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They're backkkkkkkk...GOLD RUSH...2011

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"He's got the best plant set up at the Big Nugget, although it's getting old and did have a few break downs, but I see gold and lots of it just up the hill!!!"

A couple of comments;

1) Are you a kiddin'? Dave have the best plant. He had/has state of the art equipment not some cobbled up antiquated junk from 25 years ago. I've BTDT with screening, washing and crushing plants. Nuthin' on that show <font size="-2">(other than gold comming out of the end)</font> that I haven't done. I didn't know you're a mining expert too.

2)Now you sound like Jack "Thar's gold up in them thar hills." "I can feel it." "Trust me."
Soon we'll be hearing "No guts, no glory".
That gold wasn't "just up the hill".. I believe it was 2 miles away and then they were dumping it over the edge of the hill, to save travel time.

Even Parker realizes it wasn't cost effective to chase it! That's why he's going north.
My understanding was that Parker was mining only a limited portion of his neighbor's claim, the part on which the original camp as set up. The story was that they mined all around the camp, closed up and left. We never heard how much of the camp dirt Parker was able to get out, but it seemed to be a case of diminishing returns.

Parker certainly got a lot of work out of his Grandpa's old mill, but the plant had seen better days. If I recall correctly, the rocks had worn the metal on the trammel walls so thin that they were welding patches on patches to keep it running. If you consider the cost of repairing it correctly and moving it north to the cost of building new to an updated design, I'm pretty sure he would come out ahead by building a new unit. Most of his equipment seemed to be pretty worn out too, or at least in need of serious maintenance; they have to replace those tires, engines, and transmissions at some point. I remember he begged a bucket off his dad one time. It will be interesting to see what he does next year, and how well he acquits himself. I think a lot of people cut him some slack because of his grand-dad and his family; he won't have that support in the Klondike, but then he has the big operator offering him an opportunity, so I guess everyone will respect him for that.

I'll be most curious to see what happens to Fred and his son. The old man has proven more than once that he knows what he's doing; and when he errs, his son is quick to correct him.

I'm NOT looking forward to Todd Hoffman's new adventure. I find it interesting that he is a graduate of a Bible College, trained for the ministry. I can easily see him in that role; I'm not sure he ever really left it. But it hurts me to watch him leading a "Pickett's Charge" over-and-over-again. I find it very significant that two of the oldest crew members bailed on him for next year. I didn't hear them say they were leaving because gold mining had given them all the money they needed.
One of Todd's 2 guys that is leaving has cancer and I'm sure wants to do other things before.....

I don't think I can suffer through Todd & crew all summer long. Winter show is enough but I guess a typical TV producer feels that if a little is good then a lot is better right?!?!
I don't like the thought of going out of the country to "chase the American dream".
You don't have to Tom.
Head up my way and we'll go play in the dirt!
I've still got 30 5 gallon buckets of concentrates left over from last years treks yet to play with, LOL
1.34 oz. out of the last bucket.

Under Edit!
Course with Minnesota's new laws that go into effect this year, it might be harder to find places to LEGALLY go! Wink Wink
Minnesota sounds like Massachusetts, if it's fun, the least bit dangerous or lots of folks enjoy it, the state will make a law against it!
Charlie.... hope your "hunting" doesn't include all the histronics of that @#$%^&%$#% soap opera... Thank God for channel buttons on the remote.
Gerry I.
Not only NO, but Hell NO!
I've hunted/panned/dug gold in 7 countries and only gotten skunked one time in Italy.
It's not freakin rocket science, and all kiddin aside, there's some sort of gold almost everywhere if you know where and how to look, and don't mind gettin dirty and dog tried till you find it, LOL

When I first started out years ago with Buzzard Massey, it was gold fever hot and heavy, but after a year or so, you settle into just enjoying the hunt. Everyone should try it at least a couple times, it clears the head and eases the doldrums of everyday life. And if you make a few bucks along the way, all the better.
Minnesota does take a lot of the fun out of it though, you can't fart without a permit up here, sigh!
Hey, TOM Hoffman: Did you catch how well this year's Quartz Creek Trammel worked on a neighboring claim? "Just a few modifications" and they're pulling the miner's moss every 2 hours because it has filled up with gold. Go Figure! Todd the Tyrant strikes again: he pulled the old trammel too fast, and he let go the new one too fast --what does that tell you?
And the "I think", "Might Be", "What if" begins again. Watched GOLD RUSH "The Jungle" and can't figure how the hell those put up with that <font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font>.
I thought so to, but the guide said it was a first run. I had a hard time watching it too.
Tonite, Fri 2nd, supposed to be 2 new versions of these gold seekers in the jungle. Last year it was frost bite...now its crotch rot ! ???
Allen S., someone must be making money! They keep showing up on TV! And that last post was way too funny!

Watching the re-run as I type.. bunch of leprechauns chasin a rainbow??? HAH!
Anyone watch it last night? Seems like the same old song & dance no matter what country they're in! Did they really think the Incas were going to let them walk in take even more gold?? LOL.. Europeans have been doing it to them for centuries - I'd say they had enough... HAH! I didn't see the last 10 - 15 minutes, I fell asleep when they went to Chile, digging in the desert now?
Ya Mike...looks like they may become Desert Rats soon. Gee, from frost bite to crotch rot to heat stroke...what a bunch. And we have yet to check the kid at his new location and Fred at a new site with more equipment !. or like the old soap opera...'As The World Turns'! OR should I call it 'As the World Churns'
I sat through the 2 hours.. some parts surprised me like the young guys whining about how many dangers are in the jungle! I'm not sure what they were thinking? What did they think they were going into? Parker might not be off to a good start.. at least the test bores look weak.

Fred and son have a bigger crew and semi-newer equipment... we'll see.