Digger -- I'd hate to do a search to see how many sellers get discounts with freight companies. How do the freight companies stay in business ... beats me
AH , good ol Tinker Bell ... he
ever sell that ????
Tell Art not to do something and you know what the first thing he'll do is ...
I just about missed the Red , White , Blue decal on that LBPM , I doubt if the decal is worth that much though

I found out long ago you can "ask" for any price you can dream up BUT when you get hungry you'll sell for whatever price you can get. I guess he's got a government contract job.
Geezer -- the old green road tractor in the background of your pic almost looks like the '63 R190 IH I had a long time ago (but I'm sure it's something else)
Wes -- you don't "pound it out" unless you remove it first or unless you like throwing away the cast aluminum cup / belt pulley that's behind it (on so equiped models) BTDT !
Dave K -- do a search ??? If anybody can search and find anything , more power to'em ! I tried a search to see what it was that you broke on your JET lathe but it never showed up. I remember you posting it but just can't remember what it was (although I think it was a back gear part?) Since you didn't answer my question I thought I'd try to find out myself ... guess I'll never know !
Kraig -- suttle hint ! What , you're car doesn't need washed too
Well I'll be ! I never ! But I tried !!!
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