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IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 9.0, April 9, 2005

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Charlie, actually that photo was later in the day, the fence line provided a nice sightline for straight furrows, it was the area in the middle of the field (seen in background of your photo) that was crooked.


I bet it was the clown on the AC 620 that caused the crooked furrow. :eek:)
Bruce "Smokin' K241" Moore!!!!!
Shhhhhhh Kraig,
He dint know the dif! LOL
And that clown on the AC 620 was followin that dumba$$ infront of him now wasn't he!!!!!!!!
In defense of the furrow straightness.....

They all start out true and square, but the variables of 75-100 different tractors, with 75-100 different plow set-ups, and 75-100 operators plowing in furrows that are not their own can create some real issues with straightness and overall quality.......remember, these are little plows designed for mellow garden soil in sub-acre plots...NOT full blown, trash eatin', big-time farmin' rigs.......(they, ok WE, just think they are
Charlie, just think how crooked that furrow would have been if Mr Plow hadn't been following the dumba$$ and the clown. :eek:)
Very true Kraig!!!!!!!!!!
Ya know if we could just get guys to plow through the pull outs rather than follow the furrow, things would be a tad bit straighter too.
That's a hell of a crew to have opening for ya!!!! (this is starting to sound like the Blue Collar Tour)

(Message edited by sblunier on March 22, 2005)
100% Right Charlie...somebody has to cover for those JD boys.......
hehe, well if I get mine setup in time, don't let me cut the first furrow, it'll go like this:


Hmm, that looks suspiciously like the line in the first picture below.
You guys are all wrong. If we'd quit plowing on windy days, the furrows wouldn't keep getting blown crooked
I remember that day, actually got kinda' hot later on.

Check out the last statement on #15.

Wish I could make it, but you never know.

Terry "B",
If you're in Cub Cadets, <u>THIS</u> is the event to attend!!
I can tell that chuckle anyplace!
Prety sure that's Bryan, and the other "That sux"????? Might be me.

(Message edited by thoffman on March 23, 2005)
Well, it has been a bad last 7 days. My father-in-law passed away last thursday and today my wife was let go from work for missing 3 days of work after just been hired in 3 weeks ago. Thier handbook says she gets 3 days off with pay for death in family, but good old Wisconsin laws say she can do nothing about it. So for lack of money coming in, I will not be able to make it to plow day. I don't know who is more upset about this, me or my brother-in-law. I let him play with the plow a little last fall and now he is hooked. Maybe I will be able to make it to a fall plow day.
Charlie, I wish I could but he hasn't been able to find a job since he went through his 4 cancer surguries. Things may change if my wife finds a new job quickly, but until then we have to save what money we can. Luckily we save for that rainy day but sometimes you do not know how long the rain will last.
Can you say "SHINEY" ready to mount on Dead Furrow

Tedd How many hours 'till PLOW-DAY????

(Message edited by krandall on March 27, 2005)
Kurt, themz pretty sexy, but you should see the powder coated ones I got!!!
Travis, can you do Cub Cadet yellow (IH483) in powder coat?

Under edit: Travis, never mind I checked your website and I see that you do. :eek:)

(Message edited by kmcconaughey on March 28, 2005)