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Hunting/Fishing PICS- POST-EM Here

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Nice gobbler Marty! I am ashamed to say I have not taken a bird this season ...yet.
We have had weird weather,,,,either rain,strong wind,or cold (for us) temps...some mornings in the mid 30's...some people are taking them in food plots in the afternoon,but very few can get a bird to work...only 10 days left in Bama!
Good job!
The morning started out with just one hen out in the yard then this ole tom showed up. Then another hen joined in and the party started. His beard is only about 6" so he's not that big. I was watching a big tom with a dragging beard but I think some poachers got him.


This was taken with my little Cybershot out of the kitchen window. He was really showing his stuff.

To give an idea as to how long I've lived here I planted those two pine trees as 12" seedlings. The rebar beside the left pine is right outside my window for a hummingbird feeder.
Did a little fishing last week in the Gulf Stream. We caught 300 lbs. of Dolphin Tuna. Of course, I caught the biggest one; 38 lbs. My sister is holding it up.



Funny as all get out!


Hope you have plenty of cole slaw and hush puppies.
Well, Damon and his son Nolan got a nice one this opening morning. Nolan turned 5 four days ago. The turkey was taken with a shotgun and the top pic is one of Nolan shooting target bullseyes with their new crossbow last week.




This bird weighed 23 lbs, had a 10 1/4" beard, and 1 1/8" spurs.

This little man dreams of hunting and fishing. The other day his mother calls him for supper and found him sitting in the boat holding a fishing rod like he was fishing in the driveway.

Nice turkey!
That's what I like to see, a child interested in something other than violent video games. Keep encouraging them.
My first day did not turn out so good. I got a migraine about 8AM and had to go home. Spent most of the day in bed. Bummer!
Got my deer mount back last night.
The other deer in the corner looks puny.

Had to go way down the list to find this thread. This thread is almost a year old, nobody getting any nice ones other than Wayne or Shultzie?
Wayne, Get any turkeys this year?
I was fortunate to get my limit (2) this year. Got the first one opening day, and the second one the last day of the season (today). The one I got this morning weighed 24 lbs. with a 10-1/2 in. beard and 1-3/8 spurs. Looking at my old posts, this year was a whole lot better than last year!
Here's a couple pics of this morning.



That's a very nice bird. I bet it's a good feeling taking such a trophy with the old side-by-side.

I haven't heard much gobbling this year and my little hunting buddy has only gone once during youth week with his youngest, Nolan. They saw/heard nothing. Nolan was disappointed the most. He turned 6 this year. Damon (dad) got him a Remington 870 youth 20 ga. and he wants to use it. Griffin, the oldest likes to sleep in and is mostly into karate these days so his hunting is limited.

Congratulations on your harvest!
Marty, good looking trophy turkey. Congratulations. I only got a 5 inch beard this year but it was still enjoyable. Took about an hour and half to get him to come in through the woods. He was real cautious. I do a lot of hunting all kinds of things and I think turkey hunting is one of the toughest anyone can do. Congratulations again.
Most people think you have to shoot a 3 or 3-1/2 magnum shell to take a turkey down. I have no problem with a high brass 2-3/4 shell with #4 shot. The old guns I use will not shoot the longer shells, but that is OK. I have taken turkeys up to 50 yards with them.
My dad told me to take his side x side and try it on a turkey. It is an old Simson Suhl, and it was extra special to be able to use it. I remember my dad using it to rabbit hunt when I was a little boy.
Saturday morning was one hunt that I will never forget. I just wish my dad could have been along. I did call and tell him about it as soon as I could.