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Archive through November 02, 2008

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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To all:

The last time I was on here about a month ago, I was in the middle of redoing my 102. My life has taken a detour for a while after suffering a seizure and the subsequent discovery of a brain tumor. I'm down in Raleigh staying with my brother and his family while I'm being treated at Duke, and will likely be here for the next several months. While I will be away from home and my projects for a while, I'll have a chance to bond with my niece and nephew, and maybe spend a little time checking out some of the projects everyone else is working on.

I'm at one of the best places in the world for treatment of this type of illness, and although my prognosis is unncertain I have good reason for optimism at this point in my treatment, and I give thanks for the support that my family, friends, and coworkers have provided me during this difficult time.
Get better soon! We need to hear how that 102 comes out..... We'll all be pulling for you!
Thanks for the up-date....my thoughts and prayers are for you and your recovery...God's Speed.
Hang in there. At least you'll have plenty of time for web Cubbin'. Gives us all more reasons to post pics and stories for you to read and keep your spirits up. Chin up old boy! Hop a virtual Cub and ride on!
Well i scored today. I found this and i would say that it will only fit a narrow frame Cub? I have to bring the blower home later and will post on it. I think the 147 is up to this job with chains and 75 lbs plastic weights. Later Don T
Bruce: I'll chime in with well-wishes, too. Here's the front of Keith's virtual Cub.
Slant Tongue.gif
thank you guys for the help i have emailed the seller asking for the serial number and pics do you guys think this would be worth buying and restoring and also useing it to plow some snow here and there?
I am having problems I believe with charging the battery on my 129. Bought a new battery because i thought the old one was dead. After about 5 starts over a 2 week period with the new battery its now dead. What should I do first to start trouble shooting? Thanks, Dustin
Bruce, Sorry to hear of your recent health problem. I hope you get the best treatment possible and make a speedy recovery. Scott

I hope you recover and remain surrounded by people who love you.

I would check the regulator, that might be out of adjustment. The one my 127 you adjust the spring,one the left if you are sitting on the tractor, to make it charge different.
Here's some pics of my 122 muffler with the hood up. could I possibly put the muffler that should be on here by taking all this off except the part going into the block,then screw a nipple into that part and then slide my other muffler onto the nipple, and tighten down the muffler clamp, if so I could eliminate damaging my block and also I wont have to take the hood and grill off


You are in our thoughts and prayers, for strengh, for provision, and of course for complete healing and restoration.
David B. - I'd invest in a new can of KROIL or PB Blaster, small ball pein hammer, not over 16 oz., and a new tank of gas for Your propane torch. Ohhhh and get a 12-18 inch pipe wrench if You don't have one.
Spray the PB/Kroil on the elbows where they thread together every day for a week. You can run the tractor if You need to...just make sure You put more PB/Kroil on when You're done. Then heat them as hot as You can get them with the propane torch after the week is up, then let them cool a bit and spray with more PB/Kroil. Then spray daily with more PB/Kroil. Then after a second week hit them with the torch again, then tap them kinda sharply with the hammer while trying to twist them out with the pipe wrench.
I had an elbow stuck in the exh. port of a 10 HP Kohler pretty tightly and that's how I got Mine out. Just don't be in too big of a hurry.
If You crack or break a corner off Your block it's just Your engine.....
Ohhhh and when You put it back together put ANTI-SIEZE compound on all the threads, Won't really make it go together any better but it WILL let it come apart for the next guy in ten more years. BT-DT.

DUSTIN - Charging problems with a 129, Does Your amp gauge work? The voltage regulator on a 129 should be back under the seat, cool place, no heat or vibration, they last forever, but they are an electro-mechanical device and they wear out. I'd buy a new one, and an auto parts store VR for a 1957 Chevy will not work on a Cub Cadet. I've NEVER had any success adjusting them, and I used to replace the one on My 72 every two years. Last one I installed I mounted inside the frame at the rear of the tractor, nice cool dry place, It's been there since 1994 I think. If the VR doesn't get Your 129 charging look in the yellow pages for starter/alternator repair shops, Call them all until one sounds like they know what a Cub Cadet is, have them test & repair Your starter/generator.
Thanks for all the encouraging words. A good days work is probably all that I need to get the 102 back into running form, though I could probably spend a couple of weeks to finish a decent cosmetic restoration. The engine is ready to put in, the clutch is redone, and the suspension issues are taken care of. Can't wait to hear it run, but I've got a more important repair and restoration project I need to finish first down here in NC.
Finally have found a almost local parts guy! He's about twenty minutes drive from here in Penn Yan, NY. I hope he has all the stuff I'm looking for! Still havent re-wired the 106, have been busy doing some house work that needed doing before the "boss" got irrate! Wensday for sure, it's my next day off, with daughter at school and the "boss" at work! Plus it's supposed to be in the low 60's so I wont be freezing my behind off! Hope to have hydraulic pump installed by the end of the week also if I get it by then!
Dustin S. Check up top under Freq Asked Questions, you will find info about V/R's, S/G's, and I think basic troubleshooting also.
Howdy All! Need a little help from a motor head concerning the ACR on a K321. After much frustration dealing with a hard to start 149, I found that the flyweight spring had slipped off one of the flyweights. Once corrected,I found I still wasn't getting enough valve lift to remedy the hard starting problem. The Kohler manual states to bend the lift tab on engines below s/n 9006118. The data plate on this engine is unreadable; is there another way to identify which engine I have? It is painted black so I'm assuming it is not original,but it has been rebuilt at least once so who knows? Is there any way to tell if the ACR lift tab is hardened or if it is the old style tab.Thanks for any help,Bob Bowman.