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Archive through May 16, 2009

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2008
jeff l baker
my 1200 had the same odor rebuilt the carb and odor went away, I also did not see any leaks but suspect it was small leak and gas evaporated into fumes.
I'm glad to see that these picture got into you hands. These pictures are starting to make some of the cloudy "Early Days" of Cub Cadets a little bit clearer. LOVE the color shots!! Dear Johns have NUTTIN' on IH.
Is the hood on the far right the same color that 409 was?
Do you have any idea what it says on the hood on the top/middle picture?
now I have a ??? I really want a hydro but the C.F.O. says a gear drive must go first 128 or 1200. The 1200 has creeper drive and spring assist, 128 is without those items I like the 128 much more but feel the engine is more tired than the 1200 i could switch the assist and creeper to the 128 but then the 1200 wont move for the buyer to see work. what is everbodys humble opinion on what you would keep 128 or 1200. here is the 1200 at work.
Jeff...thats easy...see those trees bout 600yds to your left..yep them ones...hide the 128 there.
She didn't say how far it had to go...right ?
brendan I know your not implying leaving a real cub outside
so "if" you had to choose one what would it be ????
Brendan it looks like you need a 1200 to go with your 1250 and i need a 129 to go with my 128 hmmm
Jeff, I would cut them big trees down and sell the wood. Gotta be a couple cord in that stand

Nice find Paul some real good history there.

Brendan I laid the breather down the way it should go back so I will double check that. I should also post a picture of the s/g I took apart lol rust slurpy anyone? Been churning in there a while.
Porter, nice thought but i burn 3 to 5 cords a year for heat so what is your choice 128 or 1200
Jeff it seems you favor the 128, in my opinion go with your gut feeling.
Jeff...I guess I should update my profile huh, the 1250 and 129 have been...well, taken advantage of
not much left of them. As for preference, 128.
Tom H
No, 409 was a dark metalic green when I got it, it had been painted to match his car.

The hood has International on the side and on the front it appears to be "660-PUP" that you can see, but from the placement there may be something else after "PUP". I have no idea what that may mean, or stand for.
Ed, I had the same experience as Jeff B.. I rebuilt the carb and no gas smell.

Jeff Keep the 128.
Jeff, Everything I have except what I'm working on (right now kerrys 1250) sits outside. I'm not out of the club now am I?
Spray foot powder on the suspected areas, it'll darken up where a leak is. (That little tip, courtesy of the forum, cured a big headache we had last summer on a race prepped Powerglide in a dragster..we'd been chasing the leak for weeks, found it in half an hour with the foot powder trick!) Works really well for those Hydro leaks..
Kraig; I checked further on the 102 creeper. The side port is the fill to here plug. I filled thru the vent opening and it makes it very simple to fill the creeper.
I have A question. This axle has the number stanped on it. 528885-R1 I cannot find this number in my parts books. It is very similar to the axle from my Original. What does it fit?
The yellow one is a new axle but i have no # for it.

I likey 1X8/9s!The starter/generator just seems to give it more of a "tractory" look!

Yes,tractory is Redneck terminology!
