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My NEW 782D

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Melody-that is awesome that you have joined the smoker club! Thankfully this is the engine kinda smokin' and not the cancer stick kind! Can't wait to hear the details on it and what your plans for the future are with it. Looks like you got a deck, weights, and blower with it. What kinda shape is everything in? Congrats on the new aquisition
Melody, Nice, is that the blower you can't start at full power, Don, anybody?
Melody Schutz

Wow , very nice a 782 Diesel. You will love it when you have to put fuel in it. They don`t burn much. And don`t flip the switch for the pto when you have the diesel and snow blower attached because you will strip the spline in the drum of the snow blower.BTDT low rpms I know NOW are a must or tb, I see it has front hyd ports and that would be great for turning the snow blade if you have a need and hate to get off the seat every time it should be turned. I do like my 1512 Diesel and there is not much difference between it and your 782 D . What are your plans for it ???
Don T, I'm going to fix it up and use it. Mechanicly its in good shape but, cosmeticly its rough. It runs smooth as silk. I've waited for that tractor since January. Guy moved to Arizona and said he didn't need it any more. The mower deck needs to be rebuilt , but the gear boxes on the blower have already been rebuilt. He bought it new in 1985. It had 1576hrs on it when I got it.
A couple more tips...

Make sure the driveshaft doesn't wobble...if it does, new parts, or a CV joint driveshaft upgrade are in order. Diesels eat driveshafts. Also, make sure you are using Power Service or a similar lubricity additive so that today's really-low sulfur diesel doesn't wear out the injector pump.
Thanks for the tips guys. I put in off road diesel and a little bit of additive. I'll check the drive shaft. Thanks.
Melody S.
From experience with off road fuel in a 782D, I'd have to recommend REMOVING it ASAP!
Don't ask me how I know, Grrrrrrr.
Charlie, IT seems to be running OK. You trying to make me nervous.
Yea, what's the deal Charlie? I agree with Melody, you're scaring us! I have been running AG diesel, dyed diesel, non-highway diesel (whatever you choose to call it) in my Cub-Kub for almost a year now. What problems have you run into? I was looking at the 50 cents per gallon savings here in WI. However, I don't want to run into problems that could cost me much more. My uncles have been running AG diesel for 40 years in diesel tractors small and large with no problems that I'm aware of. I also was under the impression that it was identical fuel, just dyed red so that it could be sold for non-highway Ag use without the additional highway taxes. Please fill us smoker users in...
Maybe he is talking about bio-diesel. I got diesel from a guy next to my nephew that has construction equipment.
I "think" AG fuel is higher soot.

Melody you ought to know about soot test since you're a trucker.
Just thought of this.... Maybe Charlie was driving his 782D down the road ans was pulled over for speeding. Officer Friendly decided to do a spot check on the type of diesel he was using and discovered the off road stuff in his tank.
When we lived in southern Mn. it was not a issue. But up here in the freakin frozen north, it sure is.
Like this morning when the temp at 5:30 A.M was 36 freakin degrees, Grrrrrrrrrrrrr
One of the main reasons I got the 240A so cheap was, the guy had been running the summer blend of OF year round and caused a few starting issues when it got cold.
Some additive and a little tweaking with pump pressure and 2 tanks of fuel and it starts within 3 revolutions now! ;-P
The winter formulation that they use does nasty things to the injector pump, as well as a higher chance of jelling without some sort of additive.
More than likely you southern folk would not see a bit of difference, other than the color, which in 99% of the real world is the only difference in the two.
If it works for ya, use it, I say!

And don't get me started on that POS Bio-diesel crap. That runs a close second to ethanol, which if it wasn't for subsidies, could not and would not exist!
Well according to Marlin's search the price is the same for off road and on road as far as taxes go here in NY. I never had a soot test done on my truck but, I have seen them doing it at road checks in NJ. The gentleman had the pump rebuilt, a new starter, and altenater and new battery. He must of had problems with it to do all that. But it runs good now.
It seems that around here the Bio-Willie is the only thing available in the summer. And I do agree with you, Charlie on the subsidies bit. I'll only say that I remember the joke about the experiences of the Three Ladies of the Night. One was a preacher, one a congressman, and the third a farmer....

Have a wonderful day.