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IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 15 -----April 12th 2008

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Jun 22, 2002
Park Rapids Mn.
It's official as of today.
Plow Day 15 will be help in Rockford Iowa at the Travis Schweizer farm around the middle to end of April 2008.
Is it too early to do a happy dance?

or too early to give a wave to the hosts??
Darn, I was hoping for either May 3 or March 22....oh well, guess I'll be missing another one...
Yeah! Lets keep the wave alive for the hosts!!! Thanks to all that help support and put on this great event!
Charlie, remember my 1200? Haven't done a thing since spring and the bat just went. I'm glad I found some free time to come and look here. Gotta get a move on!!
Quick question. Will there be a tractor pull again this year? I had a fella ask me.

(Off to bed... long and busy day)
PLOW DAY is on for April 12th in Rockford, Ia. It will be pretty much the same as in the past. There'll be people here on Friday during the day also. There will be no rain date this year. It's rain (snow) or shine.
Why Ken?? snow plows under nicely and has many micronutrients for the soil!!! I've plowed fields that plow a lot nicer when they have an inch or so of snow on them than when they where bare stubble.
Somebody.........please post some Plowin' pictures to get the Mood
right in here. Do I smell dirt??
Hugh - The snow didn't "make" the soil plow better , maybe the moisture that soaked in did but not the snow laying on top.
I've done my share of plowing pulling 16" JDs and yes the snow is beneficial as it helps put nitrogen into the soil.
I was making a joke of the PD that had a snow fall on the field the day before the event because of it being so early in the year OR had you forgot since you've been here 5 years ................