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Archive through February 26, 2013

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Jun 22, 2002
Park Rapids Mn.
To President Obama and all 535 voting members of the Legislature,
it is now official that the majority of you are corrupt morons:

a. The U.S. Postal Service was established in 1775. You have had 234
years to get it right and it is broke.

b. Social Security was established in 1935. You have had 74 years to
get it right and it is broke.

c. Fannie Mae was established in 1938. You have had 71 years to get
it right and it is broke.

d. War on Poverty started in 1964. You have had 45 years to get it
right; $1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to
"the poor" and they only want more.

e. Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965. You have had 44
years to get it right and they are broke.

f. Freddie Mac was established in 1970. You have had 39 years to get
it right and it is broke.

g. The Department of Energy was created in 1977 to lessen our
dependence on foreign oil. It has ballooned to 16,000 employees with a budget of
$24 billion a year and we import more oil than ever before. You had 32 years to get
it right and it is an abysmal failure.

You have FAILED in every "government service" you have shoved down our
throats while overspending our tax dollars.

Just wait until 2014 and see how much **** hits the fan over this ridiculous obamacare.

He simply wants America to fail!

Yes, the company I work for is "self insured" and our company president had a meeting with us the other day. He told us that our company pays out in claims, an average of 7 thousand dollars per employee. He also told us under obamacare any company that doesn't offer insurance will be fined 2 thousand dollars for each employee. He continued by asking: "Now which one is cheaper?" So, what do you think will happen to our insurance? I'll give you one guess, and the other one don't count.
Thanks a lot Obama!
Here's the latest pic of Obama Hussein:
Guess that's what happens when ya got over 50% of the people in this country living off the others that work to keep them fed, clothed,etc. And dammit, turn that cap around, visor forward and let me help you bend that. Real men wear ball caps that are mailbox hats....visor rolled so you can look in your rural mailbox
I think that obamacare should be re-named "HusseinCare"to truly reflect the impact Marty!
Jim D.
Take a look at my son's picture I took at last years T-ball practice. They just got there hats and shirts. I'm I teaching him right?

Oh ya! That hat thing just irritates the heck outa me...He has his hat right!
From Jay Leno,

A storm dumped 17 inches of snow on Amarillo, Texas, yesterday. It was really confusing for people sneaking over the border. They thought they'd gone all the way to Canada
Now Tom...what would we do without our extra 20-30 million "voters"??????

Just because the economy would be on an upward trend or obamacare would be a thing of the past (plus many more positives) it's no reason to get upset.
I get sooooo pissed off about that ********. The politians are ONLY concerned about keeping THEIR JOBS not to represent the people who put them there.

The are ALL lying, cheating bastards that do freely what other people are in jail for.
Me too Tom! One one hand we send more jobs to China, on the other we import more crime and entitlement. We can have troops in what, over 30 countries now but can't protect our border? WTF!

Our founding fathers must be spinning in their graves!
As a Heavy Equipment Operator I took the early retirement because there wasn't/isn't anything of substance out there. We baby sit for my Grandson a few times a week and on the way to my Daughters house my wife and I stop for coffee, or in my case a Mt.Dew, at the local gas station.

On EVERY morning I see 3-5 trucks pull in with a complete crew of non-english speeking lil' brown guys stopping for their goodies for the day.

I don't want to hear that same ol' **** that "They are hard workers". NO.... they are cheap workers. I had to retire so all these
's <font size="-2">(I know it's the Geeze's Lounge but there ARE limits)</font> can take my job??

Am I a racist redneck??? Maybe, but I'm so damn tired of having to "like" what is going on in this country, carrying other people's ***** and being **** on by our politians it make me want to puke.

I took care of my family and helped out others, don't <u>EXPECT</u> me to help out everyone else.

Amend your post to include gun rights as well and we will send it to our Esteemed Leader and his ilk!
Tom H - I may have a little different view but not sure. Just who do you suppose is hiring those guys you're referring to? My biggest problem is the difference between the haves and have nots in this country. I don't know where you fit but there are some "haves" in this country that, as far as I'm concerned, are not paying their fair share. Many are making astronomical sums that I couldn't even count in my life time, and they're making it on the backs of others and using the benefits that everyone else has paid for. My feeling is they should be paying more. It's because of this country they are able to make that money. And along with that they are making money by exporting jobs and getting Gov't tax credits for doing it. We as a country have done well and do well when the difference between haves and haves not is closer, and the haves not do actually have a little more to help make things better. I need to check back, but I believe at one point in our history we did have a 90% tax bracket, and I think it's time to be reinstituted for some of these "haves". Obviously we have alot of other things to fix as well, but if the 99% (or some would say the 47%) had a little more, I happen to think it would go along way to help fixing things. (I've conveniently left out some adjectives I would have liked to include but I noticed some small print in your last message).
I'm sorry if anyone saw my post before I deleted it from the main page. I know it should have gone here instead. This is what they are doing in Kansas...

If you were one of the "haves" you'd do the same thing. They are simply protecting what they have regardless of how they acquired it. If they kept their wealth here the gov would suck on it like a fat baby on a tit through needless regulations, taxes, etc. The left continuously ******* that they have it in the first place which is childish IMO. This country was founded on the principal that you will get what you work for through capitalism. We also have this thing called the constitution that says we MUST deport people found here illegally but this "thing" we have in the White House seems to think he is above it all...like a messiah. It's a written law that has been ignored for years for all of the wrong reasons...mainly illegal votes which simply turns my stomach. His counterpart is no better by any means and the video Don posted shows a damn good example. He's dumb as a chicken. The low information voter stands behind all of this ******** too and make up this 50+% across the country. Until they become educated we will continue to have a country in dire straits. Did you vote for that crap in the White House???? Or would you even admit it if you did???? It sort of sounds like you did from your last post and if you did you're part of the problem and NOT the solution. He's not now nor ever will be presidential material. He isn't a leader...he's a damn campaigner. I will admit he's damn good at what he does but that's not saying much at all. We need jobs in this country for Americans...legal Americans and until the gov eases up on these stupid regulations and taxes the "haves" will continue to look like the bad guy and keep there businesses/money abroad. I can't blame them and would do the same thing if I were a "have". We also need to start using our own oil but this **** gov we now have doesn't see it that way. The left wants to go "green" which would take fifty years or better if it worked then. I guess I'm getting off of the subject now but that's easy to do with all that's going on.

We don't now or have never needed cheap, illegal workers in this country. When we do they have migrant programs like those for agriculture. If it causes problems not having them then that's something we need to work out. We have in the past but now, and again, for all of the wrong reasons the problem is being ignored...mainly by the left. We also need to start drug testing these lazy MFs on welfare and get about 95% of them working. That right there would fix the economy. Not only that...now they are releasing illegal criminals because of the ****** up economy. "They" say they are going to keep up with them and eventually try them. That'll be the day! Those illegals are simply going home for a short vacation then walk right back to another state as they have for years now. That way they can start over with another name and identity and suck on that government tit once again. I have had friends that work illegals and I just did away with them as "friends" making them past acquaintances. I also told them the reason. Of course they were making money by working them charging $40/hr for the job and paying them minimum. I worked for myself in construction for years and did some jobs by myself losing money but NEVER hired a hispanic person...legal or otherwise because I couldn't tell or believe their status. It's just not the right thing to do and would again be contributing to the problem...not the solution in my opinion.

I'm tired of typing and just talking about this **** puts me in a ****** up mood.

I'll take a Mormon over a muslim...ANYDAY!