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Archive through January 09, 2006

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Hey Dogg,
I would check out Kubota, and even a Ford New Holland <font size="-2">(Or whatever the hell they are now)</font> dealer. I think it's a standard type item.

Richard, excellent write up on the valve repair! Looks like a good one for the FAQ.

Bryan, I'm willing to prep Richard's write up on the hydro valves if you're willing to put it in the FAQ.
I'm overhauling the K341 engine in my 169 restoration project. I'm looking at ordering Stens replacement parts for the piston/rod/valves as they are considerably less expensive than OEM parts. I see some our sponsors sell Stens. I'm wondering if any forum readers who have used Stens parts could share any of their successes or problems. Thanks.
Great job on the check valves. Definitely a must add to the FAQ if possible.
Richard, I forgot to say <blink>CUB</blink>GRATULATIONS on the new job!
Richard, BTW, don't forget to update your profile to reflect your now non-retired status.
Wow - you should write for Popular Mechanics !
This one'll get printed and go in my Cub file tonight (I even think I could chuck the valve in my Unimat....). I'm old enough to remember when we actually rebuilt parts (like fuel pumps) rather than pitch 'em.

That is <font color="0000ff">EXCELLENT</font><font color="000000">....!!!

Here's one for you Cub Experts. How much do the orginal style cast iron wheel weights weigh? Can I double stack them on each wheel?

26# ea.

Yes, 1,2,3 per wheel is A-OK
Very nice write up on the check valve repair. I've saved this one. Thanks for sharing the info.

(Message edited by jhillegass on January 11, 2006)
Well, if no one else is speaking up for Plowday this spring, I will be happy to host it again. I'm a little far west for some people, but we always seem to get a good crowd. Since the Friday night thing went over so well last spring, we may do it again. I'll have more details this weekend.
Travis >
Time to clean out your e-mail in box, sent an e-mail, got bounced back as mail box full(ccspecilities).

I am hopeing to bring a tractor along with me this time when I come down to plowday, unlike the last 2 times when I came down for the festivities and went home loaded down with all the parts I purchased from fellow cubbers.

Not to worry, I defently will not be showing up with the little Geo Metro, the motor finialy gave up after 250,000 miles.

(Message edited by lbuttke on January 12, 2006)
Lonny B,
There's a reason for that.

Travis doesn't use that address except for PD events and if anyone uses it before the PD announcement has been made, it bounces back and shows as full.

It keeps the spammers at bay so to speak, at least for a while. I'll open it up after Travis makes the call on the final date.

Would you like to make the call? Maybe you can tell Travis what weekend in April is gonna be perfect for a PD.
STEVE B., PAUL - A frequent Poster who hasn't posted for MONTHS helped Me mow several years ago with that Beast of a 169 He has..... after a WIS. Dells Plow Day hosted by Chapter #4 of the IHCC... I can't remember if He had fluid in his tires but He had FOUR CC wheel weights sticking out of each rear wheel....No slippage going on with That tractor... I always try to run a weight or two inside the rear wheels unless the tractor has disc brakes on each wheel. Keeps the tractor narrower. So, "Run Um if Ya Gottum!"
Dose anyone know if CC Specialties is still in business? I have sent them emails on a couple of occassions looking for parts and never gotten a reply. Has anyone bought anything from them lately? I'm looking for a spring assist to add to my 128.
Reminds Me that I need to call Him! Haven't talked to Him in about two months!