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Archive through October 21, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Thanks for making the decision early. This gives some of us sufficient time to cancel hotel/motel reservations.
I got loaded too this evening. Even power washed Foxtrot.

Well are you coming on the 30th Art and Charlie ?? If so I'm on for the 30th.
Heh, looks like I picked the wrong night to give up amphetemines.

Charlie -

Naw, that's not the middle of the street, that's the middle of NOWHERE
Hey Shirley!
I'm waitin to see if Art & Ken U are gonna show up to swap iron with Eric L from Michigan.
If no one else is gonna do any tradin, maybe we all could meet up some where north of PD that would closer for everyone and do the deed, so to speak.
Galena maybe??? Nice day trip. I'm open to suggestions. Maybe a swap and munch kind of thing, grab a bit to eat while setteling up accounts so to speak.
I've got an idea,
How bout anyone that has something they need to drop off or pick up, post over on the PD page and we'll see what can be figured out. Galena would be OK with me but bad for others, Rockford maybe?
Hell, I don't care, I just want out of the freakin house this weekend!!!!!
The wife's stayin home!

UNLESS! Steve B has a better idea or plan, I'm easy & cheap!

(Message edited by cproctor on October 21, 2004)
Another post about snowblowers

Will a 190-451-100 2 stage snowblower fit a 129 without mods?

I was quickly looking thru the archives and I saw your 122 that you posted on Oct 17th. I'm just now starting to look for tires for my 123 and 149. Can you tell me what kind they are and where you bought them? Thanksabunch
Bart M,
You shoulda went through slow, grin
I posted later that the 122 belonged to Dan Hoefler. I dunno what kinda tires those are, but I'm sure someone here does, and will tell us. ;-p
Iron swap talk over on the plow day page.....talk now or forever park your truck & trailer.....
AAAAwwwwe son-of-a-Beeeaaatch!!!!!

I guess I'll see ya on the 30th.
<font size="+2">Transportation of Equipment - Plow Day</font>

If the date change caused anyone to "miss" a hauling deal I will offer the following as a means of helping out.

I will make an effort to be available on Saturday AM (8-10AM or so)if you would like to drop something off at the PD site for pickup next week. Please use the following procedure if you need to do this:

Email me (see profile for email) using the subject <font size="+2">"Plow Day Drop Off"</font> before <font size="+2">5PM Friday</font>. Include a short message that describes your drop-off/pick-up needs, and what time (between 8AM and 11AM) you expect to show up. You MUST include ALL of your contact information. Tag your items with all of the contact information for both parties (drop-off & pick-up) and include all of this in the email. Please make sure both parties agree to this arrangement BEFORE emailing me.

I can't promise whatever you bring will be kept inside, nor can or will I accept responsability for anything that might happen to it (not responsible for lost/damaged/stolen/blah,blah,blah items), but I can do my best to help you out with any needs. Pre-paid items only (I'm not getting in the middle of anyones deals, etc.)

I'm just throwing this out in-case tonights rain day decision throws a real wrench in anyone's plans.

Charlie.....I sent Eric an email, am awaiting reply. The Rochelle, IL. Petro works for good me. I'd say meet from 6 am to 12 noon in the front parking lot to give folks a time window to work with.

Anyone else....Art?......Bueller?....Anyone?.....
Kraig and I are going to be there on the 30th for sure, I've got lots of iron that's gotta get delivered!

Great job on the 122!