Hello all so i am brand new to the forum still trying to figure out how and where to post to get results. That being said I have a 1972 Ih cub cadet 127 hydrostatic tractor with a sears suburban bucket loader on it. have spent quite a few dollars replacing main parts and now I did something stupid and lent it out. well, they put it back instead of telling me it was there they just parked it in my tent and left it...well I found out why 6 weeks later when i needed 1st off I don't use this a lot but when needed it's there. (so, i take it out and have to pump up tire which by the way is new) so after about 4 mins tire is dead now this may sound stupid but please keep in mind im a newbie all the way around never had any kind of tractor growing up or even as an adult until moving here and buying stuff so im not sure if the dead tire is causing the issue or something else so it's weird because it's like all of a sudden my steering wheel is free floating but not turning the wheels so I look at it and as your sitting on it it's the left knuckle it has a type of steering it comes from the steering wheel and goes down the shaft connects to a gear and there are 3 rods 1 come from gear to top of knuckle and the other comes off bottom of knuckle and goes over to right side to steer that wheel now as I was looking at it I noticed a bolt sticking out of top of knuckle and i tried to turn it. it was what i thought was loose and after trying to turn which it did freely i tried to pull it and low and behold it comes right out but looks to be sheered in half end still in knuckle i know I'm not using correct parts but hoping you all can follow along here. so what I'm needing is info on how this steering actually works how to take knuckle apart (because ive been told i may have to drill it out because there are threads on part that's stuck inside!! so 1st off can a flat tire cause this type of steering to stop working so wheels will not turn?? and how do i take this apart to fix please keep in mind I'm a newbie and a gulf war veteran with p.t.s.d so it may take a little explaining for me to get it
I am attaching a picture of the knuckle as I'm referring to it. Thanks for any and all help and please if I'm posting in wrong place someone please explain how to post on this site and where to post. thanks again