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Archive through February 10, 2014

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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I have a large file to send you to post in the garage , if you don`t mind.

Also what seat should my 125 have when it was new. I`am thinking of using a rubber seat .
Don, your 125 would have come with a white fiberglass pan seat with white vinyl upholstery and the blue edging. See below. Ummm, you might be better off sending that photo to Charlie...

Charlie, you did not give anyone a chance to bet against you
Brian W,

Later versions of the 268 snow blower were painted white with a black B&S 8 hp engine. You're right about the discharge chute being the same as used on the QA-36A/42A snow thrower models.

The one Don T is looking at is not an IH model.
Thanks, Ron.
That Tecumseh on Don's machine was a dead give-away. I never thought IH would have stooped so low.
Somehow this "feels" more appropriate right now...

IH Cub Cadet Forum Rules
Last updated: 10/05/2006 09:58:36
•Please limit your posting topics to International Harvester Cub Cadet tractors built between 1960 and June of 1981 in the "IH Cub Cadet Forum." There are appropriate topics for MTD built Cub Cadet tractors and bigger IH tractors.

•Postings of items 'For Sale' or 'Wanted to Buy' or 'For Trade' (no matter how thinly veiled) shall be in the Classifieds. Placing them elsewhere might just get your entire post "poofed" and please no links to online selling sites for ongoing auctions (<font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font>, businesses, etc.). Note that a free membership ALSO gives you access to post ads in the Classifieds Section so there is NO REASON to post them on the main forum.

HOWEVER, access to the classifieds will NOT be handed out to brand new users in order to curtail abuse, such as those that register just so they can post their ad and not contribute anything to the community.

•If you have something you want to GIVE AWAY for FREE, post it in the Classifieds.

•This is not an appraisal site! Questions regarding the specific value of any particular unit, implement or whatever are not allowed. Any posts containing such queries will be removed. Asking if a certain amount for a tractor is worth buying it for is fine.

•This forum is moderated:
Test or nonsense posts will be subject to ridicule from other members.
Off-topic posts might be deleted (or, if the moderators are in a good mood, moved to the correct place).
Posts which were answered or asked elsewhere will be deleted (or, if moderators are in a good mood, referenced to the correct page). There's absolutely NO REASON to double post on other Cub Cadet Sites to see who answers first!

By the way, just ask anyone, the moderators are almost NEVER in a good mood...*LOL*

•Please refrain from "you've got mail" posts - if the recipient is looking here, they probably KNOW they have e-mail. And if they have already read their e-mail, the post is superfluous.

•If you have an issue with a sponsor or other vendor, DO NOT post it on this site. This is a matter between said vendor and YOU, not us. YOU need to resolve it yourself. Also, do not expect us to arbitrate your issues for you, either.

•PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) before you post. The information you seek may already be there, even though the question may not be worded exactly like your own. Also, do check out Charlie's Cub FAQ page.

•Nota Bene: All posts and pictures become the property of the IH Cub Cadet Forum. Any unauthorized use or duplication is prohibited.

•Finally, use common sense. We all pretty much know what we should and shouldn't post and where...