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Archive through October 14, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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782D, <u>Nuf said!</u>

My next favorite tractor is my Red 120 (converted 100 with a 12hp.). Reliable 3 speed "Grinder", startes every time, runs, handles great, and I really like the 70/100 styling.

Next would be the 582. IH proven 3 speed, 16hp. twin under the hood that produces power up the ying-yang (yes, I know it's not a Kohler, but very impressive at the PD's), lots of room for us "Upper body strength" type guys, and the 82 looks. Have I ever said that I like gear drives?
Sorry Hugh,

It just kind of slipped out. I would say that a 149 has to be a good all around tractor.

I love\hate my 682. When it is running I love it, when it's giving me problems I hate the thing and curse Kohler engineering on the KT series engines.

A 100 is fun BTDT, but if you can only have one, a 149 would be the ticket. The 682, 782, 782D are sweet machines......
I'm just curious which will pull better, gear or hydro.

Hmm, or maybe any gear drive that's got a diesel in front of it?

(Message edited by rmunday on October 16, 2004)
As much as I like my geardrives, the hydro lift is the best option availble for ANY tractor.

I really like my 71 w/12hp..I can plow 10" deep with my 10" plow. Ask Keith, it has guts.

I still would like to have a Super Diesel geardrive...
Ryan's right - the 71 with the 12hp is a blast!
Started weighting up the ATV tires for the 1659 for plow day after I got the yard work done today. I'm thinking that if life deals you a lemon, make lemonade. So, since the K341 shakes so bad, I think I could make strawberry dacquiris (sp?) while I plow. Shaken, not stirred. Bond, James Bond.
My favorite all around work tractor. Do I even need to say it?

I would say that once I get my 169, <font size="+2">maybe</font> the 169 will be my favorite all around work tractor. BTW, did I say <font size="+2">maybe</font> clear enough?

(Message edited by jrichardson on October 16, 2004)
Okay... gotta apologize for not posting this past week. Been twelve hour days at work this past week. I asked a couple of people about the idler spring for the hydro and a chance at getting Sauer's part number for it. The reply I kept getting was that it would not do anyone any good since it isn't a number that anyone could crossover. Since the part is still available from John Deere and other users of that partiular pump then it is best to get the part from those sources. I asked if someone were to purchase a John Deere implement relief spring for a 140 and then contact a manufacturer of springs (couldn't get their supplier name and didn't want to get in trouble by getting it on my own) and ask that company if they make a spring that meets the same specifications of the spring. That is if someone has the specifications already or the manufacturer can come up with specs by using one or two of the JD spring for comparision purposes. The only spring company I can think of and I don't remember where they are located is P.J. Spring Co. . They were one of the suppliers at a former place of employment. I hope this makes sense to everyone.

I ran the 104 for awhile today and and now I don't have any power and just a lot of smoke. The two hours of run time on an oil change is now black and yuck oil. Good thing mowing season is almost over.
I've only got 4. The 149 is the best all around and esaiest to use. The 120 is the most fun and would pull up a tree if it could get the traction. The original is best for show. The 129 mows my lawn.
The one that's been gutted and scrapped, or parked out in a 'used' lot for an exorbitant price... is clearly inferior.

The better Cub Cadet is clearly the one you're looking at, or working on in your garage.

But the VERY BEST Cub Cadet, is the one that's under your butt when the throttle gets shoved forward, the implement engages ground, or the drawbar gets pulled tight.

BTW- Loader-Mutt came back from the hydraulics shop on Friday afternoon. It'll take about a week of attention before ready for firin' up and seating'o the rings... and I probably won't have the turning-brakes figured out and done, and I probably won't have all the paint done, but I hafta get it at least operational and driveable before Thanksgiving... I'll work out the details later.

In the meantime, I've managed to get the big lathe and mill in their general operating locations. Need to get a rotary converter rigged up, remove one big workbench, put the bandsaw and drill press back in working locations, and put wheels on the 20T press so we can use the garage for (at least) the wife's car... PLUS, I have to fab a replacement for that great sleeve-hitch I made last spring- traded it off for some badly-needed Loader-Mutt parts... <sigh>. 'salright, though- I'm sure it won't break! :-}

Nick and I'll see 'yall at PLOW DAY! (Where's the Iron Skillet, btw?)
Best work tractor-Obviously everybody is going to be partial to what they own or what they grew up with. Some guys swear by brand X because they just don't know any better. Guys who do own Cubs know they have a good thing going,if the tractor is in good mechanical condition and the owner has some common sense about maintenance and how to hook up attachments,etc. However,if you look at horsepower,torque,options,reliability(short and long term),fuel consumption and ride quality one will sooner or later most likely come to the conclusion that the diesels have the entire package. That is in no way demeaning any of the others and is not an entry in a pissing contest. I have owned MANY Cubs,and I only have one now. I know for a fact that the Kohler is by FAR the best single cylinder engine ever made,and that the Cubs are by FAR the best garden tractor ever made. But,to answer the original question about "what is the best work tractor?". If you get a Cub you are light years ahead just by having done that. What model it is really doesn't matter.
Damn Kevin,
You sound like you've converted over to being a philsopical none procrastinating human being, So what's the matter with ya son!!!!
I see your using the aluminum trailer. Be sure to disconnect the auto-eject feature before departing for plow day. :eek:)
Missing my Massey...
Hey Guys,

I converted my 1250 from non ported to ported etc.
everything came off a 1450.
How should my lift cylinder react when working the lift lever (possitions etc.)

There doesn't appear to be any down pressure, just gravity down.
Paul D:

You should have down pressure at the cylinder, however "float" is built into the linkage between the cylinder and the rockshaft and rear lift if you have one. To get downpressure at the implement you need a "float lockout pin" installed in the linkage piece attached to the cylinder, where it engages the rockshaft. If you have no downpressure at the cylinder inself, then something is wrong.
Does anybody have, or has anybody made a grader attachment (Center mounted blade) for a cub? How well do they work for leveling dirt or gravel driveways? Are the cubs heavy enough? TIA