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Archive through June 08, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Kewl, I made the <blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

..when he gets it done.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

I just need to get to Iowa for some parts.....
I recently inherited a Cub Cadet Model 1864. I am having a problem with it blowing fuses. When I first received it , it would run fine until I turned it off. Before I could turn it on again I had to replace the fuse. Now, when I try to turn the ignition on it blows the fuse. I replace it, turn the ignition on again it blows the fuse again. Is anyone aware of a common problem that could be causing this? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Here's an e-mail I recently received. I thought it was worth sharing with all:
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

Hi Bob,

I just wanted to tell you I found your website to be a great joy to me. My late Father worked for IH for over 40 years writing the service manuals for their farm equipment. He even wrote most of the service manuals for the cub cadet series. I remember as a child many times going to work with my dad to drive cub cadets and cut grass in test fields. As you can tell I'm a die hard fan of IH products I even have a old refrigerator, window AC unit, snowblower, lawn mowers etc....

Yes I even have a 1450 cub cadet tractor with attachments my father found for me when I got married. For me your website not only keeps a great tractor alive but also his memory since he always enjoyed writing the cub cadet manuals. You will find most pictures with a human hand or person in the picture was him. I even found on your website his hands in one of the old parts catalogs. We are proud of the work these tractors and my father have accomplish through the years. As long as there is a cub cadet running his memory will live on!


<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Geezer -- even hitch hikers get to "ride" ... but did he let you DRIVE it ??
There's one I see around here sometimes pulling a horse trailer or big camper , sure looks nice even if it's not dressed up wearing a BOW TIE !
For those of you that use the Kohler mechanical fuel pumps:
I've been able to figure out that there's yet one more thing useable on those junk Series-I KT-17's, the aluminum fuel pump can be used for parts to get rid of the plastic housings you might have on your K321, K341, K301, and K241. The housings are identical (just need reoriented) and the lever arm exhcanges to the aluminum housing, just remember to keep the spring for your single cylinder pump in use. Keep the pressure spring from the plastic housing, not sure if the KT-17's is higher pressure or lower pressure.
Hi all, Been awhile since my last post.Did anyone save the pic's of the modified Steiner tractors Travis posted awhile back.I bought one of those off-topic articulated things ,and would like to see those pic's again. P.S. I still have my 1882 though. Eddie
Kapt'n Kirk/Wyatt-
Where can us "normal folk" get one of those Kohler Checkered Flag decals?
I'm a newbie to this forum. Have been reading all the posts for well over a year now. This forum is a real wealth of information. I own a model 70 and a 100 that I'm currently building that is going to be powered by a 12hp Kohler. I do have a question. Has there been a date set for the fall plowday? I have to schedule my vacation several months in advance for the company I work for. I also have to work every other weekend. I'd sure like to attend the fall plowday. Appreciate any info anyone has on the possible date. Thanks, Kirk
Ken Weaver
It doesn't appear that you have the required 1/8 th inch tow in on you steering mod.
RC -- in / out / 1/8" / more / less ... what's it matter ... it got me out of mowing

That's what happens when you hit the garage corner at full trottle (for you gear heads that = 2mph faster than you can go!) and weld it back on then about a year later it fatigues out.

I had a truck pop a tierod once out in a field lucky no traffic ;), and it kinda looked the same way. A few wraps with some wire and it lasted a couple weeks longer !

gotta go machine a new brass casting ... somebody wake me upppppppp zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Why do I always get this little crap to reproduce ???? It was as thin as paper ... send a punched stamping to be cast ... well the new one isn't as thin as paper since I had to cast it with a solid back then turn it on the lathe to hollow out the back. It wasn't centered either since the stamping is whop sided !! grrrrrr

When's somebody ever going to need a brass K301 cast ?
now I can sleep !
Bob, very nice letter. I wonder if the guy in this photo from the QA36/QA42 snowthrower manual is Mike's father.
The service manual diagram I posted and Richard C's pics don't look anything alike... go figure.
A picture IS worth a bunch of anything else!
Well, I finally got around to starting work on my Original "K4K".



Colin H., there are two versions of the 782 brake linkage. The SN break is 719,999 down, and 720,000 and up. The exploded view you posted is of the 719,999 and down. Perhaps the 782 Richard posted photos of is 720,000 or higher, though with the exploded views the linkage/spring look very similar. I think the drawings just have the spring shown in the wrong orientation.
I guess I better put those in the NEW COOL!
Cool IH Cub Cadet Owner Built Projects section

I guess we can't post pics there today?

(Message edited by cProctor on June 10, 2004)
Kraig, I knew someone would have them saved,you surely are keeper of the holy photos. Now to start my modifications, someone really put alot of work into that. Thanks, Eddie
can anyone tell me if a mower deck (44") from a Cub Cadet 1200 will fit and work on my Cub Cadet 124?

Question on 12hp Kohler: My engine seems to be expelling gases out of the breather cap (not the air filter) located on the left side of the motor...underneath the carb. Does this mean that the rings are shot? Just started to notice this about a month now and I'm wondering if I should just ignore it or deal with it now before it builds up to a larger problem.
Bill T.-

Here is the wiring diagram for your tractor.http://ihregistry.com/ref/MTD%20WIRE/MTDW21.HTML You are probably blowing fuses because of a short somewhere in your wiring harness. You will have to find and replace that wire, it that really is the problem.

<font size="-2">By the way, your 1864 is off-topic here because it's not IH built but I guess the moderators let it slide once in a while