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Archive through September 22, 2006

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Oct 25, 2005
Brian Branstetter
Is it neccessary to have a creeper for snow throwing ? I've looked at them before but was unsure if my 122 would run one well. Just curious.
Jim C. Maybe others will agree...did you take a jumper cable from the battery direct to the starter motor to see if it spins at all? If nothing else could help your morale if it spins. Next could be to jumper from battery to start terminal on start relay.
ED HALL - You may find the helicoil kit costs more than a head for Your K-241. Me being the stubborn person I am When I stripped the threads on a head on a K301 (same as a K241 head) I drilled & tapped the head for 18 mm threads and used a Champion D9 plug. The reach is 1/2" instead of 7/16" like the H-10 but a little work with a Dremel made it work.
This might be a stupid question but can I use an 8" single bottom plow on my 147 instead of a 10" plow? I'm wondering if the furrow would be wide enough with an 8" for the wheels to track when I go to plow the next furrow, or, if there would be a slice of unplowed earth between furrows.
Ray L.
A 8" Brinly moldboard plow will work behind a cub cadet 147.
However you will need to make some adjustments such as moveing the plow hitch over ( see Brinly plow set up direction for more info)
Also you will need to change your rear tires if you are running anything more than a 23-8.50-23, a 6-12 tire works best when useing an 8" moldboard plow.
The following is how I set up my tires depending on which moldboard plow I plan on useing.
Tires// Moldboard plow size
6-12-23 // 8"
23-8.50-23// 10"
23-10.50-23// 12"
I got this advice from my father, "always use a size narrower tire than the width of your moldboard plow"
It has yet to fail me, and my tries do not ride up on the previous plowed furrow.
Allen S. I've done that I put on the old soleniod this morning when I put the jumper cable onthe battery side I accidentally touched the negative post and the starter began working so with an extra ignition switch I ran wires between the 2 terminals and it worked fine . I turned the regular ignition switch on during this in case it ran but it didn't. At least I've made some progress.
Interesting formula used by your father. As I was reading your answer and read the word adjustment my brain immediately scanned in the various holes on the front of the hitch and the instructions of the plow manual. <font size="-2">If you were listening carefully, you probably heard me say "duh, Leo!"

</font>The reason I ask is because my garden is pretty dense clay. Last year I blew out a clutch on the 124 plowing my neighbors garden and I'm not sure I want to start wrenching on a slushie. So maybe an 8" would lighten the load. Just more passes. . .
Ray L
I hear you on the heavy clay soil.
Here in Wis. where I am the soil is heavy clay and rocks with maybe 4 inches of somewhat black soil.
I use a 8" plow to turn sod and for spring time plowing. I use a 10" in the fall, reason for this is the soil is lose enough yet from all the cultivating I do during the summer growing season.
Brian B. you do not have to have a creeper, but you might be riding the clutch alot. Try to stay with a 36inch thrower and you should be fine. Your 122 will do just fine.
Another thing I learned from my father about running a narrower tire than the moldboard plow you are useing is you can make fine adjustments to as how the plow is doing by the placement of your tires in the furrow.
Run your wheel on the back of the previous furrow to make a narrower cut in heavy soil or next to the furrow wall to get full cut in light soil, these adjustments are easy to do just by watching how the furrow is turning over and how diffacult or easy it is to pull your plow.
brian b- Should be ok lol, ill find out this winter with my 128 once i get the blower working properly
Dennis, thanks for the suggestion. I had not thought of that. Would washers put on the sparkplug work to reduce the reach? I would rather not carve anything out of the block to make more room. The compustion chamber is big enough already.
Hi all . New user here , Retoring the old original ,I have looked at some of the decals on line . which is best ? is there an entire kit including the dash? If I could figure out how , I would post photo's of it and my super A
David Clinansmith
Thanks for showing us your 682 with the new tire/wheel setup! It looks good from here. What tires do you have on the front end?
I tried to go to BoB's page , however it said page could not be found ? who knows probably me computer illiterate and all . I liked those decals and need them all . any other advice ? I want the best ones available .