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Archive through September 23, 2009

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Tony H.
I've had pretty good luck with Tucker Tire, they have a storefront on that big auction site I will not name. Most of the tires are Carlisles, they might not be top grade but they are pretty much ubiquitous these days. Just got a set of Tri-Ribs for my spare set of front rims. Had them in 2 days, and prices were competitive even with shipping with prices at TSC etc.
Quite some time ago I saw a list of cub cadet, and other tractors, wheel weights with pictures. Where can I find that file if it is still available? Thanks.
Tony H.;
Any tire distributer SHOULD be able to order them for you.The same type of tires are used on equipment like trenchers and such.
Bobby B.
Josh, those cracks are from the big exhaust pipe you had on there....maybe...
I got a start on my 147 project this evening. Partial teardown and inspection.

I found balance gears after oil pan removal. I was surprised(I don't know why) how loose on the shaft the bottom gear was. They are coming out before this engine runs again! This is the first Kholer larger than a 12hp(K301) that I have torndown. It is interesting the diff's when you jump to a 14hp(K321) For what it is worth, I am taking pic's of diff's between my project engine and a parts 12hp if any are interested...
Keith L. from your post of the "O"s you brought home. The red one appears to have a much longer manual lift handle than the yeller one. What am I missing?
Brendan B.,
Thanks for the link. Just what I was looking for.
Thomas, One is all the way back the other is forward. They both show about the same distance between the grip and the top of the handle. I bet their the same.