Don, sorry to hear about your computer.
Best Buy does not do any sort of recovery as their legal department is concerned about recovering and/or discovering any sort of illegal files such as child porn which would stop their service department dead in it's tracks as it would become a crime scene. The company I work for makes computer forensics tools for law enforcement for copying and investigating hard drives. Keeping hard drives cool is very important as over heating is one of the quickest ways to destroy a hard drive. Keep your cooling vents clear and clean so that your PC will run cooler will go a long way towards extending it's life. Also as several have already stated backup your files often. I have my files backed up on several different hard drives. Though most people can not do this, I keep a backup of my personal files here at at work and I backup some of my work files on hard drives I keep at home so I have "off-site" backups for both sets of data. PSA over.
that is a nasty looking fuel tank! Good to see you are wearing proper protective gloves. Nytrile gloves are your friend when dealing with a mess like that.

Best Buy does not do any sort of recovery as their legal department is concerned about recovering and/or discovering any sort of illegal files such as child porn which would stop their service department dead in it's tracks as it would become a crime scene. The company I work for makes computer forensics tools for law enforcement for copying and investigating hard drives. Keeping hard drives cool is very important as over heating is one of the quickest ways to destroy a hard drive. Keep your cooling vents clear and clean so that your PC will run cooler will go a long way towards extending it's life. Also as several have already stated backup your files often. I have my files backed up on several different hard drives. Though most people can not do this, I keep a backup of my personal files here at at work and I backup some of my work files on hard drives I keep at home so I have "off-site" backups for both sets of data. PSA over.
