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After 3 weeks of not much action I was able to work 3 different birds today. The first two weren't all that interested. Later in the day around 11 AM I hear this bird that sounds hot and without hens. It's a whole new ball game when the hens are nesting. He came in to me by 11:30

Anyway he's a match to yours: 10 1/2 inch beard and 1 1/4 inch spurs.

Way to go Bruce! Glad you smoked one;a good one at that! I worked another bird hard on our last day;had him so close that when he gobbled I could feel it!He spit 'n drummed for at least 30 minutes...behind a group of sweetgum saplings! Let him go and chased him til noon...he'll be first on the list next year!
When does your season go out? We had a very odd year;some fellow hunters that normally limit out didn't even squeeze on one...
The season in PA runs from April 28th till May 31st. There's a limit on one spring bird unless you purchase a second tag for $20. For now one a season is enough for me. With the warm weather we had in March, everything has been about a month ahead of schedule here. I saw birds strutting with hens the last week of March. April was colder and I didn't see much activity during April.

Last year we had a cold wet spring and the hatch wasn't good. There were few young birds around in the fall which means not many two year olds for the spring. Most of the birds this spring were 3 year olds which are much more demanding about the lady friends they seek out. I'm the only one that has a bird on my brother's farm this year. My two cousins have had some action, but haven't been able to get a shot at one.

My brother mowed into two nests while mowing hay last week. He was able to save 6 eggs from the one nest to hatch out.
Kraig,,,,What kind of food plot do you have for them rabbits????
Shultzie, that's a nice buck. Looks to be a nice symmetrical 10 point. I sure hope one of the 3 or 4 bucks currently hanging around my place will stay around come hunting season...
Kraig and Shultzie-- Those are some nice looking bucks! How come they never seem to be quite as plentiful during hunting season? Or if they are, its in the middle of the night!!!
awesome night view pics Kraig. Those bucks look like their doing a little bit of play. I love these kind of photo's.!!

I like this photo, two bucks in the food plot during (barely but still at a legal time) hunting hours.
Tomorrow evening my daughter and I are headed out to do a little bow hunting. Hopefully she will get a chance to try out her new bow, it's a Mission Riot.


I want the one on the right.


I agree with Jeff. It makes me want to open up a can of deer meat, and I just ate!

You had better spray down good before you go into the woods. I got a deer tick off my shoulder a few weeks ago, and it was the size of the period at the end of this sentence.
Nice bucks.....I so missed our opening morning today
I am so ready to go bowhunting this year,but im still looking for some private woods closer to where I live now .
Any other areas of the country having large deer die offs from the EHD virus ? I've got a really bad dead animal odor from the area just to the north of my house and I'm betting I'll find one there.. Not seeing any where near the usual deer traffic through my yard - not getting woke up in the middle of the night by the driveway motion detectors going off and not seeing any wheres near the normal number of bright eyes when driving at night..
Here in Iowa the deer have been tested with that wasting disease. It was as close as Wisconsin and is now in Iowa. so scarey. of the 5 deer they tested 4 had the disease. Is that the EHD virus you are talking about? not sure.

wouldn't that make it riskier to eat deer meat with these diseases hitting the deer population?

I read at some preserve, people are only allowed to take out the antlers and clean hides, nothing else. I believe that was here in Iowa.
