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IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 8.0, October 30, 2004

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Thank you Kraig for all your work doing the photos for these events!!! Can't wait to see more of your work for this event! I don't have anything to contribute for photos this time. My camera mal-functioned!

Thanks Again!
Not sure of the name of the operator of the nice looking "Zig" in Kraig's post, but look at that concentration and determination!
Glad to see that grew into some different shoes too. :cool:
Lets get a picture of my face at pd8 vs. a pic of my face at pd3 and compare. Big laughs.
I think Matt is pullin an Art with his foot, holdin that thing in gear, LOL

(Message edited by cproctor on November 03, 2004)
Charlie, I believe that was Keith E. I vaguely recall his comment, something about a monkey and a football.........
Did anyone else notice the Original with the right side brake pedal? Art noticed it and mentioned it to me. I had to get some photos of it. Someone did a very nice job on it. Notice that it also has a PTO on it.




(Message edited by kmcconaughey on November 03, 2004)
A "Zig" is a 71-123 series, only one angle sloping to the back. A "Zig-Zag" is a 72-125 and 73-147 series, slopes to the back and then to the front at the top. "Zig-Zag" is something else from high school daze!!
Was that Original at this PD?? According to my trusty Keller serial # book, the Original's serial #'s stopped at 65457. What gives????

BTW, Thanks!! Bryan has his too.

(Message edited by thoffman on November 03, 2004)

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