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Archive through June 13, 2005

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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At long last the 106 is running.
Now for some more "cosmetic" work. I need a good diagram for installation of a CC spring assist (mounts to the rocker arm) on a 106? I have all the parts but I don't see a clear shot to the back. Does it run next to the 3pt lift arm or on the other side? Where does the clip in the back attach? To one of the same mouting holes as the upper bracket for the 3pt? I have a cutaway view of mounting on what is called a "narrow frame" but it looks like an Original and seems to run inside the frame. The 106 doesn't seem to have the same space as is shown in the picture. Anybody have a closeup picture of one mounted or decent installation instructions?

Jim-didn't need to check for shorts but might just for fun someday to see how it works. Thanks.
I have an 128 and it recently started to have problems with the drive shaft. It seems to be slipping where it attaches to the rear end. The clutch seems fine but it makes a grinding noise and won't move when shifted into any gear and the clutch is released. Any suggestions. Thanks!
MIKE H. - You sheared the 1/4" dia X 1-1/4" long spirol pin (roll pin) on the back end of Your driveshaft. Pull the center cover off Your frame..... You lucky Wide-Frame owner... and tap out the old pieces & install a new pin. Real common occurance on the higher HP gear drive tractors. And I bet it's the front pin of the two on the connecting sleeve between the 5/8" dia. driveshaft and the reduction pinion. You'll have to make sure the holes in the driveshaft line up with the coupling sleeve to drive out the broken bits.
I have a 122. I canot seem to be able to figure out how to check or add hytran to the creeper unit. I have tried many different sockets etc to reach the vent fill plug trough the small hole in the driveline cover and there does not seem to be any way to get at it from underneath.
what is the secret or what am I doing wrong. Thanks

What was wrong with the 106 wiring????

Your spring assist goes on the left side, inside the frame rail and should bolt to one of the bolts used to attach the heavy steel mount for the sleeve hitch.
This time it was the new VR. The 4th tab doesn't have any label on it. After Roland posted the pix of the 3 tab vs 4 tab VR it was obvious I had miswired it again. Thankfully this time I didn't fry it. Once I got the wires hooked to the correct tabs I gingerly turned the key and VOILA! it made all the right noises. A little gas and we were off down the driveway. Now to get the hitch installed, some new washers and pins on the lift frame, some slip plate on the mower deck, a few new accessories and I'll be getting so much work done I won't have anything to do over the winter but find another Cub to work on. Thanks again for all the help everyone!!!
Yes, but part number 12 will probably need to be bolted to one of the bolts in the side of the framenot the top.

BTW, that pic is of a 70/100 and came out of the tiller manual....
I'll give it a try. Any hints on the easiest way to install without too many bloody knuckles?
Thanks Digger - That makes Steve's point about part #12 very clear.

I've got so much new information, tips and diagrams that I had to start a new binder for Misc. Stuff. A person can never have too much information though.
Anyone going to the L&G Tractor pulls in Wauconda tommorrow afternoon (3:00pm)???
I really hate to ask this question, because it is probably the #1 dumb question of the day.
On my 1250, the brake pedal spring, where does it hook up to? I don't seem to find it shown in the manual and nothing seems to jump out on the tractor as to where it goes. Any help would really be appreciated, Thanks Jim
Does anyone have a wireing diagram for a cub 104 (1968) they could post? (In relation to the charging system.) My service manual is on the way and I get a REALLY hot battery after mowing. All the while the ammeter shows a huge discharge. (I believe its been hooked up backwards). Thanks.

(Message edited by trawlings on June 18, 2005)
My loving wife bought me a new "compact" digital camera for our anniversary/my birthday...Fuji A345.

What better way to test it out than to take some pics of the 782 after today's lawn (dust) mowing...it is still very dry here. Anyway, the camera does a great job for being a "point and shoot" type model and is much more portable than our bigger Fuji S5100. (note, these pics are reduced to 1/10th the file size via software..that's why they are a little grainy)






DRY grass...


I had a pretty darn good day!!!!!

(Message edited by sblunier on June 18, 2005)