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Archive through September 21, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Steve B., nice find!!! What you going to mount that onto? What model is that, it looks different than this one?


Richard, your yard looks like a pool table, nice!
Guys, I think I got a problem. I've had a 149 for a few years which I plan to build a FEL/backhoe for and dedicate it to that purpose. So I got a 782 to mow the lawn, and chip away at the exposed rocks when I mow the lawn. I'm picking up another 149 next week for my dentist friend in town, but now I'm thinking maybe I'll keep it and use it haul firewood in the utility trailer, or permanently attach the tiller and blade to it. So it seems I'm going down the path of buying a CC for each piece of equipment. My wife doesn't know this yet, but what can she say: for every 3 months of her horse's board I can spend the same and get another Cadet! Seems fair to me.
Roy, problem?, I don't see any problem... Many have dedicated tractors for their various implements. It saves the time of swapping implements around, not to mention if you have the implements unmounted they are kind of hard to move around and they are always in the way. If they are mounted onto a Cub you can just start the Cub up and move it. The only potential problem I see is your dentist friend won't be happy with you if you keep the 149. Be careful if he's your dentist, can you say "future root canal"? :eek:)
Gentleman. Thanks for the advice on the wiring harness. This is my first restore and "WOW" am I proud of her. I don't want to screw this up. I've been holding back the pictures of her, but you're gonna be in awe, hopefully. Gonna take on the Original in the garage after this is done, and then a 48 Farmall Cub.
I talked to one of the teachers at my school today says he has a 782 diesel. Told me i can come look at it and make an offer. What kind of stuff should i look for with a diesel. <font color="ff0000"><font size="-2">Remember, no appraisals here...</font></font> All opinions welcome? Still new to the buying scene so all help is welcome.

I agree with you. This way I can tell my wife that the "experts" say this is the right way to go. As for my dentist friend, he doesn't yet know I'm getting this second 149. Maybe I'll have to find a third to offer him. Seems that when you look for something you can't find it, then later on it pops up. For example, I bought the second 149 from a guy within reasonable driving distance from me (RI to eastern Penn). Two weeks later a 149 in great condition, with all sorts of implements, is advertised in my town newspaper. Not having the cash I didn't call - it's sold now BTW. I guess I need to set up an emergency IH-CC aquisition fund and keep it handy.
Roy, a well stocked CCF (Cub Cash Fund) is a good thing. Good to hear that the root canal is not likely in your future. :eek:)
My wife thinks that the implements get "worn out" if you take them off/put them on too many times.<font size="-2">hint, hint...</font>
OK boys and girls, it's obvious that we need to explicitly state at the top of the page <font size="-2">not that anyone's gonna read it</font> that we're not the BBB here. If you have a problem with a vendor, sponsor, or whatever, this is NOT the place to resolve it.

Try spending a few quarters and call the person in question, use e-mail, carrier pigeons, smokesignals, whatever, but DO NOT POST IT HERE OR IN ANY OTHER SUBTOPIC!

Next person that brings up this morning's "discussion" will find themselves suspended. Consider it a "time out." Capiche?

<font size="-2">For those that are interested, the entire "discussion" has been preserved in the <FONT COLOR="ff0000">Democracy of Two&#153;</FONT>'s private topic. And I have a PDF copy just in case.</font>
Art, that wear issue makes me think of the possible personal injury that could occur wrestling with a snowthrower, mower, rotary sweeper, cab, blade, etc. Thanks for the amo for the next time I see a Cub for sale that I need. :eek:)
The funny thing is that she came up with it while watching me wrestle with a tiller, trying to get it into position to put the lower pins in on a hot (90 deg) day.

"Doesn't that stuff wear out with you treating it like that? [Looking up in a dripping sweat] uh...yes honey, why YES...it does!!!!

Since having many Cub Cadets is a good thing, has anyone assembled the complete model collection from the Original, NF, WF, QL, to the 82 series?
Roy N. -

There's a guy up in FAAAAAAR northern WI that prolly has 2 or 3 of each model type
As you probably have seen, I've got the entire 7hp model line up taken care of (picture in my profile), but right now I've run out of attachments/excuses for more cubs.

Who's that?......
Art -

Those from the Voyager days would know him. I'll leave him anonymous here for his sake...
The car/truck salesman I've bought my last 5 or 6 GMC pickups from proudly pulled out the above snapshot of a cub cadet he bought down in the Ozarks.
Fixing double POST

BTW someone asked me here to tell them when I was abot to trade trucks again since I've been trading every year. I'm not ready to trade yet, but my 2003 Sierra is still on the lot and I traded in January. Someone might get a good deal on a nice truck.

(Message edited by jlang on September 23, 2004)