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Cathleen, I believe you are referring to CWD Chronic Wasting Disease. It's shown up in a few areas of Wisconsin and elsewhere.

Gerry, thankfully I've not seen any indication of or heard of the EHD virus in the deer up here.
My daughter and I had planned to go bow hunting last night. She had a chance to take a flute lesson last night so she did that instead. She wants to go to college to be a High School band instructor. (Art, you might have been a bad influence on my daughter...) She has never bow hunted before so I was going to set with her in the ground blind and leave my bow at home. Seeing that I was hunting alone I decided to set in the ladder stand. Here's a trail camera photo that shows the placement of the ladder stand, I circled the stand and drew in a line parallel and to the right of the ladder and just below the platform. Hard to see but hopefully you can make it out.


Here's the ground blind taken from the same trail camera. The plastic tub that is buried is 20 yards from the ground blind, it's there to catch rainwater or for me to place water in. Last Saturday I filled it with 10 gallons of water, it was empty last night.


Both of the above photos were taken by a trail camera that is facing North. There was a slight wind out of the South so I came in on the North side of the Pine trees to the ladder stand. I got settled into the stand a little before 6 PM. There were plenty of Red and Gray Squirrels running around and lots of birds. Around 6:25 a half dozen or so Blue Birds and a bunch of Chickadees and Nut Hatches showed up, surrounded me and proceeded to chirp, whistle, sing and otherwise make a ruckus directed at me. This went on for the longest time. While this was going on I spotted a nice 8 point buck sneak into the Southwest edge of the clearing that used to be the food plot (Creeping Charlie, Stinging Nettles and a bunch of other weeds have taken it over.) I recognized the deer from several trail camera photos. He is one of the smaller 8 points sparing in the photos below. I had my bow hanging on a hook with an arrow nocked. I slowly lifted it off and got my release clipped on. No sooner had this buck come in when a second buck showed up coming in behind him. This one is the tall racked 8 point in the photos below. OH MY, the photos do not do him justice!!! His antlers appeared much taller in person and they are bright white. He's the 8 point in the photo in my post below with the date/time stamp of 9/18/12 7:10 PM. While these two deer are cautiously walking into the food plot area the birds are continuing to make a ruckus. The first 8 point was looking right at me, I was sure I was going to be busted. As he edged closer to the "pond" the trail camera flash went off.


Finally the birds moved off and the deer appeared to relax. Then a third 8 point came in along with a doe (or it was an antler-less buck?? It's odd to see does with bucks this time of year as the bucks are still in their bachelor groups segregated from the does.) This buck was the wide 8 point in my post below with the date/time stamp of 9/20/12 10:22 PM. By this point I can't believe what I'm seeing!
And my arm is getting tired from holding the bow in an awkward position.
At some point during all this the camera flash goes off again.


I was hoping that the deer would take a drink them come closer and stand in a way that I could get a shot. The lead 8 point turned and headed the wrong way!


Then the tall racked 8 point came in and the two came back to the "pond".
the camera flash went off again.


They sparred a little and then the tall racked deer walked off the wrong way and the wide 8 point came in.


The doe had walked off and a fourth buck came in but stayed to the South and I never got a good look at him but he was at least an 8 point and had a nice big body. About this time some turkeys were coming in from the North and spooked the deer off.
The turkeys came within about 15 yards of me then spooked and ran back to the North. They eventually jumped up into the pines and roosted. After the deer were gone and I couldn't hear them, they disappeared into my cousin's corn field on the adjoining property behind me, I got out my camera and took a few photos. It was after 7:00 PM and the season was legally closed for the day.

Here's a shot of one of the turkeys roosting in the pines trees.


Here's the views from my stand.

Looking Southwest. I noted the route where the three 8 point deer came into the clearing and then left in red. The doe and 4th buck went to the Southeast noted in yellow.


Here's the view looking behind my stand to the Southeast.


Here's the view looking behind my stand to the Northeast.


I can't wait to get out there again... I think I'll set in the blind next time.
Kraig, I so enjoyed the pics and your sharing. I truly felt like I was out there with ya. I have a great passion for the little winged ones and you know, the Chickadee's are one of my favorites. Use to have them nest in the country too. They make the most awesome nests. Out of moss, and we have goats across the road, and the nest had several layers of first twigs, then moss and then the goat hair on top. those wee little chicks had a cushy nest. We opened the side of the box and peeked in at them one time and they were as tiny as bubblebee's but all fledged out, just the cutest little chicks ever!((smiles))..oh it would be great to be sitting out there in a stand, but heck, I couldn't get up in one. hahaha. Ah, the beauty of nature, ey? That one buck does have a great wide rack on him.!!

