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Burnin' Wood ( and other fuels...)

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Kendell - They may be able to stop Godzilla at their shoreline but they will not be able to stop the <FONT COLOR="ff0000">I</FONT><FONT COLOR="000000">H</FONT> 129 !
Kendell, sorry I stirred him up!
Somewhere around here I've got a drawing of a free standing wood stove I was going to build for the shop. I never could decide what size I needed the fire box so ... I never built it. If I can find the drawing I'll post it.

I need to clear out around my barrel stove in the shop because I don't think I'll be using kerosene again this year.
Dean, now that you mention it it does look like an outhouse from that end. Seeing that it's about 16' long it'd seat 4.
Good News! First day of Firearm Deer season in Michigan (I'm so old I remember when that was the <u>only season</u> for hunting deer). Godzilla mistaken for sick buck - hauled 'im outa the woods with the 129. Dressed out at 20 tons... Notify Japanese Coastal watch that all is OK........
Konnichi wa Kendell, nice shot! Wait, it looks more like he's just suffering from a futsukayoi!

You kill me!

...I bet Kraig is going to be suffering from a few futsukayois himself this weekend!
Kraig McC.,
I like your firewood shelter!
I would like to build something similar, but without side walls and a bit larger. I was thinking of something around 10'deep x 40'long and 7' tall at the back sloped side.

If you don't mind, I have a question pertaining to your firewood storage shelter I'd like to ask...in regards to the first pic you posted on 11-14-07, 8:46am;
Is that a "corrugated rib" on top of your front & rear 'runner' to fit snug & seal the sheeting wavy gaps?
If so, is that wood or plastic or ??
Did you make it or were you able to get that from your hardware store, HD or Lowe's?

Ryan W
Ryan, thanks. That is a manufactured piece that I bought at "Menard's". It is basically a sawn 2x made of pine/fir/hemlock/spruce or whatever wood they had handy.


I built that as as prototype. I might however build the next one twice as deep but still ~16' long as that fits my space nicely, unless I build a barn first, see below. I wanted it to be open enough to allow the wood to dry but not so open that the snow would blow into the stored firewood. I'm tired of dealing with tarps and with snow in my firewood!
The tarps covering the back will get replaced with plywood next summer, the tarps on the front will stay in some fashion but I want to come up with a better way to secure them and to open them. I already mentioned maybe using a cable strung through the the eyelets/grommets on the tarp to make it like a shower curtain. Not sure if that will work or not though.

I'd really like to build a 18'x28' pole barn with a loft and a 14'x28' lean-to off of each side with one of them left partly open for firewood storage and the other lean-to would be horse stalls and a small tack room. The main barn area would be for a workshop and tractor storage and the loft would be for hay and/or general storage. It'd look kind of like this.


Or possibly like one of these:


Kraig - that sure looks easier than cutting them with a sabre saw...
Like your barn design ideas... I really wanted a Gambrel w/side wing, ended up with a standard 30 x 40 with a 16 x 40 internally opened leanto. I'm still happy w a 40 x 46, but woulda liked that full second story (too tall for the wife's taste, and since it sets in front of the house, she has to look at it every time she looks out the front windows....)

Oh and it's a .177 Godzilla killer (.122 ??? Brain fade..)
Kraig McC.,
Thanks for clarifying that for me!

What is its purpose?
I can see if you were trying to make it totally "bug proof" or such, as it would provide a type of seal, but for a wood shed, I don't see the benefit of using it.
It may assist in holding the sheet steel from 'working' on a windy day, but if it's nailed tight, I'd think it would stay put, correct?

It also looks like you had to add to the top of the remaining "rafters" to build it up to the same height - to allow the sheet steel to set down on them without a gap (caused by the extra height of the "wavy strip"? If that was the case, maybe what a fella could do is rip the front and rear 2x6 to, say, 4.5" or so to allow for the extra height of the wavy strip.....

(Please don't interpret my questioning as criticism, I'm just trying to understand what you did & learn why. I am NO WAY any type of builder!)
Ryan W
Ryan - He'd had to have ripped 9 boards to do what you're thinking. As to why he did it, look @ the November 14, 2007 - 08:46 am second down pic = no rain or snow entry.

Kendell - I canceled my .122 pellet order ;)
Kendell, you can say that again! I cannot imagine cutting them with a saber saw... I can't take credit for any of the barn designs. I did make up my own plans based on that first barn. I bought the plans for that one as I wanted a starting point for the design I had in mind. That one is 18x24 and the proportions just don't look right, 18x28 to me looks right, not to mention it'd have more space for Cubs!
What, only a .177? Godzilla's a wimp!

Ryan, no criticism taken.
That's not a steel roof it's a fiberglass roof which is no where near as ridged as steel so the ripple strips are necessary. Yes, there are also half rounds that run down the rafters, again, the fiberglass panels are not ridged enough to do without it. I should also mention that I put down a bead of silicone caulk before I placed the panels and between the panels where they overlap. I didn't want any rain or moisture getting through or around my roof!!!! So far it has worked perfectly. It's built loose enough around the edges of the rafters to allow it to breath nicely. Notice in the 4th pic down in my November 14, 2007 - 08:46 am post how the plywood end goes up into the rafters slightly, allows enough air to flow through for drying but not enough to get any rain or snow into the shelter.

KENtucky, yep!
Well of course!
I didn't even consider that it was FG sheeting, and not steel sheeting!

(and yet, folks, he steps back in the ring to receive yet even more head-thumpin' action...)

You mentioned that, "I might however build the next one twice as deep but still ~16' long..."

How deep is this shelter, ~6'?
It appears that the posts are 4"x6" & may be 6' apart (front to rear) and 8' apart (side-center-side) and 7'high at the back side?

Are your stringers (from post to post, front & rear) 2x8s and the 9 rafters (setting on the stringers) 2x6s set with maybe a 12" slope (front to rear) using 10' FG sheeting?

How far are the posts in the ground - 3ft?
Did you concrete them in or just backfill with dirt?

Thanks for the ideas & pointers!
Ryan W
Kendell - How's the coffee pot heater workin fer ya ?
What's the GPM on your circulating pump ?
I'm still thinking about building one but with my 1150 sq.ft. I wouldn't need much more than a garbage can burn chamber and a 55 gallon barrel jacket ;) of course it'd be nice to have the 1500 sq.ft. garage heated too.

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