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Archive through January 09, 2006

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Thank You, Travis. Now I can try and find a film crew and see if'n maybe we can get a Plow Day event on TV... bigtime. (If you build it...they will come.)

Kraig M. Are you sure that you couldn't find a crew and put together a half hour to hour long film to present to IPTV or RFD? You've watched RFD TV haven't you? We could get Charlie to do the interviews. He's very photogenic... (handsome, personable, and for darn sure knowledgeable.) (I do mean those as compliments, Charlie.)

(Message edited by Mhomrighausen on January 12, 2006)
Great site been a lurker for several years! Only have three cub cadets at this time.
Welcome James S. Three Cubs is a healthy start. Do you have any pictures of them that you could share?
Marlin, when I take video at a plow day I typically take 1/2 hour to 1 hour of video by myself. If I am able to attend I am willing to take up to an hour or so of video. I use a digital 8 (8mm tape) Sony video camcorder when I take video. I don't have cable, or a dish, thus, no RFD TV. Have you ever met Charlie in person? Hmmmm, 1 out of 3 ain't bad.....
Me! Interviews! YEA RIGHT! LOL

Marlin, your so full of crap it ain't even funny!

You forget, we want to lure people to the event! NOT drive them away!
Charlie, even though Marlin wasn't specific about the topic of the alleged knowledge, I assumed he was referring to Cub Cadets so I gave you this one:

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

.....and for darn sure knowledgeable.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

You could always get one of those little chinese diesels and drop in the Geo Metro. Somebody out west did just that.
Joe Zimmerman,
Yes, CC Specialities is still in business. Just received an order from Travis right after Christmas. I've had few problems receiving emails from Travis in past due to the spam filters or something not letting them through, but no problems lately. One time finally made connections with him using my wife's email on Yahoo.
How am I going to know what the ground condition in Iowa going to be like, I live over here in the deep freeze (aka Wis.), Ain't likely I will be traveling dayly to Iowa to find out the ground conditions, so I will have to leave it up to you and Travis to come up with a date that the ground is fit for plowing.
Travis, you're not too far west for me. Any time or date is the right time and date for me to plow in Iowa.
Looking for a good solution to freshen up a 16 horse briggs twin in a IH 582. Sounds like most of you are single cylinder Kohler types, but I'm betting someone has a solution.
Rob N...Get a KOHLER V-Rod under the 582 hood. You will not regret it.
Kohler V-Rod for a 582, does it bolt right in? When I purchased the 582, I got the original engine in a box in pieces and a running Vertical Shaft Briggs 18 Horse I/C twin. Seems the 18 HP version had cast iron cylinder liners, where the original 16hp only had aluminum cylinder walls. Long story short, the engines seem to be very similar. I swapped Cranks, sheetmetal, carb, etc......onto the 18 horse. Put it into the 582 and boy does it run! Reason I ask for options, is I also have a 582 special. (I know, half shaft drive/half belt drive peerless transaxle cub wannabe tractor)
KEN - I always thought a little 45 CID Flathead Harley V-twin would make a nice repower for a CC... speaking of V-Rods...
Talk about a PD Special.... It'd sound like Tom's old "Mein Kub" only a LOT louder!
Here's one for the ignition gurus out there:

I just got my 1450 back together after it's 30-yr maintenance checkup. Did the rail mod, engine mounts, rag joints, etc, etc, ALSO cleaned up the rat's nest under the dash.

Now there's NO SPARK when CRANKING the engine.

BIG, FAT spark, when you back off the starter and the engine winds down for a couple of ignition cycles.

During the tear-down, I did not disturb the ignition switch, but I did disconnect and remove the solenoid bolted to the dash tower. I also disconnected the 3-prong plug to the plastic-ey looking box mounted to the shroud on the right side of the engine, and the big lead to the starter.

I THOUGHT I took great care in labelling the wires coming off the solenoid, but how could I have mis-wired it so that it DOESN'T spark while engine cranking, but DOES in the "on/run" position?

I'm sure this is non-related, but before I cranked it, I pulled the headlight switch just for kicks, and the lights winked on for a split-second, then winked off (before the teardown they worked fine). The fuse didn't blow; the rear lights still work, but the headlights don't. Coincidence with the spark problem? I hope so.

Any ideas on that spark problem?