll be allowed on a machine next season??

And does "super mechanic" get caught at some midnight processing?
Mike, Now I know why he always has the "Pie in the sky" attitude..... the guy is freakin' high as a kite.
. Should be some good watching tonight.
Well, I gotta admit that I found this weeks episode disappointing at best. Just more of the drama aka business as usual...

Todd wants 500 to 1000 ounces? OMG, I wonder how he'll "entice" a bunch more people to go with him?

Maybe we should name him James Jones!
It disturbed me that the Hoffman crew singled out the mechanic to "blame." He seemed to have some genuine skills, his bad back was a legitimate reason (not an "excuse") for his not being able to work. (Doesn't account for the girl friend on-site, though.) I just don't feel that he is any more worthless than the rest of them. I don't know what to say about the gold-room fiasco, but he wasn't the only one messing around where he shouldn't have been.

Don't remember hearing about Dakota Fred and his grand son (or is it his son?), but I dozed off during the show, woke up for Bering Sea Gold.

And I like the Schnaubel kid: I think he's got gumption and certainly has some gifts for leadership. He is not afraid to make a decision and to back it up with action. He may ask a lot of others, but he first asks a lot of himself. I don't see such a problem with him.

Just my counterpoint to Tom's disgust with the kid.
I agree J. When Greg got fed up, he ran home.. When the "real" miner (forget his name) got called home, he came back with his wife and was gone for at least a week. But they singled out the mechanic!?!? Maybe Jack should've stood up and set things straight?!?! OH, that's right, he was to high to stand straight! What a mess.

And then "the kid" wants to blame Todd for the authorities walking in. This is the exact same show that he participates in week in / week out right? I'll admit that being part of this program turns a spotlight on to them, but he didn't exactly want to stay on the down low! Did he? And then to basically demand knowledge of someone else's business! In addition to being a guest on someone's place, his parent's failed to teach him basic manners!
Yes, Parker has some gumption, but he certainly lacks people skills. It's a good thing the Alaskan Hoffman Crew are more people of the clothe type, because if that were the Illinois Hoffman Crew that kid would have received a .... "Education" he wouldn't forget.

And for Fred?????? Would like to know. I guess they are saving that for next year.
Tom, ...as for Fred...think we still have another show next week.
It was mentioned that the 3 crews we see are not the most organized groups. But what a bunch of clowns on the following show, well maybe the barge people have it together a little bit. <font size="-2">They get 50oz of gold a dig, Hoffmans dont hold hold your breath for 1000oz!</font>
I think the grandad, Fred, And Hofman may have a good sized bet going on behind the scenes. That is why Fred is always happy. He has bet both ways so he can"t loose. ???????
The last show didn't show anything of Fred. I wonder what happenedto him.

And Parker better stay away from Tony's daughter! If she doen't beat the crap outta' him, the ol" man will do worse.
I can't imagine the 'Ole Man taking his excavator thru a rain forest, or maybe I can. Using it with a machete on the end of the bucket. Kinda like the one diamond barge 'paddled' its way out to sea with the bucket like a goldfish!
Now that would be funny to see.. Fred and his 400 pounding it out through the forest, scattering the natives for miles!

I saw the same blip of film and it looked like it was all mud down there. Here we go again!
Hmmm... I wonder if they really went down there to get away from MSA (mine safety authority) ??? LOL...

I'll be watching.. there's usually nothing else opposite that I want to watch..
You guys got me hooked on this show (Allen), and now my Friday night isn't complete without it. I watch Gold Rush, Bering Sea Gold, and even Bamazon (in addition to the Jungle Gold in another thread). I've learned that excavators aren't made to travel long distances and that there seem to be as many ways of mining gold as there are miners doing out (although some methods and some miners seem to be better at doing it). I'll be watching tonight as Todd Hoffman (no relation to our Forum's Tom Hoffman) appears ready to tear up Dave Turin's equipment (again). Todd reminds me of some bosses I've had; he's going to make his number, and he doesn't care who or what he tears up in the process.
Awwww....Jungle Gold. What a pair of clowns. Bamazon...hydraulic mineing !. Thats different, but not very effective the way they did it. Wonder how much gold they lost with those mud packed sluces? Looking for gold nuggets all over and having to settle for flakes like everyone else...they should have watched Alaska Gold to get some ideas !