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Archive through March 15, 2012

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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I've had a couple that were leaky but its uncommon to say the least. I've even used old seals in tractors when I was in a hurry and they usually don't leak. I don't advise that regularly though.
Honestly, they aren't expensive (or at least weren't last time I got gaskets and seals) so why not replace them while its apart if you plan on taking the axles out? They probably won't leak but why chance another tear down when you already have it apart and getting parts anyway?
Rob N,
Both seals on my 149 leaked hytran, especially when the tractor was tipped to the side. The seals and bearings are so inexpensive, while you have it apart, you might as well replace...
A forum search turned this up (originally posted by Keith LeJeune (Klejeune) on Wednesday, September 17, 2008 - 03:49 pm) Not sure it applies.

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

...this was written in an operators manual for a 70/100 I pulled off the web somewhere.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

Rob Neubauer

I think IH suggested to replace the seals then because the tractor has been split. If those seals are leaking you will see it on the rims.If you don`t see a leak there Leave it alone. Just wasting $$$ they (the seals)last forever. My 61 Original had a weep out the end onto the right rim. so I did the axles seals and a full service.These tractors were well made, NO need to look
for ways to buy parts and replace things that are not broke lol. BTDT ,

guys this wiring thing stumps me, I hate to see smoke ,because there goes the life of that.
I do have a few parts and have a 3 pin VR.Harry I see Charlie getting an order for two VR`s . I just wish he would sell parts like the clips for the choke cable and throttle cable clamps(hint).

ROB - If your going to take a chance on reusing anything, if your careful and don't tear them the axle carrier to housing gaskets could be reused. I can't say I've ever seen a CC leak there.

But I'd for sure replace the seals at the ends of the axle carriers. It's a common place for them to leak. I always chuckle when I buy those seals at the dealer, they're listed as "Corn head gearbox seals".

On a hydro the oil level is actually ABOVE the level of the axle carrier end seals. They make a real mess if they leak.
Dennis, Don, Scott, Kevin, & Harry,

Thanks for the response on the axle gaskets, will likely replace the axle seals, so the axle carrier gaskets.
Don, from left to right in your picture, the terminals are L (lights if you have them), Bat (Battery) and F (field). The terminal on the back is the G (generator) terminal. And, as Harry pointed out, if you remove the screws and use some light sandpaper, you should be able to read what's on each terminal. The writing next to the back terminal indicates what it is for. Hope this helps.
Paul E. Funk

The tractor now rolls fast and amp gauge drops .

There is no wire attached to the L on the VR. Thanks for that info, Now I can get the 129 charging . I hope I did not let the smoke out lol.
Well I have not been back on since I posted my pictures of the 582 and 102. The 582 have changed oil and cleaned out mouse nest getting ready to use a little. The 102 it is in need of head gasket, man passed away while working on it, form what I was told, son knew nothing about torque spec. Glad to see all the VR update news I need it on one I am working on for Uncle he has done some rewiring! I have to run everything down now and make it work.
Don T - hey you're pretty quiet on here today. What has the 125 got to do with charging the 129? And by the way, my earlier message did inform the L connector should not have a wire connected. Sorry I don't have any spares of those little snap clamps for the throttle or choke cables. Sure surprised Charlie doesn't have them - they do fail and get lost really easy.

Joe L - what's the story with the engine in the 102? It looked freshly painted so I'm wondering why it needed a head gasket.

Hydro Harry
Old Cubs Never Die (but north of the border they roll backward easier than forward)
Harry Bursell

Well you see the 129 does not charge after it`s refurb and has the same style 4 wire VR . I did copy all the info down so I don`t forget what I learned today. I will do the static timing again lol. I think I set the points at TDC and not the S mark as I should have. I will do it correctly this time. I do have the time , I do have a days work to do on my Nomad . We got some snow today and it will be gone by Friday afternoon they say.

Thanks guys for bearing with me today .
81 in N/E Illinois today. I think it's a safe bet to take off the snow thrower.
Don T - where are you going to keep all that info that you copied down? Don't want you to forget. Let us know, and then just in case you do you can do a search on here and find out where you put it.

Tom H - I'd recommend waiting at least 2 more weeks. April has much better chance of not needing this special thrower.

