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Archive through September 27, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Kraig -

Nowadays, I can see how some folks might resist that phrase as being politically incorrect

Ooohhh! <font color="aa00aa">Purple!</font>

<font size="-2">Not that they'll read it...</font>

Well, I just got permission to reprint from Mary Herbers. Apologies to those that got their inboxes stuffed with a 3MB preview attachment

The following article was "reprinted" with permission of Mary and the Little G newsletter (September 2004 edition). A very interesting read. You'll need the free Acrobat Reader, of course...

How The Cubette Happened

Feel free to repost this link wherever appropriate, giving credit to the Little G folks, of course!

<font size="-2">The inability to print, select/copy text/images, and edit the document is intentional and part of the agreement</font>
Good reading! Thanks Bryan for getting the permission to post that article.
...just as I get it downloaded over the 28k connection...

Thanks! ...and great reading!
Has anybody here ever bought the el cheapo chop saws off ebay? I normally don't "buy cheap", but at $9.99, I gotta think it doesn't matter if I go through a few.

Got the welder, but the 4.5" angle grinder doesn't cut it for cutting 1/4" stock!

Angle grinder???? How about a Saw's-All...much faster and cleaner.
Art, don't bother. My Dad buys that cheap crap. The brushes don't last 30 seconds when you start working them. Put the $10 plus $49.99 shipping toward a name brand!!
I just bought a container of Hytran from a Case dealer and noticed that it is called Hytran Ultra. Is it the same as the old Hytran? I use it in my 149 and 129.
Ultra is the only Hytran available at my Case dealer. Good stuff. About 40 bucks for 5 gals (with tax). I've been using it for 3 years now. I have some Ultran Plus but it looks kinda old. Kenny
Okay Gentlemen

What is the difference between HyTran and HyTran Ultra? Is regular HyTran still available? Can HyTan Ultra be used in our Cubs?

Can someone please expand on this?


Maybe Aprostle Ken will post on the HyTran issue but the HyTran Plus was a reformulated version of the straight HyTran and had some small modifications, I think to allow it to be used with the wet clutch packs in the C/IH Magnum series tractors. Another small change resulted in the HyTran Ultra. It's still the same great stuff We're supposed to use in All Our Cub Cadets. It mixes with each other fine in Our applications. Steve B probably also has the scoop on this as well.

I bought a DeWalt at TSC a few years ago for $79 (I think)...It's the lighter duty DeWalt line, but still better than the no-name import junk.

Myron B.

I'll see what I can do on the 3100 literature.
So. Is it safe to sandblast a tranny? Its assembled just off the tractor. Going to be repainting in the next 2 weeks here.
My personal preference to clean the transaxle housing is to strip it bare, then bring it to someone who bakes out engine blocks. Don't know why, but the paint comes off the outside, but not the sealer on the inside. Usually snadblasters have a minimum charge, most guys that clean cylinder blocks will only charge $10-$15 (at least that's my experience)
Noooooo! Do NOT sandblast a tranny that's fully assembled! If you don't want to take it apart, I'd just run some chemical stripper over it to get most of the paint off and go from there, but do not sandblast a fully assembled tranny...

FWIW, I dissassembled the tranny on the Plow Special so I could have the case sandblasted, but it was a LOT more work than was necessary and I won't do that again. <font size="-2">Live and learn I guess..</font>

(Message edited by aaytay on September 28, 2004)
In a word, no. The sand will get in there. I surface sanded mine and then wiped it down to prime and paint. It is not worth the risk of getting sand in the tranny.....
Hytran History 101....(cliff notes verison). Hytran was introduced in 1958. It has been improved thru the years several times as refining and additive packages have been developed.

After IH & Case merged in 1985, Hytran Plus was developed. This was formulated to be compatible in IH AND Case equipment. Hytran Ultra was devloped when a new additive package (corrosion, anti foaming at high temps) was made in the 1990's.

Hytran Ultra, Hytran Plus and Hytran can all be used in Cub Cadets. Dexron Type A, Type F or ATF CAN NOT be used with out damage to the trans.

HyTran Ultra is availible in regular, cold temp and synthetic formulations. These three versions should cover EVERY operating application a Cub Cadet could be exposed to.

A really nice oil can bank (from First Gear Toys) marking the 45TH anniversary of HyTran is availible at better IH dealers right now.
looking to upgrade the diff in my 106/loader, last year i broke the carrier and a couple weeks ago broke the right axle, will a diff from say X82 series fit and is it any better than what i've got in there already?