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My 1512D for dog rebuild

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Like #15, maybe?
Yes, what Frank said....
It is located below the protrusion on the block that holds the injection pump. They are inclined to plug up easily, most of them don't drain anymore in my experience unless cleaned out. If that doesn't work, just call BP....
BP could prolly get it to drain but they'd never get it stopped.
OK Don, why so quiet? Busy on the Cub shed? Car done at body shop? 1512 all done and running? Updates man, updates....

I have been real busy and this morning i`am going to put the diesel back into the 1512.I have the starter installed and will sonn drop the engine in the frame. Is there a special antifreeze I should use in my diesel???? I have pre mixed green here and the thought crossed my mind (is that the right stuf to use). Later Don
Well I made some head way on the diesel lol. I have it ready to install the drive shaft and connect some wires.

I did have one issue with the moter mount bolt that won`t go down thought because of clearence with the starter. So I put that bolt up through, I hope that will be alright and not cause another problem.


I should have this running today if all goes good.
Well i did have a problem with the brake switch it seems . After installing the new starter it would just click.I did jump the safety switch and it rolls over real fast now. It was a long day for me but I just have to add the rad and prestone and I`am done lol.
Donald - In my youth and good health days I could pull a good car engine , pull a bad one out of a car and put the good one back into the second car and have it on the road that night all by my lonesome ... 2 weeks ago it took me and another guy 8 hours to put a clutch in my TOY !
I change a clutch once in 45 minutes in a Toyota corolla, I rented a garage and hoist and air tools. It took me all day to put the 1512 back together. Now i`am old and slow lol.

The 1512 Diesel now has the side panels and hood installed and I just have to add the tunnel cover.
Now I`am beat.
I had a starter come loose on a small block Chevy in a '55 - it locked up the flywheel.. It broke the bell housing, transmission case, and yoke on the diff. This happened about 3:30 in the afternoon.. I backed it out of the gas station bay at midnight and drove it home. This included scrounging for parts - we swapped all the guts of the transmission into the new case - (this was about a ten year old car at the time). We used to change cams w/ engine in the car in about two hours (on a '55, you cut one tooth out of the grill, didn't have to pull the grill that way).

We won't talk how long the hydro gasket change took
I`am shocked at the power this 1512 has. Our second car sat for 3 monts acrost the road from my house. I thaught I would use it this winter to save the newer Fusion from all that salt.The battery was dead
, so I thoght I would tow it with my diesel Taractor.I do have the truck to fall back on. So I got it roped fast and the wife steering. I pull it out onto the road and up my drive. It seem to pull a little hard but I noticed the right rear tire was flat. So I wot on the diesel and pulled into the garage wow when I looked I seen that the right rear wheel was not rolling. No problem hauling the car with a flat tire and a locked up back wheel.I now have this long mark in the drive




I think it would have hauled the car with both rear tires locked up.
"I think it would have hauled the car with both rear tires locked up."

Drag the car back across the street, lock the emergency brake and try it again. I'd like to see if it's true. At least then you won't have just one odd stripe up your driveway...
Art a

I did try to start the car but a dead battery and no the emergency brake was not on. If you let this sit for three days it would have noisy brakes.It will get all new brakes tires and a battery for this winter. Its not worth nothing $$$ here. 102000 klm. don`t have someone to give it to so I might as well rot it out instead of the newer car lol.Can`t waite to get some snow and see how that blower will work .
I have a few problems with my 1512 Diesel that I don`t know what could be wrong.

1. the pto does not want to stay in gauged.
2. Head light go out and come back on by them self.

I know the PTO power is in stages I think, 12 volt to engage and then drop the voltage. Just what controllers this drop and where do I start .

Head lights seem to go out when I go for reverse so I will trace the wires and see if they come close to the hydro control handle. Might be worn through ?
Thanks for all help.
Does the headlight circuit on your 1512 run through the ignition switch like it does on my 82-series tractors? If it does, maybe your ignition switch is bad?

As with all faulty 12V electrics, I'd also check all of your tractor-grounds to make sure they are clean and attached solid as well.
Diesel headlights have their own switch. The PTO switch isn't 'staged'...it gets 12V all the time it is on. If you look at the wiring diagram you will see that there are different conditions required for starting and running the PTO. I think it's time to start tracing wires...it sounds like you have some broken/shorted wires in there somewhere.
Donald, Not sure if you are experiencing the same problem with your PTO that I was with my 1512, but I had a hard time cutting grass back in June/July 2008. It ended up being something to do with my "air-gap". Something was overheating, and it caused my PTO to disengage. (Actually, the PTO switch stayed in the up position, but disengaging in the background). Thanks to the guys on this forum, I had my dealer check it, and lo and behold, that was the problem. Now, in the cold weather, I don't know if that would happen, but I thought I would just throw that out there as something to check.
Thanks for that info guys. I just install a new air filter last week and that covered two of the grounds , so I did clean the rest also.

Art , I will check that light switch. Charlie sent me a new light switch for my 149 and I might put that in and see if I have the same problem.I will check and see if the lights run through the switch also.

Stephen Galante

Thanks for bring up the 10 thou air gap. I don`t think I ever checked that to see if it was set correctly. I will have some time tomorrow after the dentist and picking up an " lb torque wrench and ring compressor for the 125 rebuild.Seems $50.00 will get me a decent wrench for torquing the head bolts. I will report back on how I make out
I`am trouble shooting my 1512 for the PTO that don`t stay engauged and I need to know if this PTO plug comes apart.I see the conection could be cleaner for sure. Automive plugs somethimes can be picked to come apart and I`am not sure these are the same type of plug.How do you guys clean yours. I thought of brake clean also.