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Archive through May 16, 2009

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Another question, are those picture "Home Shots"? If they are IH photos I would think they would be in the IH Archives.
I think those pix are very neat!!!
Porter...the pics didn't come out as good as they should have but I think you can what I'm getting at. Under closer inspection it does look to be a channel piece that is spot welded to the door frame but I can see that as being a PITA.

Brendan B.
I gotta tellya man. That first pic looks just like the Tacos we had for supper last night!

BTW, WTH is that a picture of?

what kind of setup is this, i saw this on epay and have never seen a setup like this before, has anyone else?
That's the lip on one of the Cozy Cab doors. I didn't get a chance to paint it last fall. I figure if I start it now it should be ready for first snow fall, around February

I hope those tacos went in better than they would come out, especially if they looked like that
Matt...I seen that too, kinda like it...a can pick a few spots where that would work great. I've never seen anything like that on a Cub yet.
Paul B., those photos are AWESOME!
Just think how close they came to being lost.

My lawn was starting to get a bit too long, (I've been preoccupied with splitting firewood) I figured I'd better get it cut today. So I figured I'd fire up the SO76, I had put the charger on it the other day as the battery was dead. Went out to give it a try and the starter wouldn't engage so 4 bolts later and a couple shots of a dry teflon lube and all was well, or so I thought... I filled up the tank with fresh fuel and cranked it over but no fire. So I drained the float bowl,
stinky old gas. It now has fresh gas in the carb but still no fire. Stupid non-Kohlers... So I gave up on that and decided to remove the windbreaker and tire chains from my #2 125. I had noticed that the last time I used it to throw snow that the PTO seemed to be slipping so I decided to pull it off and check it. Sure enough one of the adjustment bolts was loose. Both jam nuts were tight but the bolt was loose soooo I loosened all the nuts and started over with the adjustments and reinstalled the PTO, hooked up the mower deck and all was well. I sure do like my Killer Kohler.

David Kirk, you sure do build an awesome engine.
Matt S.
That's just another one of those,
"I had this thing setting around, so I think I'll put it on my Cub" deals. Nothin more, nothin less.
Tom Hoffman, Not always. I held in my hand photos of Japan's surrender, all the dignitaries the whole banana. They were acquired by a guy who was a friend of the photographer and were never part of the official record.
I don't know, but they are probably "in house" photo's. They don't have a picture number on them like most of the pictures taken by the IH photography group do, so considering where they came from, they were probably taken by a Louisville Works photographer. The picture of Mr Hettinger was taken in the engineering dept at Louisville works, so I don't know if a copy is in the Archives or not. I have another photo copy picture of just the left side of that tractor, and there is no photo number on it either, so again I assume it was made from an "in house" or rather an "in plant" photo.
Had a good cub day - the 1250 I've been working on since last October finally got it's engine back. (With a different block, thanks to Richard Patton
). She fired up and sounds great, but smokes a little. I need to read little to determine the cause and cure. Also need to review the FAQ on hydro adjustment - when it's in neutral, the control handle is almost a quarter of the way up the forward slot. Oh, and I still need to get the decals on the hood & side panels, and get a few more parts (like seat bumpers, quick attach spring, safety switch flapper, etc) from CC Specialties.

What's the preferred/recommended break-in process? (I honed the cylinder, lapped the valves, etc) How long & how hard should it be run before re-torquing (sp?) the head bolts?

Grandson is very excited about 'his' tractor running again! Sorry about rambing on, here - I guess I'm excited, too! I really wasn't sure it would ever run again - it's my first attempt at refurbing a tractor and tearing into an engine. Thanks to all for the advice, info & inspiration along the way!
Brendan kind of hard to see if you can get at the spots. The bottom picture looks doable. If you can deconstruct it in reverse order of the way it went together. It can be tough to drill if they used a small spot welding clamp for that channel piece. If the channel piece is thicker than the sheet metal I would most likely attempt to separate it. Another option is to have it dipped at a stripping shop so it will achieve saturation in the seams. After doing so the only feasible paint option is powder coating or e-coat to draw the paint into the seams. Kind of looks like a Dodge Ram door from the 90's, no functioning water let'er outer holes so they fill up with moisture.
Paul B Did you go to the Hettinger estate auction? I wanted to go but was weekend to work.
Brad B
There have been rumors of a Cub Cadet of some significance still in the Louisville area, and a story in a Louisville IH Retiree News Letter a few years ago said that a former Plant Engineer got that tractor. Another rumor says it is still in his family, although my attempts to talk with his son have been unsuccssful. And then there is another copy of a copy of a copy of that tractor that has a note on it that says that "rumor has it one like this is in Florida", and that is better explained by someone other than me, if he choose's to do so.

So does the tractor still exist? It's possible. Does someone know where it is? Maybe, but not me......at least not yet

Ed W
Yes, that is where the color pictures came from.
I pulled the K341 to swap it out for a proper K241.



The PTO bearing is shot. What I don't quite understand, looking at what I have, is what the second to last sentence in the manual says.


I don't get it. Here is what I have. It looks like someone tried using a punch on it or something. Anyway it's a blind hole. What do I need to do in the future if I find this sort of thing again? The K241 is coming with a PTO but I'd still like to know.


Ahhh. The engage part must have been those medal shavings on the frame. Thanks Charlie!