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My 1512D for dog rebuild

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Matt Gonitzke
Can you tell me how close is your fan to the Rad. Is there a way to adjust it back? Thanks Don
Don T ,my 882 has less than a fingers width between the radiator & fan. Service Bulletin CC-042, S Kit 759-3236-- slots in bottom of side panels,Heat baffle. Service Bulletin CC-096--Not to use 100% antifreeze.50/50 is recommended. Also another SB about grass deflector or baffle on or near front axle, I can't find SB # ,but I recall its in a document section --Todd M may remember.Like Matt said gotto keep an eye on the rad.& blow out often.
Don, You overheating? Take off those long johns by golly hey!

Oh, the 1512, I see.
As the wise men before me have written, that is the curse of the Kubota, my 1782 does the same thing too. It requires cleaning of the radiator screen several times per hour in "dirty" conditions, such as cottonwood trees or dandilions spitting fuzz all about, or grass clippings being kicked up by the front tires.

Make sure the screen fits properly, if not that debris gets lodged in the radiator instead.

Can't remember if the 1512 had the slots cut in the side panels from the factory or not, been a few years...If not that is a very helpful update.

I often thought about finding an aftermarket automotive fan that'd fit..just never got around to it yet. Maybe with your NAPA connection they can match one up for you? Since that radiator is marginally Ok in size, I think we need to move more air through it than the factory fan provides. Hmmm, speed up fan he thinks quietly??
I think the slots started with the 1512...my 1512 had them, my 782D does not. I still think he has a problem though...I mowed the other day with my 782D in 85 degree ambient temps, no wind, and had hundreds of bugs in the radiator screen when I was done, but the temp gauge was still only 2/3 from the lower mark of the normal operating range to the upper.
Well Lets see how this goes lol.
I will try to install the new starter in my 1512 that I bought months back. I`am open to suggestions as to short cuts and such. I know I have to drill a hole for the starter wire so it don`t short out and could use some help.

Jim and Matt

If you guys have pictures of the slots I should add to the side panels PLEASE post a picture and some measurements. I think the diesel runs hot and can`t get any water(antifreeze) to drain out of the tap on the side of the block! any help will be much appreciated for sure. So it off to my shop and see what kind of trouble I can get myself into this AM.
I think I will use my engine lift to lift the diesel after I losen the bolts for the rubber mounts. I hope this will let me lift the D enuf so I can get the starter off.I will have to remove the engine mount to drill the hole for power wire clearence I think that is what I read months back?

Hopefully Matt can take some pics, as I don't have any tractors with those vent slots currently.
I also have my older service bulletins in storage and can't easily get to them.

Essentially, on each side panel a slot 1/2"X ~3" was added to the side panels. It was nearly unseen as you must turn the side panels upside down to make the slots. This slot was located at a point just behind the radiator. I'd make them by drilling the 1/2" holes with a Uni-bit at the front and rear of the slot, then saw the material out between holes.

As far as no drainage from the block, you'd need to remove the drain and clean out the rust.
Neither do I. My 1512 had them, but I sold that several years ago. My 782D does not have them and does not seem to need them.
well I`am getting ready to pull the engine cradle out of this 1512, I see no other way to get the starter out and replace it.I have been wanting to make a suport for the lower rad house and I might as well pull everything apart and do this.I will take the side panels and have a slot cut into them and see if that helps. Thanks Guys
Don - Some years ago I stopped by the local MF dealer to see their mechanic. They sold Kubotas too and he had one tore down. He said that somehow the thermostat had fell apart and fell into the passage and it was stopping the flow.

Hopefully you've just got rust , you might ought to backflush that little smoker.
From brochures:



Funny, I don't recall my parents 2072 as having the vent.
I don't think that vent belongs on anything other than a diesel. It wouldn't do anything in a gas tractor, as the cooling air doesn't even flow past the side panels.
I see the reasoning now for that. That's to allow the airflow an extra escape since the fan is putting so much volume in that it probably had pressure built up in side not allowing fresh air in.

Kraig -
Matt, I figure it's the typical brochure thing, they slap stuff together for the photo shoot. Kinda like the yellow foot rests in the 1x2/3 brochure. Here's a few photos of the 1772 that Travis used to have.





And here's a 1572:

Kraig - Come'on man you can do better than that !
There's a pic of the Turbo Diesel from a distance of it blackening the sky. IF I could find where I put things I would post it ... I'm still trying to find a pic of Kendall using his 129 to drill that shallow water well ... I just ran across it 2 days ago but CRS !!
Thanks guys
I have made some progress here as the diesel is now out and I`am going to remove the rad and engine cradle . that will let me take off the engine suport for the hole I have to drill in it for the hot wire to start the tractor.I have been hopeing that the starter would last till fall but it just clicks and the new startere will fix that issue. I might as well do the mod on the side panels while its apart and flush it again. I did instal a new thermostat in th spring and will now drain it and see if I get any rust. Its out of commishion now and the 149 will have to be my yard tractor now,till I get this back together. Thanks Again
KENtucky, I was trying to show the vent not the soot. I posted the photos of Kendell/Gerry or whatever name he's using this week, that you were looking for: HERE
I had a rest and went at the starter install again,I have the plate drilled and the starter installed so I can start to put this back together in the AM. I will flush the diesel again and add new mixed antifreeze also. Thanks guys. Later Don
I`am looking but having no luck finding the drain for the block on my diesel. I want to change all the antifreeze and I think there should be a drain somewhere???? If you can help please let me know.I`am taking another break before I go out and have another go at putting the engine back in. Thanks Don

Offhand I recall it is in front of the injection pump, wish I had a pic but it's "monsoon" time here and I will stay dry if I can.