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Archive through November 24, 2009

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Don T.: This is kind of where I was when you called:

It may be putting lipstick on a pig, but it's a starting point. I'm using Fisher Plow rattle can paint, and it's close enough for me. Besides, Fisher Plow is made in Maine (I think). Whatever

It'll fit but it's technically not the correct seat....you need one of the white padded fiberglass seats.
As far as ags vs atv's dont forgot that there are probably as many different types of atv tires than there are car tires...

I found these recently and really like em. They have the ag style tread and looks but instread of solid bars they are hollow which would give you a lot more bite on harder surfaces (kinda like siping I would think). And they are avaiable in different sizes so I can go taller like 26" but still only 10" wide so they would fit my current rims and probably wouldnt be too wide for my plows either. The local tire guy says all he has in 26" is 12" wide so I might try these atv ones:

What were the BIG ag tires on the CC 70 someone posted a while back? I want a pair for my new 73.
Tristan Stewart
My atv has mud light tires on it now and they are a close to the print you show in your post. I find the traction is great BUT with so much spacing between the treads the ride is choppy when going slow. Plus they will dig a hole real fast in soft soil. I can`t drive over my lawn because the atv has a positive lock rearend and will remove chunks off my lawn on a small turn. Just a few things to think about. later Don T
What's the ply rating on those ag-looking ATV tires? I like 'em. What do they cost and where can I get 'em?
Rob, is there a particular subject or photo you are looking for? I do have LOTS of photos from the various Plow Days.
Kraig McConaughey "Keeper of the Photos"
I`am waiting to see the pictures of the 169 Digger rebuilt, He told me did finish it and he must have posted something lol. I love pictures of fresh paint... :later Don T
You putz!

I told ya the other night on the phone that I never posted pics of it.
I had planned on taking pics after it's maiden voyage around the block, but the rear end shot craps, so I took it apart to change the rear end and it never got put back together.
Don, will photos of TWO restored 169s suffice?
Here are Jim Chabot's and Harry "Hydro Harry" Bursell's restored 169s. Harry did some subtle customizing to his. The first 8 photos are of Hydro Harry's 169, the last 3 are of both his and Jim's 169s. From my forum archives circa 2001:











WOW, there are a couple'a names not heard here for a long time.. They are both the type that puts the FAN in FANATIC! Miss seeing them post too! Thanks for the pics Kraig!
Geez Don, ya woke the Bear up and he ain't happy...

Digger's got the old busman's holiday (shoemaker's kids, mechanic'c car) problem - no time to work on Cubs..

Kraig - and you think the 125's are the best looking??? Man those 169's are nice! (Come back Harry and Jim - it's the holidays, time for family reunions!. Good seeing McGiver pop up, too)
Here's 3 more of Jim's 169. The top two are during the restoration, note that there are not any tail lights installed.



Kendell, well, yes, however I would find room in the shed for a 169 if one were to come into my possession for cheap.
Well Charlie if I was close to your area I would be there to put that 169 back together for you. lol
Just when do you plan on doing it???? lol

Thanks those are 2 FINE looking tractors I think. I do hope to have a 169 some day. Maybe I can buy Charlies as he has to much to do to finish his.

Scott Tanner

You are doing a great job there and please keep posting pictures .

If this keeps up (cubs) i`ll have to build another Cub storage building here because I won`t let them sit out in the weather.I`am looking at putting a add on to my garage 12' wide and 30' long .I have priced the steel roofing and made a list of material to do it, but I keep putting it off for another project.(know what I mean hehehe)
later Don T

Should I disasemble/inspect my 149 hydro before painting and reinstalling in frame or take a chance that it works OK? I don't have any history on the tractor.
Don: You can have a 169 without taking up any more room. Find a K341 for your 149.

Bill: taking into consideration that these hydros are practically bullet-proof and that unless you have the service manual, a clean place to work, and want to see what one looks like inside, I'd recommend just puting it back in. I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya!
Bill Benham,

I would replace all the seals, I purchased a used hydro,installed it,then found out that i had leaks on the swash plate shafts. I had to remove replace the seals & then reinstall--