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Archive through May 18, 2011

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Justin H.
I don't mean to sound crabby, (OK I do a little).
Have you ever thought of looking around this site under the TOPICS section to see what's there?

If not, feel free to make any request you would like and I'm sure someone will be more than happy to do it for you.

Heck, someone might even find the stuff you want, print it out for you and then pay to send it to you as well!
Mike P.
Did ya ever think about doing a search in vault for a #4 trailer and checking the more than 40 pictures posted over the last 13+ years?
Thought about it, and am working at it....kinda hard to teach an old dog new tricks!
So i put the battery jumper directly to the starter and it turned over, so does that mean the solenoid is bad?
Jeff, did you jump from the battery on the tractor or from anouther battery? If the tractor battery is weak mabey it just doesnt have the juice to turn the engine. If you did use the tractor battery, try jumping from the battery side of the seleniod to the small post, if that just clicks I'd lean toward the seleniod being bad but make sure your connections are clean. dirty connections are the first thing to look for.

Found this picture Charlie posted back on Thursday JULY 29th 2004 of a #3 I.H. cart in the archives.
Here's a #4 cart, along with a #2 cart and a model 1200 trailer.




I have a 71 cub cadet trying to eire up a amp guage. does any one have a wiring diagran that will work for me. Thanks JWare