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Archive through January 03, 2005

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2004
Jeff Derstine
I went to move some firewood onto the front porch on friday afternoon and my 125 wouldn't start.

I check out spark at the plug and it was weak.

Went to my local CC dealer today and got an Autolite plug, points, condenser and a new plug wire.
After looking in my service manual, I installed the parts. This was the easiest set of points I've ever put in. The engineers at
were really thinking when they designed this.

I turned the key and it fired right up.
Didn't even need any choke ( it was about 50 degrees )

Now I AM ready for the snow.

Evening Guys...You remember TOASTY...HE LIVES..


Got a parts donor Saturday...

But,it's too nice to dissect..
I grafted a harness and gas tank out of a 125 that the P.O. had put a 7hp in and then lost interest.
She fired right up and proceeded to spill fuel from the carb...Rebuild still in progress...
Thought my 149 was ready for winter than winter went away...


That was before a new pair of23-8.50-12's with 5 gal. of washer solvent in each..and a 54in


MUCH BETTER...These last 2 weeks have been the best...{wish I had a 782 with front hyd to put it on} Gonna have to give it the Markle treatment and add front hyd to the 149....
Boy, Wish I had taken a picture of "toasty" that I found out here all the paint and all four tires burnt. Carb melted off.
Kraig, incoming dounload! Hope you get it faster than it was sent. Anyone else use a cub to pull the kids on a sled? Lots of fun with about 2" of snow Steering takes forever on snowcovered grass!

Nice looking 149!!!

Funny, I know guy who has a 782 with dual hyd. and a 149 with dual hyd.


That's no lie......and he's about 2x that size now!!!!
Well, Steve... I think your boy, and My boy, will both grow up to be just like their dads...

Man, ain't that gonna be a shame!

We can only hope they figure it out before it's too late...
Kurt, if it was windshield washer solvent you used, bad idea. Alcohol dries rubber out.
Dave, the D-17's high/low was called the "Power Director". It is just a direct/gear reduction drive clutch pack system running in oil. There is a neutral in the center position to provide a continuous pto. Very durable set-up.
Well with snow in the forcast, I decided I better get the auger bearings changed out on the thrower and you know it still amazes me how dang easy this Cub stuff is to work on. Start to finish to replace both sides on the ole QA36A was 45 minutes.
Shameless plug for a forum sponsor to follow!!!!!

THANKS TRAVIS & CC Specialties for the super fast delivery of the parts!
Brian- thanks for the tidbit on that- I'd used that lever so much that it still comes naturally... until you mentioned it, I never really realized that it had no effect on the PTO, but IIRC, when I pushed in the clutch, the PTO did drop out... think I had'ta disengage the clutch to shift the PTO in and out.

Charlie- that WAS a shameless plug, but for a guy with your bravado, I can't think of any plug that would cause you to feel shame...

BTW- now that you've changed those bearings, either
1) it won't snow or
2) you'll get LOADS of snow, and you'll find out that you overlooked some minute detail which caused the flinger-thinger to become disaligned with the inner-outer, sending a zinging-flingy-thinger in'ta the outer, jamming the primary secondary, leaving'ya dead-stuck-immoble in the middle of the driveway just perfect to block exit to the parts store on an icy-in Sunday morning... and by the time you get back, all the melted snow will have frozen the tires and thrower to the ground...

(Message edited by dkamp on January 04, 2005)
STEVE..I knew you'd catch that...
{<font color="ff0000"><font size="-2">by the way how many fingers am I holding up?</font></font>}
<font color="000000">May have to spend the time now since I don't have a front hyd tractor..anymore. That will have to be a summer project though...I've gotta get all these narrow frames runnin first..</font>
Hey all. Here's a pic of my helper. I let him drive by himself back to the garage after this was taken. Man, he was beamin' with pride! Just as cheesy as me. Paul
Ok, couple of questions about my 72 here.

1. I have a plug, in the pedestal, under and a bit to the left of the ignition switch port. Its about 1 1/4" dia, covered with a Chrome cap. Is this factory, or something from the PO?

2. Did these ever come factory with an ammeter or an hourmeter? The Pic I believe Kraig posted about a week ago, of Wyatt's 72 and 73, both had a gauge under the steering wheel. Was this a factory install?

3. Was the headlight switch mounted in the same position as the 1x4/5 was?


Just one finger.............

All in good fun!!!!
Hey guys I'm new to the site and Cub Cadets for that matter. I have a chance to buy a 1782 Hydro Cub that runs good has a 50" mower deck. What can anyone tell me about this. I want to try and get educated before I buy this thing to make sure that it is something that will be worth my time. What's the history with these things? Are they a good tractor? What's a good ballpark value for this unit. Thanks to everyone.
I smell a poof coming!

1. that is for the optional cigar lighter.
2. probably not factory installed but that is where the factory told the dealer to put it. The ammeter was a dealer installed option.
3.yes-more or less.

(Message edited by tmarkle on January 04, 2005)
Brad ,there crap ,email Travis and he will buy it. your to far away for me . Travis?????

(Message edited by rpatton on January 04, 2005)
Brad . There realy nice but off topic here . email me direct ,I have one and will answer any questions. Rich
Looks like 6"-10" headed thisa' way.

Travis, Looks like your getting it now.

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