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Archive through February 26, 2013

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Wayne - you said "your man (the White House fraud)". What ever gave you the idea he was my man? I never said anything supporting him. For along time my man was a Senator from AZ, but even he caved in the the money from the way far right. Anymore, you're only choice is the least worst of them all. And no, I don't listen to Rush anymore. I used to and used to think he had some good positions, but he lost me over some of his stuff, and really lead to me believe he's just another one getting paid off. All I can do now is go back to Paul Harvey, and now for the rest of the story.

When you sound like a leftist saying things like the rich need to be taxed to help fix the economy or who's hiring those guys talking about working illegals or just talking **** about Rush it gets awful confusing. I firmly believe that taxes aren't the way to fix our present situation. We desperately need smaller government, a whole lot less spending (wasting), and JOBS (plus several other things but we have to start somewhere). I walk away from most leftist I hear because they're ALL brainwashed and simply stupid. They don't have a clue as to what's going on and believe everything that comes from the mouth of the messiah. Because they comprise the 50+% Rush has somewhat changed his approach. He realizes that the only way we are going to have a chance at regaining this country is to act stupid ourselves...sort of. At least this has been the way I understand some of his latest thinking. He can be very hard to understand but then again he is way smarter than I ever hoped to be. He also bashes liberal republicans all of the time. It's really hard to explain which is another reason for you to just again start listening. He talks about it on most every program to a degree.

I, of course, voted for your man John McCain in '08 but he shot himself in the foot by picking Gov. Palin. Even then I was hoping for him to pick Gov. Romney as his running mate. Palin would run circles around what's there now but she was unknown so a lot of republicans just buckled. I didn't know anything about her either but I KNEW the democrats shouldn't win so I was voting against them as much as anything. Afterwards I was thrown for a loop when I realized America put a man in the White House because of the color of his skin and ridiculous promises non of which he has kept.

And as far as the rest of the story goes...Ole Paul would tell you to listen to Rush as well.
Wayne - I really can't keep talking politics. Earlier I mentioned the only winner I voted for, I thought was a mistake afterwards. That was Reagan. He campaigned on getting the Gov't out of wasteful spending. It never happened. He spent more than all the others before him. In hindsite, he did alot for the economy by cutting taxes. It was claimed at the time it had worked before and would again - and it did at that time. He also out spent the Russians in the cold war to the point they went broke and had no choice. He brought down the Berlin wall. He will go down in history as one of the great ones. Still hard to believe a B-movie actor could do that. But I don't really think it was him as much as those he selected to run things around him. And this begins to bring out the problem we have now. It's everyone inside the beltway in Wash DC. I really wish I had the answer to fix things now. Everytime someone appears to be a likely candidate they get beat down by some other organization with alot of money that's trying to protect their interests. You can't get to the top unless you side with half of them. And then nothing gets done, and the haves get their interests protected again, and the have nots just keep on loosing out. I'll be here looking and waiting for the right one to come along. Maybe I'll vote for a winner again, but this time think afterward, I did make the right choice. And by the way, thanks for letting us know how you feel. You have a right to your opinion, and you have a right to let everyone know. And I hope as a country we can maintain that right - free speech.

Nice! Can you only imagine??????


I can't talk politics either with someone showing massive ignorance. Do yourself a favor and just get your facts straight. Reagan was a true American and did wonderful things for his country while in office. And it's not, "he will go down in history as one of the great ones", he's already there! He was known for REDUCING gov spending among other things and there were many.

Now, go ahead and get the last word in but please think before you type and try not to sound so democrat...it saddens me.
Charlie that is SWEET .

Wayne I could reduce government spending by 45 percent.here is how I would do it.

Walk in the senate and see who is not there. They better have a good reason or ( your fired)

see who missed the most time this session (your fired)

Anyone over 4 percent away with out good reason
( your fired)

look at there expenses that they charge the people for. anyone with expenses that total more than 50 percent than they make. Well your fired
you have to lean to live within your means like the rest of us.

And the big one that would save the most would be !
Anyone caught lying more than once , well your fired.

That would change the game and save $$$$$$$$$$$$.

That sounds like a plan Don.

The trouble with the last one would be if a democrat gets caught lying they just blame it on the republicans. If it was a real bad lie then it would be Bushes fault.