Yes You are right Kraig, it is the chronic wasting disease here in Iowa. I think the counties affected are adjecent to wisconsin.

Cathleen, "I truly felt like I was out there with ya." Thank you!

Shultzie, you can say that again. One of the more amazing experiences I've ever had hunting.
Not sure it would have been better had I actually harvested one of them. Now if my daughter had got one, that would make for my best hunting experience ever.
Hopefully that will happen soon.
Kraig: As you complimented me on the "Pink Post" so I compliment you: <font size="+2">Great Post!</font>

You communicated with words and pictures what it is like to:
(1) Live on the land (with the wind, approach etc.)
(2) Be on the stand (birds chirping a warning to the deer [who ignored it])
(3) And still "get" the deer (even if you weren't able to get off a shot or let fly an arrow)

(It must have been agonizing sitting there with bow drawn, or about-to-be-drawn.)

As Cathleen put in (on Marlin's Account), you made me feel as if I was "right there with ya."

I don't hunt, but you help me understand why some people go out every year to "get their deer." It isn't about the "got," its about the "get'n."

I'm surprised the camera's flash didn't spook the deer. Have they grown accustomed to it?
That's a neat post. I like how the trail-cam was there to shoot pics for ya.

<font size="-2">Either that or you bring your own camera man, which wouldn't surprise me in the least!</font>
I so wanna go to the woods,but ive been stack at the hospital all week doing tests....I may get a chance this weekend to go hunting...
Amy, bow hunting is great therapy. Hopefully you'll be able to get out there soon.

Jeremiah, WOW, thank you.
I never drew the bow back but had to hold it at the ready and it gets a bit heavy after a few minutes. The deer didn't even flinch when the flash went off. I'm starting to think they like getting their photos taken. Here's one from last year.


Art, I was so pleased when I saw the camera flash go off.
I presently have two trail cameras out there. Had the deer gone a little to the West the second camera would have triggered. Unfortunately they stayed on the South and East side of the "pond." It was still quite light out and the flash washed out the images. Here's the photo I took from the stand, I've highlighted where the cameras are.

Kraig, that up close and personal photo of that buck from last year? if only the flash hadn't washed the darn thing out!! wow. And I do agree, or at least with THAT buck~ its as though he's putting it out there...yes, I'm around and here I AM.! lol
I couldnt agree anymore Kraig...Ive bowhunted since I was 10 yrs old with my dad an grandpa. I grew up in the woods with dad.
Yesterday evening my daughter and I went bow hunting at the farm. On the walk out we spotted a coyote, it also spotted us. If we would have had a rifle it would have been a fairly easy shot as it was only about 175 yards out and it was broadside to us as it trotted across the alfalfa field towards the field road. After we got settled into the ground blind the usual steady stream of Blue Birds, Cardinals, Robins, Chickadees, Nut Hatches, Blue Jays and so on and both Red and Gray squirrels came in to the "pond" for a drink. Around 6:15 some turkeys came in from the North behind us into the opening to the "pond" for a drink. A total of 12 of them cam in. I was able to get a couple of photos of them with my camera. After they all had a drink they went into the corn field to the East. No deer came in.
A little before 7:00 we heard the turkeys jumping into the pines to roost. On our walk out we nearly stepped on a couple of young raccoons. One ran up a nearby tree the other ran into the woods. Here's the view of the turkeys from the ground blind:



I know if had been turkey hunting all we would have seen would have been deer.
Kraig, really nice pic of the Turkeys. You are so right, if you were turkey huntin' you would have only seen deer. Isn't that the way? haha.

Turkeys, reminds me of a scare I had. I once lived down in the raccoon river valley and it was a long winding road down to where I lived and the last turn down was a s curve and just as I got to the curve , two turkey flew up in front of me and I about went straight, right off the road.
I had never experienced them getting up and flying. Heck, at that point in my life, I didnt even know they flew.!! lmao. good grief,they looked like bombers coming out of the ditch. hehehe. My heart went into my stomach and I had to slam on my breaks so I didnt jump the ditch and end up in the pines. this was my first experience living down in the river valley, but I had many a great experience after that.

Good vid Don!

I'm sure the deer was just totally exhausted but instinct says to do what you gotta do to get away. It may have been out there for many hours trying to get up.
Time to wake up this thread.
Picked this up this morning.
10 inch beard,
1 inch spurs,
21 pounds.
There were two gobblers that came up. After my shot, I waited one hour for the other one to leave, and he didn't want to. I finally got tired of waiting and tried to run him off. He still didn't want to leave, so I got my decoys and the turkey and walked off myself, leaving him standing in the edge of the woods looking at me. Let him come back next Saturday and i'll take care of him too.


I could have shot both of them with one shot, but we are allowed only one turkey per day.
