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Archive through May 30, 2019

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Peter C., Welcome!

Hydro, good to see you posting, it's been a while. CUBgratulations on the retirement!
Thanks for the advice, guys. I am thinking it is the rear shaft pin as when I replaced the clutch I didn't disturb it so I think I will check that out first and then dig deeper if it is ok. will get back to you once I know more.
have a good day!!
Woooops......I’m gonna be in for it.
Yes.... spiral pin, not a bolt...!!
Thanks Harry for the correct clairification
I replace mine with bolts..... as to make for a quick fix to get back to plowin or sweepin the yard.....
Hydro doesn’t worry me as much as Matt takin me out behind the wood shed
What size tap do you use to chase the threads on a 70-100 hubs
Harry, if you get to ARIZONA look me up, we can have a coffee and shoot the breeze.