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Archive through May 14, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well darn, I got a used 1A tiller with a pto gearbox that has a bad bearing and seal that need replaced. I have the parts list to see what I should need, but I'm wondering if someone has some additional info or advice on rebuilding a gearbox. Its the four-lug box that was to be factory lub'ed with type "O", lithium grease.

Also, does anyone have any non-Cub (brand and) part numbers that might be used? Thanks!
Wow, I can't wait to get my 125 with the a FWA front axle, custom Cat-0 3-point hitch, a VPE performance engine, and a new paint job from Precision Services!!! Wyatt, when you and the rest of the Floyd County gang drop the 125 off theres a second 125 setting behind the shed and theres an Original under the silvertarp near the wood piles, each of them could use a similar make over. :eek:)
Kenny W.
The ground strap depends on early or late model. On the later models one side bolted to a bolt on the block just to the right of the regulator and the other end went under the heat shield where it attaches to the frame.


The early models used a heavier cable and one end mounted to the starter mount bolt and the other end mounted to the bolt holding the front grill on.

I'm gonna put fluid in my 10.50 aggies. How much washer fluid should I buy? TIA
Tom Hoffman: I was at a show at Brownsville, PA and they have a big dirt pile they just keep moving around with steam shovels, graders and bulldozers. I seen this Kentworth parked near the dirt pile and I knew you would like.


I was the only Cub Cadet there. I took my M&W and my Wagner "little Giant" as I got the rear end ring gear built up with braze and 6 new teeth cut in it.
I got a too good to be true deal on a 1200 that is real rough, but they said it ran last year when the trans went out. I have a 129 missing the motor that is in great shape. Are there many differences and similar things besides the electric start? Thanks for your help- I am still a newbie.........
Geez Art,
Dint you read the first word in the listing?

It's RARE!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW, don't do an epay search for rare.
Boy... sounds like dope-smoking is on the rise again... and we thought gasoline prices were skyrocketing...

Someone ought'a start E-placing frozen steaks... obviously, they're 'rare' too...
Digger -- I'd hate to do a search to see how many sellers get discounts with freight companies. How do the freight companies stay in business ... beats me
AH , good ol Tinker Bell ... he ever sell that ????

Tell Art not to do something and you know what the first thing he'll do is ...

I just about missed the Red , White , Blue decal on that LBPM , I doubt if the decal is worth that much though ;) I found out long ago you can "ask" for any price you can dream up BUT when you get hungry you'll sell for whatever price you can get. I guess he's got a government contract job.

Geezer -- the old green road tractor in the background of your pic almost looks like the '63 R190 IH I had a long time ago (but I'm sure it's something else)

Wes -- you don't "pound it out" unless you remove it first or unless you like throwing away the cast aluminum cup / belt pulley that's behind it (on so equiped models) BTDT !

Dave K -- do a search ??? If anybody can search and find anything , more power to'em ! I tried a search to see what it was that you broke on your JET lathe but it never showed up. I remember you posting it but just can't remember what it was (although I think it was a back gear part?) Since you didn't answer my question I thought I'd try to find out myself ... guess I'll never know !

Kraig -- suttle hint ! What , you're car doesn't need washed too

Well I'll be ! I never ! But I tried !!!
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Now for a segment from the Strange Freaky World of "I was There!"
I had the fishing urge real bad last night so about midnight I took off for the lake ... thunderstorms ? What thunderstorms ?
Well it was so foggy that I could barley feel my way to the lake , good thing it only took me 40 minutes to go the ten minute drive. I was getting the "fishing elbow" and it wouldn't quit jerking.
I got on the water and there was no fog on the lake so I hammered down the lake to my favorite little spot around an island. The shad were in a "loving" mode so they were dancing all over the surface and there were some big fish having a feast on the surface. Well the lightening was getting closer and brighter which was causing severe eye pain but I had to fish! All of a sudden it started to rain lightly and I made a couple more cast then suddenly ALL fish activity stopped and it was an uneasy feeling for some reason. I made another cast ... what the **** ?. Now I know I'm going blind but I can't be seeing things too ! I watched for almost thirty seconds , reeled in my line and made another cast ... I made a third cast ... I put all the graphite rods in the boat floor , yanked up the trolling motor and got the hell outta there as fast as the 48 Johnson would push the little Bassmaster !!!!! You ask , "What was wrong?" Well have you ever seen lightening before it struck ? I was about to ! On my 3 cast , the lure would hit the water because I could hear it splash but in the black light I could see my line ... I could see my line arched up into the air ... and it never came down in the thirty seconds that I watched it on the first cast nor any of the remaining two cast ... it just hung in mid air in an arc ! ... Now then , I'm not a well educated man but my little one tract brain told me that there was a whole lot of static building up right in my little part of the world and I was about to get my socks knocked off ! I got about 5 miles away and stopped to fish again , made a cast , my line fell to the water , I was back in my groove.
Oh BTW did I mention that during my run for a safer location I done something that I have wondered about since I first starting fishing on the lake ?

I always wondered about the flocks of geese that stay on the lake. I have to dodge them from time to time to keep from hurting them. I always wondered what would happen at night , running full throttle in the dark if the geese were able to get out of the way .... ? Well with my glasses covered in rain drops , pitch black , running about 40mph I got to find out first hand the answer to "what if". At just around the level and within the sight of the bow light , maybe seven foot in front of me I saw 5 geese going in the same direction that I was going , only problem was I was going about MACH III while they were going MACH I !!!! I ducked (no pun!) under the windshield and slammed the throttle into netural and tucked the trim in and sat the boat down almost on a dime all in one motion. (experience from hitting a big rock running to fast up a river with the other boat) All I could see was the south end of 5 north bound geese that were running to slow in the fast lane !!!!
Leroy -- maybe you could start watching the news channels and see who it is that control the oil fields and you could also find out who it is that we are at war with and in what country ... IRAQ and there are countries that have to pay many times the amount that we pay for our gas and they don't have the over paid population like we do... and that's as far as I'm getting into it (for I know that politics doesn't belong here)
Dave Rohrbacher:
I put a QL K341 into a 129 a few years ago. If memory serves me, you'll need the wiring harness out of the 1250 and you can disregard the voltage regulator in the "trunk" next to the battery.

In addition, you'll need to bring the electric PTO clutch along. Assuming for moment that you're 129 doesn't have lights, you can put the electric PTO clutch switch in the hole in the operator's pedestal where the light switch would go on an illuminated model.

Once all that's in place, you can dismantle and remove the original PTO engagement handle and the all the associated hardware that goes with it.

Good luck!
Ken: I think that is a Brockway(I remember an old Brockway sitting in that area). There was a nice 1921 Brockway with solid tires below that. For having bad eyes you sure see alot. Scarry story on the lake. Did you actually hit any of the geese?
$2500 for a 2-cycle POS mower seems just WAY off the mark. Everyone in my neighborhood's got one of those @$&$% Lawn Boys. . . . . . they stink, miss, and are loud. I like my Cub Cadet