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Archive through September 23, 2009

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Hello Guys - I was working on the driveshaft of my 149 trying to separate it from the coupler that bolts to the engine. I had it in a vice and long story short, I broke the 1/4" dowel. I then discovered this dowel was in fact exactly that, a dowel and not a coiled roll pin. Can I go back with a coiled roll pin instead? I've learned not to question IH and their proven ways but why a dowel here instead of a pin? Is there a shear factor at this point? The dowel seemed to break fairly easily. Also, are there any secrets to getting these dowels in? I had to heat the shaft a little to get the rest of the broken dowel out. It would not budge with just a punch and hammer.

Thanks in advance
Wayne; acording to the parts lookup above that driveshaft needs a dowell pin in front and a spring pin in the other end. However i have used the spring pin on both ends and havent had a problem.
Wayne S.-

I think the reason for that hardened pin is that it stays in there better...I've tried spirol pins, but they fall out. That hardened pin isn't very likely to fall out. Plus, it's stronger than the spirol pin. Because it's in a slot instead of a tight hole, it's going to get beat up more than the pins in the rear, so once again, the hardened pin will be better. The spirol pins crack and fall to pieces.

Nick H.-

Junk the balance gears. Somewhere I read Kohler recommended them to be removed from new short blocks before installation.
Thanks Luther H. and Matt G. for guiding me once more through my CC ignorance. Matt, if the dowels are suppose to be held stronger are they difficult to install? Should I heat the shaft first? As I mentioned, I had to heat it just to remove the small bit left after both sides were broken. I would use a roll pin but I can see how IH added strength by using the dowel. I don't want to purchase a dowel and break it while trying to get it installed.

Thanks, Wayne

I've had to heat the shaft up to get them in there before. You can also put the pin in the freezer, and it'll practically fall in there.
Thanks Matt - That sounds like a good idea with the freezer as well. I hope your studies are going well.

I haven't been on here for some time. Life gets in the way sometimes. Anyway, our local show was this past weekend. I didn't take as many this year(I didn't want to go get my big trailer). Although I did bring 2 more home...

SN, 30,xxx

SN 17,xxx


And here was my setup at the show

I bought them on Thursday and got the yellow one running on Friday. Runs really nice with no smoke. The red one is supposed to run, but is minus a wiring harness to try. After putting a little more gas in the tank of the yellow one it started pouring gas out of the carb. I drained the gas from the tank and left it. When I got them home I found the float had a crack in it. I took the float from the red Cub and put on the yellow Cub and it's fine now. So I need to get another float before I can try and start the red one.

(This page was kind of boring without any pics. I thought I'd liven things up a bit)
Davin, first off welcome!
Yes, CC Specialties is a legitimate company, it is however, a one man/one woman operation and they can get quite busy at times. Also, it is very possible that they are out of town.

Keith, nice finds!
I like the tent.
Matt: It'd be nice if we could get a copy of that Kohler service bulletin and post it in the FAQ's.. It's save going down the same road time after time. Anyone got it???
Nick..You can get another 20 years out of that engine regardless, if by chance something goes wrong with the grenade gears there will be a big picture window in the block. Chuck em....

Josh...Believe me it's not by choice ! My back is wrecked. Been to 3 surgeons and they all tell me two disks need to be removed but the surgery is no good and will end up worse off. Some days I feel pretty good but when I don't I can barely move. It affects my right leg so bad that if I bump into something or lightly brush a table or something I will end up on the floor.

This little problem has slowed down progress a lot on FrankenCub, heck it should have been done by now but I am slowly working on it. I need to finish painting my cab before cold weather shows up. Got most of it primed then ran out of primer. Hopefully my back will relax a little this week as we have some nice weather coming so I can finish it.
Nice finds. I also like your tent. I guess you're not going to Fredericktown this weekend. Set up was today with the show tomorrow and Saturday. It's raining now and supposed to rain tomorrow morning with chance of thundershowers Saturday. It might be a wet show this year.
My work sells the media and printing equipment for banners and sign supplies. We have a demo printer in house, so... I had to make one up. I was wanting to get it done for RPRU, but never got around to it.

Here's what it looks like in use.

On the CCO's, one of them is for my wife. She wants it painted up and either fenders or headlights. Jerry B, a headlight hunting we must go!! She figures if she has to go to the shows she may as well have her own Cub. Sad thing right now is I don't have room for these. They're on my back porch at the moment.
No Terry, I can't make Cubarama. I've never been, but really want to go sometime. I'm hoping next year. But may depend on if we go to RPRU in Laporte, IN.

Thanks for the compliments on the banner everyone.
Mark G. (Mgerecke) This may be too late to help you, but I've been working on a writeup on how I remove the front PTO and the basket pulley (starter generator pulley) behind it. I just finished it this morning and posted it on my website (cubcadetman.com). I haven't had time to edit it yet, but maybe it can help you out. Hope it helps.
Way cool!

<font size="-2">Let me know if you ever run out of tractor images to run tests with..</font> LOL!

I think it's cool that "Mrs. Keith" wants her own Cubbie. Both my wife and daughter could care less about my tractors. Both a curse and a blessing I guess..

Nice website...
Where do you guys all find your ag tires? I have turf tires on my 1650, but I sure like the looks of the ag tires. I'd like to have a set for those times when they're needed.
Well here are the "new" pics of my exaust pipe and the support...



And now some questions: I am in the process of getting a clutch plate for my 100. After i got the grill, engine, and clutch plate out, I noticed that the front mounting holes where the bolts for the front grill are, there are cracks around them. I have never seenthem on any other tractor before. on each side there is a crack where the frame bends and goes up and where the bolts holes are. I have them marked in the pics. Is this from vibration or the rear bolts(if you are sitting on the tractor) for the grill are loose and the put stress on the frame?


The engine is leaking oil from the breather,but the oil level isnt going down. It dont make sense. The engine has been sitting on the floor for about one and a hlaf to two weeks and look at all of the oil on the floor. Any explanations
