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Archive through June 25, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Wyatt/Kraig -

My bad, it was on <font color="ff6000">Simplicitys</font> with the Vickers hydro. Will post a scan in a bit.
Richard C. I just havta... Why do you have a JD steering assy?

Art, ;)

Wyatt, FWIW the other part of coolers is where are you going to mount it? The ones I have seen say that they should be located where air can pass throught them for better performance. Such as an airflow of some sort. The speed of a tractor wouldn't seem to allow enough air to move past the cooler to assist in cooling the hytrann. Plus you would have to clean and maintain it. The coolers that are mounted on a vehicle are usually placed in front of the radiator, which would be the logical place due to the highspeed airflowing through them.
Does anybody know what a mower deck is or are you to busy lubing your units!!!

Buy a blasted automatic trany cooler and get done with it.
Brad G:

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

Hi I'm a newby to your forum. Wondering if anybody can supply any info on a new 42" mowerdeck for a 125. Is there anybody out there that fabricates decks of the old design?<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

BTW, on this forum, people like to discuss things that others find interesting as well. Anything form pages and pages of Air Compressors, lately it has been welders. You may be in a hurry, but others do enjoy discussing everything that they can about whatever topic they want to discuss.

Brad George, First I understand that you would like a answer for your question. But please keep in mind that we all have things to do, and that everyone likes to help out with questions. Sometimes, it takes days before an answer will be given. Inpatience is not a way to get an answer any sooner than it can be given. To answer your question, I have not heard of any company that makes brand new decks for the older Cub Cadets. However, MTD does make replacement parts for the IH units. So if you want, you can call some of the sponsors that are at the top of the page, and they can give you what you require. Now if you want a deck to purchase, they may have some used decks for sale as well. I would personnaly recommend Madson's Service... Scott is VERY helpful, and a great guy to talk to. Please, in the future, be patient. This is a hobby for all of us here, and we are busy doing things that are important to us as well as be here to help others out with their Cub Cadets.

(Message edited by jrichardson on June 25, 2004)
Because Richard HAS a JD140H3...tsk tsk tsk...

Wyatt- Quite interested in your plans, thanks for sharing. I have noticed some degraded performance on a hot plowing hydro.
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

Plus you would have to clean and maintain it.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
I wouldn't think that would be a problem around here, besides the mod is WAY overkill for a machine used only for mowing. As far as airflow, there's lots of places on/under/inside a Cub that flow air, it's not a lot so the cooler has to be chosen carefully and placed well.
Wyatt maybe you have a motorcycle salvage yard in your area, lots of jap bikes run small coolers with 12volt fans?
Brad G,
What Jeff said AND,
I just came in from a LONG day of Cubbin and saw your first post and was going to tell you the what's where's and who has what your lookin for, BUT after reading your second post, I think you might do well to shut the hell up!
I'm looking into that. Bikes & four-wheelers also have some nice isolation mounts.
Hey Gents- Just got back from Alaska, 23+ hours of daylight, what a trip.

Heres a few pics to get ya curious...

Denalli from the Air plane window

Mountian Range from my hotel window...

not sure what one it is, but I think its called Debora

Me at the University museum
Hey Digger - com'on now. I'm sure Brad G.'s grass is growin and he needs a new deck skin to keep up. Jeff was pretty nice in his response. What he didn't say was, sometimes after waiting 2 or 3 days you STILL don't get a response - best to repost and mention you were waiting.

OK Brad G - you were pretty quick on the trigger - and I'm kinda wondering if'n you'll even come back and look at this. I can't provide much info except one or 2 of the sponsor dealers used to have access to some new deck skins but I think those were later than for the 125 series. At one point I had seen info on someone having new aftermarket skins but that was 4 or 5 years ago and not seen anything since. Those were made from 2 pieces of stamped steel then welded down the center and holes cut for the spindles. I think you can find a used deck in pretty decent shape for less than a few C notes - maybe even come with another CC as well. You might have to work it over but better than the $7-800+ of new.

Good Luck,

Hydro Harry
Hydros Forever
Matt, I have been North to Alaska several times myself, and have been moved by the beauty of the mountain ranges, to the splendor of the valleys with rivers meandering through the passes, to the snow topped glaciers that scrape the sky. I really LOVE the State of Washington, but Alaska and it's untamed wilderness, makes Washington really have to work to keep up... JMHO. Thanks for taking the pics. We stopped in Anchorage, at the Air Force base, Elmendorf on our way to Japan. Hung out there for the evening, and had a great time... <font size="-2">to keep this on topic</font> I didn't see any Cubs in Alaska. :eek:(
Wyatt, ok maybe keeping it clean won't be an issue for you... My main premise is that the airflow would be my main concern, to the point I would question even bothering with it. IH engineers designed the Cub Cadet the way they did with the Sunstrand units, and the one on my 123 is still working from 1967, and to my knowledge, it has never been touched.
Hi guys, New to the board, but i've used the same 108 to mow 1 acre for 30 yrs now. I have 9 other Cubs ranging from the original thru 582. I'm a retired machinist with a Bridgeport mill & small lathe.I hope to pick up some new tricks & help if i can.

(Message edited by bneese on June 26, 2004)
Harry/Jeff R. -

Plus y'all gotta realize, damn near everyone of the regulars is off to Red Power this weekend! So this place is a ghost town...
Airflow is only a concern if it's assumed/figured in, look at the heat exhcanger on a large air compressor, those usually don't have much for a blower/fan. I'm really of the opinion that it doesn't take too much more to cool these for a plowing situation. I might be getting the cart ahead of the horse, but I'm thinking that at a certain point "heat breeds more heat" in that once the HyTran reaches a certain temperature it has a tendancy to cavitate/foam which will make things even hotter. It is entirely possible that something as simple as one of those "cool collars" posted in a link to a JC Whitney catalog would do a great deal.
Here ya go Wyatt - I can dig around the SimpleTractors site (assuming I don't have to pay!) and find what models had the Vickers:


I'll try again.

First off, Hi Harry!
Getting accustomed to the left side?

The "STP 122" is still alive and well, though no STP sticker anymore.

However, I posted a few days ago that it now likes to jump out of gear while heading downhill and was wondering if anyone could point out a likely cause before I tear it apart?
Len C.
Your gonna have to pop that shifter lever housing, Your liable find a bent shifter fork and or and shifter itself might have broken away on the ball section and is lettin things flop around in there.

Oh yea, what gear are you in when it does it, or is it all forward gears?

(Message edited by cProctor on June 26, 2004)