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My 1512D for dog rebuild

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That was easier now that I have removed and installed this Cat O 3 times now.NO leaks in the rearend cover this time .Now if I only had mail
. I would love to install the new hydro valves and the new fuel lines.Soon I hope lol.


I might have to take my 149 for a spin this morning because its early here 7.40 am. Nope second thought
,the stack barks on my 149 lol
Wrenching, photographing, posting ... you're a multi-tasker, Don T.
The wire harness should be here by the end of the week. I'm ordering a circuit breaker for it this morning. I also need to put in the brake safety switch and the arm piece that mounts on the brake pedal shaft that actuates the switch but I can't find them. BB put a bunch of stuff in a couple boxes so i'll have to go through it before i determine if i have to order that stuff. Other than that i guess i'm pretty much done with the exception of getting a plow. Oh and V61's for the front and decals and fuel would help too and i guess a yellow gas can for the fuel. antifreeze would help. it just keeps adding up. it'll be worth it though
adrian a gitch
Let me know when you are ready to get the front tires. I will give you the US address for the tires. I ordered mine from Quebec Canada and had them deliver to me .2 tires and 2 tubs and freight was just over $100.00 . It $$$ keep adding up I know but the 1512 will be a great tractor as yours is looking great. I will have to paint it next fall I hope.
Don, did you ever buy those super bright LED headlites you talked about? If yes, how do they work ??<font size="-2">(yes I know on electricity. But how bright)</font>
Allen Schumacher
I will look at the led again when it comes time to paint and refinish is my plan, I will be using the diesel for the 450 snow blower and trailer duty and will have to do a fall paint as it will be busy in winter . I like winter as a time to refurbish tractors .
Well I had the diesel out today for a spin around my yard,I had to borrow a hydro release vale for another tractor but the 1512 now moves and will be used like it is till I can get fenders and Paint. Thanks For all the help I got on this 1512 i`am gratefull.


I hope you had some PB Blaster around for that throttle/cable assembly, it was not "new" by any means.

I am glad it could help you out, part of the "pay it forward" concept that was started when Art helped me last year.
Jim Diederichs Thanks a bunch. I did spray the cables with fluid film and a few drops of diesel fuel. It does work slick fo sure. I can now remove the po mod for stopping the engine lol. I just had the D running now for about an hr and no problems. Thanks guys I realy have to smile after all this tractor and I have been through lol . Later Don
Don glad to hear you got the fuel problem fixed. You sure have turned that into a nice tractor.
Well its time to order a new decal set for this 1512D, I have a quote here for 68.00 but the was no decal for the tunnel cover.I have looked around at 1512`s and see a diferent colours than mine and I now wonder what is the right Decals. Thanks Don


There are two different styles of decals, depending on whether the tractor is an early or late 1512. Yours is a late one by the looks of the decals that are on it. The correct ones are what you have. The early decals look better IMHO, but that's just me.
Like Matt said, there are 2 versions of them. I didn't know which ones came first, but now I know. I have the same ones on my 1512 that you have. I personally like these better. Maybe because they look more recent. BUT, I'm not a loyalist to the original IH graphics like many on here are. Sure, I wish my unit had the cast iron gear box instead of the aluminum, but that is as far as I go.
Don, I ordered some decals for my 1811 from Charlie and they were the light blue which I think looks best.
Stephen Galante
I want to change the decals as they are in bad shape. I know that paint will be put on my Diesel soon. I won`t make it look as good as Adrian`s for sure because I have the 1512 to where I can use it and I`am loving it. All this work and $$ was worth it for sure.

Adrian a Gitch

Just what did you get when you got your decals?
I need the tunnel cover decal and the hood decal and just want to ask what other decals should I look for. I don`t think Charlie sells decals for a 1512 ? The Cat O makes it real easy to back up my trailer . today I hauled some wood and some gravel and used the lift on the cat O to dump the trailer. I `am now on the look for a cylinder for the dump trailer and a 149 lift cylinder for the front. I want to install it for a lift for my snow blower. I know I won`t have a problem lifting the blower using the front ports for that. Did you buy the parts from Aaron to use 3 point ground plow or are you looking for a Cat O plow? Later Don
I have to know what do I need to buy to be able to tell what rmp my 1512 runs at wot. The manual says 3600 wot but I have no way of knowing what it is set at now. I have put my new hydro valves in and this diesel is not as fast as my 149 as far as ground speed , so that makes me think that i`am not turning 3600. This is a puzzler for me. I want to replace the charge meter and put in an IH hour meter to see when this tractors needs an oil change. It will run when the switch is on so that should work out.Thanks Guys for all your help in the past.
Don: I'm going to rephrase a question for you:
"Where do I find a tach for my 1512 Diesel, and how do I Hook it up". That said, Lucy has a tach/hour meter and although they're too big in diameter for your 1512 this could make a good discussion.
Frank A. Currier(Northern Maine)

Just how does Lucy work. are the magnets in the flywheel that get picked up? How does you tack work? I see how to set wot but don`t want to mess with it till I know what i`am doing.