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Archive through May 28, 2010

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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HEY KEN - I took the afternoon off lurking around here and changed the oil in my mower tractor. Even used new oil & filter! One down, two Cubbies to go. I really should do the 70 soon. That little old K161/181 Kohler might just get used oil. It's so tired but actually runs fairly well.
Dennis - Shucks I'd change the 90wt in your truck and put that in the "little feller" to help those tired rings.

I use to put a quart of 90wt in my old '66 250 six banger ... drove that old Chevy truck to East Texas 5 times non stop.
did you ever get called to super and she is all smiles,I thought we should try something NEW, One look and well, I will eat this.
The 650 Norton commando and 750 high ride I believe 1972 and 1973 ran those pipes. I have pictures lol.
In the am I get to use my 129 loader some since the tire still holds fluid.With a honey do list getting longer , I will get some seat time in lol
Wops http://www.slide.com:80/r/hD6DvyAOxD9ClUhvUpVcUMABW9QzpGnQ
Lucas - Take the "B" wire off the regulator and report back.

What are you working on ?
1450 Engine Bolts


You can learn a lot by not doing something. These are shots taken from the point of view sitting on the tractor. #1 left and #2 right. It appears the one bolt on the right is completely absent and the other is hanging by a thread. The question is, after I remove the bolts to slide the engine forward. to release the drive shaft to replace the fan how do you reinstall these? The two on the rear appear to be no problem. The front may be a task. The area is tight and the engine receiving holes are blind. Any tricks here? Also the upright pins on the right #2. I take it these were positioning pins for the weld and serve no further purpose.
Gary, when I removed my engine in the 149 I jacked the front of the tractor up and then put a small block of wood under the opposite side I'm working on and that gives you a little extra room. I had to put heli-coil thread inserts in my oil pan because the threads were all messed up from coming loose and getting banged around. And I locktited the new bolts then, no more problems. Unless you block it up and remove the front axle and lay under it, that is all you can do. Just takes a little patience. Nick
Gary - I just about bet MONEY that when you put it back IF you put in the 2 rear bolts FIRST the front holes will be lined up ... but since you're doing it I'm not betting
after I replaced the solinoid I get 2v dc I put the batt on the o and got the same thing, and which wire is the b wire? Could somwon who has a 122 123 take the pos cabel off the batt and put your red test lead on batt pos terminal and your black on the pos cabel with ign off put your meter on volts and let me know what you get.Do yall think I can retorque my head gasskett to the right pattern that it will seal back it has been leaking prety good?
Lucas - For one thing you're putting your test leads on backwards. Voltage flows Positive to Negative. Put the Negative lead on the Positive battery terminal for what you are doing.
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

By Paul Bell (Pbell) on Friday, May 28, 2010 - 08:22 am:

If the little boy came with the tractor, you should have at least paid the man his asking price, even though in a few years when he is in his teen's, the thought of selling the boy at a discounted price might cross your mind.......... It looks like he has laid claim to the tractor so you probably need to find yourself another "parts tractor"<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
In his teens? Heck I tried to swap him for the tractor...

They wouldnt take him

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

By Mike LaMar (Mlamar) on Friday, May 28, 2010 - 08:52 am:

It's always a good day when someone posts a picture of a kid on a Cub. It's even better when the kid leaves his green toy (in the background) for a real classic. You got him headed in the right direction. Looks like a nice tractor.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

Good eye, yeah the only JD we got here is a kids toy... and its currently not running! Na I have nothing against the green machines we had an old 'B' for many years when I was living at home. We only had 5 acres but half of that was a field and we had chickens and pigs, dad started out with an old crank start F-12 I think it was and later got a JD B. My son calls the 129 the old tractor, the 1000 the new tractor (because we got it after the 129) and since this one doesnt run, yes he calls it HIS TRACTOR lol.
Lucas: AND as I said before, quit reading voltage and start reading current and you'll know how bad the drain on the battery really is and also get a possible clue as to WHAT it is, based on the measured draw..........
Lucas: Do you have this wiring diagram of Roland Bedell's? If not, you should ask him for it.
If he hasn't washed off the battery it could be built up filth drawing across the terminals on the case.
At one time years ago I posted a pic to prove it happens.
Believe me, I get it, better in one axis than none. I'm deliberate and slow here, because I don't have the luxury of replacing something because I screwed it up. I'm willing to trade time for learning. Better to not bet than to bet against me.
heres the 128 after a couple hours of work. all that needs to be done is take the 4 bolts that hold the engine out and pull it apart from there.








here is what 320 bucks looks like in my garage. the only thing i dont have is the hanger that holds the lever arm over the clutch. i can put that in after i do everything else. hard to believe these few parts cost over 2 times what i paid for the tractor with its mowing deck and snowplow. lol