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Archive through January 03, 2005

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Brad, I love them diesels. You really should read up above......
It's snowing pretty hard now. They keep changing the snowfall forecasts.
Travis, I'll take your snow, but you gotta take my ice. The 125's not like'n an inch and a half of ice on the ground. Time for the chains.
Travis has a cure for that ice , sit in front of the tv and pop a BUD !

I hate ice , we lost a 30 foot cedar in the front yard over that crap a few years back. I was sitting at the kitchen table drinking a cup of mudd when it hit the kitchen roof. Didn't need the coffee then to wake up !

You Yanks better be careful out on that stuff today , it's nice and in the 50's here and hardly had any rain but I see it's heavy in the mid section north of me. I've got plants starting to bud out and it's waaaay to early !
plants , bud .... oops!
FOX News just said that Eastern IOWA (i owe way) can expect 16" of SNOW by week's end ... lucky suka's
Thanks Todd. The ammeter location looks like a great place, if you are into smacking your knee when getting on it!
TORIN - Do Yourself a favor on the amp meter location and mount it over on the left side of the steering console just below where the light switch is supposed to be. I even mounted an Instrument light above Mine on My 72 so I can read it at night. I have NO IDEA Why IH thought it was a good idea to mount the amp guage so far out in the way like that. You may have to splice in some wire to mount it on the left, I can't remember for sure since it's been almost 24 yrs since I did Mine.
We've only got 4" or so for now, it's supposed to snow straight thru 6 tomorrow morning. I've already went out and bladed off the drive at my place and a couple others. Still sticking to my guns that with my 169 and 54" blade I don't really need a snow thrower.

Roads aren't worth a hoot so I'm staying home. . . .
Wyatt - I don't think that w-i-d-e blade will help if you can't push it, that'd be a lot of snow unless you keep at it while it's falling. You'd better get a 36" ;) Some have gotten 3 - 4 inches of ICE ! Bryan should see up to 8 - 12" of snow.
I think a lot of ppl had better stay home !
Man you guys are lucky , I sat here with the shack door open all night ... I think I'll go fishin and think of you guys having all that fun
Ken -

As of 5:00am, there was about 1" on the van. Forecast was for 2-4" by this morning. Uh huh. Thus far it's hardly anything to write home about. Downtown Chicago barely has anything. Perhaps there will be something worthwhile when I get home.

You'll be fine with a blade...if you do it in 6" lifts or so......I've tried to move 16" with a 42" and couldn't even come close to doing it justice.......54" would only be worse in that situation......

BTW, have fun....we are on the south side of it and right now it looks like 1/2" ice followed by about 2" of snow......ride home tonight could be FUN.
Last year we got a "fluffy" 10 inches snow, the 169 put it in piles in the backyard I thought would never melt!

My only beef with a 54" blade is that in wet snow, which tends to be icy underneath anyways, the blade can get to be more of a rudder than anything else. Plus it's got so much leverage on the subframe- I've bent mine back so many times I'm certain I'm on borrowed time before it breaks.
In Marion, Ia we have recieved at least 4" so far and still snowing. Yesterday, had some freezing rain that turned sleet then turned to snow. Fun driving weather!!!! Will probably fire up the 1650 with the snowthower and blow away for a while tonight. This weather sure sharpens up one driving skills.
It is nothing but miserably cold rain where I am at. Our town had the local armoury drive past today and our class went and stood in the rain to watch them drive by. They are going to Iraq in the morning and we wanted to give them our support. It is sooooooo wet here, It has rained almost a week steady. Hope we get some snow one of these days.
Bryan - the Weather Channel had a segment around 6am in Chicago talking to some dept. of streets guy and he said that they were ready and that they could even put blades on garbage trucks with a quick hitch if the snow got heavy. First time I ever heard of dat !

I guess the guys that live in the 3"+ ice belt can't get on here to tell it. A lot of power lines and trees are sure going to hit the ground with that.

Wyatt - our snows are wet! snows 90% of the time. We had 19" one day and 1/2 hour later I went to measure it again and it had gone down to 17" from it's own weight. I raked some back and it was blueish looking it was so wet. That's the year I made the mistake of pulling my monster tractor in on the carport and having to back off. I like to never got it dug out. The rear end stump was hung on the snow and the tires just spinning in the air. The weight of the tractor kept packing the snow down hard and tight ! Good idea to back in when parking to get a run at it !!

To windy to go fishing so I'll just keep drawing with PSP ;)
Living in Arizona I never get to see snow so we decided to fly out to California and spend New Years at Lake Arrowhead in the mountains north of LA. It rained for 2 days and then started snowing and snowing and snowing. Wasn't able to get off the mountain until yesterday there was a break in the weather and they got the roads open for 4x4 vehicles with snow tires. Had to make a run for it as more snow in the forecast. Got a flight out of Ontario and back to Phoenix where it has been raining steady for several days, all the dry rivers running. Had tornado warnings here yeasterday. Got hailed on when I went to the store. Clear today but more rain predicted through the weekend. All this weather headed East so Enjoy, I've had my fill, got a bad head cold and a case of pink eye. Need to get back to my shop and work on my Cub hitch.

This was the nearest thing to a Cub I saw. Looks like it works good in close quarters.

Ken -

Chicago garbage trucks have had a hydraulic cylinder permanently attached to the front end to hang a snowplow from for as long I can remember. Milwaukee also hangs snowplows from garbage trucks, so it's not too uncommon.

It's snowing pretty good downtown, dunno what it looks like at home. Dangit, I've gotta get me a wireless webcam
Bryan... This is coming your way I think!

We may get up to 16" before it's over and the wind is expected to get strong this afternoon.

Richard... Here's a similar unit, but larger, clearing out our business district.

(Message edited by jlang on January 05, 2005)
Not sure how much snow we had this morning. Looked out at 4:00 and it did not look bad but when I went to leave 2 hours later, I was walking on open gravel and then all of a sudden stepped in a 10" drift. I had to fly through a 12" drift to get out of the driveway. It has been snowing hard off and on since about 10:00. They say the heaviest snow will hit me after lunch and up to 14" before it ends. I will have fun with the 1650 and thrower tonight and clean up with the 106 and 48" blade. I just hope I make it up the driveway when I get home. I had everything running last friday in the warm weather so I know it is ready to go.