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My 1512D for dog rebuild

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one has the threads cut off so I might as well get 2 fittings. Hows the 1811 coming?
Well just when I get bummed something GOOD hapens.lol Thanks Jim Diederichs for the shipment of the throttle control for my 1512 .
Yeep i`am happy now. At the rate I`am going this should be ready to use this spring.
Well another dumb move I made today lol. I went out and had front lines made up for my front ports and well I put the wrong ends on for the couplers
. So now I will have to get studs to thread in the couplers so I can attach my new lines. $57.45 for lines and that don`t count the extra trip 15 miles to get studs. But I`am that much closer to have this ready to work.
I looked for a fuse for this 1512 and there is none,PO must have removed them. Now the search is on to see where they should be and what size I need . I should have left this alone ! Might have to buy a new wire set. Bummer , Charlie is sending me new fuel lines and hydro valves and front couplers today. when the ordered parts get here I will have this ready to go. I just hope that my fuel problem is not the pump as then it will be weeks till I get the pump here.

1 step forward 2 back always lol
Don, i don't think there is any fuses for your diesel. There is however a circuit breaker that mounts right next to your rectifier on the battery tray. Or at least there should be it looks like by one of your pictures that my PO got ahold of your tractor too. The wire harness was a mess so I had to order a new one.
adrian a gitch
now that you have mentioned the circuit breaker I do remember seeing it, I just thought there was more fuses than that. I will add a few more to run lights and windshield wipers . Thanks
i`am here trying to install the front couplers and the grove in the coupler is in the wrong place to get the snap ring to lock these couplers in place. Is there another way to install them that they will be tight????HELP
JB WELD? 1811 rear end is coming out, today. I have better luck taking things apart! And I'd rather wash parts than dishes!
Charlie "Digger" Proctor

I have taken the hyd hose off and took the couplers off. I did scribe a mark on them. I will have the grove in the coupler cut wider on a lath. Should do it. IT just takes time and more waiting.

The one on the top is a Cub Cadet OEM coupler and the bottom is the Pioneer.
Even though they measure different, the C clip grove is basically in the same spot.

Another angle,
The coupler you show with and second gove is what I have here except it does not have the second grouve.

I drained the rear this am. Off with the Cat O and took the rear cover off. looking around I can`t see why it would leak a small amount of fluid in a couple days. As soon as it stops draining I will glue the cover back on with the right stuff. New gasket .I think I could put this Cat O on now for othere guys as this has been off and on now 3 times.I did a fit before I painted the Cat O.
Charlie "Digger" Proctor
Thats great, thanks for that help.I will leave the Cat O off till the am monday to see if the rear cover will leak again. I think now it must have leaked throught the treads on the one bolt
. I borrowed a new gasket and have to replace it . I`am putting the fluid back now with a paper coffie cup with one hydro valve removed. Should have it back off the stands in about 20 min. Thanks for your help
up date. I could not let this small thing hold me back.

Then went on and installed the front ports

Then plumed this all together.(front and rear ports)

If I get a leak it will be here!
Waiting for the paint to dry here on this Cat o,then I can put it back in place on my 1512.I had another hole drillled in the plate so I could install a fuel shut off rod for the fuel tank.I think Charlie has shipped my order of new hydr valves and fuel line so I can finish this Diesel.
Kendell Ide
If you mean paint the 1512D , not till everything is up to par and the 1961 O has the new paint. I want to use the tractor sum before I take it apart for the 100 th time lol.
That's what I'm debating I should have mine ready to fire up next week but there's a few things I want to do and don't know if i want to take it apart too much since it has such a nice paint job
adrian a gitch

Now just what are you holding off on? My 1512 needs paint bad but I want all the little things done before I paint it. Did you get the wires installed? That looks like a job on these. I could not sleep knowing the paint on this Cat O would be dry , so I`am out in the shop at 6.25 am gettiong ready to put the cat O back on. Have a great day

I hope my 1512 turns out half as nice as your tractor