Hydro Harry
Old Cubs Never Die
Don T_

From what I've seen in the FAQ's, there is not a reference to the Control Cam workings. Several posts on fixing the Trunnion assembly tho! I'm still trying to avoid splitting the hydro from the frame... I'm glad I have a partially disassembled 124 to play with before I attack the 125!
Hovering around zero here today and cloudy, kinda blah. Tonight, thunder, lightening, and POURING rain on and off. Hmmmm...No snow blower needed here today or tomorrow...but perhaps by the first of the week the cubs & blowers will be working again. Welcome to CANADA!!

Don, you get rid of your snow in the East yet? Thought you said you were thinking of moving WEST sometime? That ever going to happen or you just coming up here hock'n all our Cubs?
can someone please send me dimensions of the IH Box Scraper or detailed Photos My dad is trying to build One for his 100
We've had nothing but rain/snow/heavy rain and snow flurries for over a week in the Seattle area. There's a state highway close to Mt. Baker about 60 miles to the north, that got 8 feet (yes more than 96 inches) of snow in just the last 5 days. All this stuff is traveling east, so as I mentioned Tom H, don't put that thrower away quite yet. It's such a large front that while it travels east it will cover an area north of the border, so Mike and Don it's coming!!!!

Hydro Harry
Old Cubs Never Die (mines tucked away in the garage)
Trying to make a little progress with the IH and got the 44A deck shell out and began to degrease/clean-up the thing. Lots of grease under the spindle belt cover.



I used some engine degreaser and a pressure washer. Did a pretty good job, but not clean enough for paint yet.

The above pics are before I got started. I'll post some after pics later.

One question - what do you folks use to paint/coat the underside of your mower decks? I have used slip plate (used on moldboard plows) with some success on my other color decks.

Mike Patterson

The snow here was all pushed off the driveway with my 1512 with the aid of power angle. I do like to use the power angle , because it makes snow clearing so much faster with me not having to get off my butt to move the blade . I think my wife will retire next fall Nov/2013 and then we will make our trip across Canada. I hope to drop in on you some day early May.

Paul E. Funk

I did remove the screws and the terminal covers and yes they are marked for each post except the back terminal has no markings that I could find. I did not hear the same click when I connected the bat this time and the tractor rolls over at a good speed. I don`t know why they would cover over these markings
. I did look and read the link you posted , but no where did I see what wire from what was attached to where. Must have been a bad day for me lol. I think this could be covered in the FAQ somewhere a little clearer for old farts like me. The post Kraig made at 8:30 this morning does not tell what wire is attached to the back terminal on a four wire VR. maybe he could change that to show the gen wire going there. I do have a wire extra along with the lights power wire in the front that I have to deal with as to some procedure. ( tape off to prevent a short) . I just hope this 125 will charge after I get it timed in the am.

Dan Bauer

I do find it hard to ex plane things with print, Hydro Harry and Denny and a few more on this site have the tee shirt for that. But If my SKYPE will work I would call you and have a chat. Send me an email with your number if you like and the time difference so I know when to call. I think your to far away for me to drive .

Jeremiah Chamberlin

No "digs" from me lol, I now have a discharge when the tractor rolls over and power to the coil ,but no spark. I will have to check the points again and see if they got pushed closed as I think now that has to be the issue ( I hope it is that simple) I do think I used TDC to set them and I knew that was wrong . some days are better than others.


I would go back to 3g , because your 4 G is crap!
I have cable with 40 Mbps speed .I can down load a 2 hr movie in just a few minutes. Less time than it takes for me to eat supper.

I just hope that all the questions I ask help others gain the knowledge so they can Standunder there Cub cadets , Be they so complicated . Have a great evening.

Later Don T
Bill Jamison

I hate that all the water get under the spindle belt cover, so I mixed up some two part epoxy resin and after grinding some rust off coated that area.I did use slip plate on my ride on deck and the wife`s push mower.When I cleaned the ride on deck this year with a wooden paint stirrer stick I had about as much grass under there that I could easily hold in two hands. So I think the slip plate works great. I don`t know yet how the resin will work under the spindle belt cover , time will tell. I think the mix comes in a tube now like caulking with two nozzles. real easy to use and strong.