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Wayne - I don't disagree with what you're saying. But I will say even Warren Buffett suggested increasing the tax on the rich. I really can't fathom some CEO making $100M+ from some company that figured out they could close a plant, export the jobs to China, and get this - have the Gov't give them a tax credit for doing it!. Who put that in the tax code? Was it the elephants or the donkeys? No, it was someone they paid to write the tax code bill for them because they couldn't take the time to write it themselves, and they couldn't take the time to even read it!!!!!!!!!!! I think the whole damn bunch ought to be thrown out. They're all a bunch of lieing cheats, taking money from the "haves" to make sure the bills and laws favor them. The rest of us 99% pay the damn taxes so they can drive their fancy cars on roads we paid for, so they can fly their fancy air planes into airports we paid for. If you think those guys on the right in DC are gonna do something for you well you better start thinking again. They don't give a **** about you. They don't even git a **** about the people in their own states. They only give a **** to the guy that's putting money in their PAC, or their campaign, or their pocket. And they want to change the laws so the Gov't can't get the money out of their pocket - but let the Gov't get more from your pocket. Yup, this country was made on capitalism - and right now, they figured out if you pay them guys in DC you'll get a decent return on the money you spent. Capitalism at it's best.

For once I agree with you about something...people making 100million just sitting on their *****. The guys on the right in DC are simply waiting (the conservative ones and there are liberal republicans) as I am for the low informed to become somewhat educated. When they realize that the thing we have in the White House is a cheating, lying, fraud and wants nothing more than to continue raising taxes then raise them again like he said he wouldn't then maybe things will start to change. DC is full of corruption and until that part gets a little attention we're never gonna see much change at all. And like I mentioned before, if we could get these lazy ***** off of welfare and working the rich wouldn't even be mentioned. The economy would automatically be fixed and the illegals would have a hard time just finding work cause all of the jobs would be taken. Wouldn't it be nice for the border patrol to sit back and watch thousands of illegals heading south????

If a person works to build a company and it becomes very successful they should be liable for fair taxes period. On the other hand if a person does ANYTHING out of line dealing through corruption to gain then by all means that person should pay and pay dearly as well as be punished if caught.

If you think about it nothing is working in this country right now. We are on the verge of becoming another Greece. Instead of trying to lead (which he just doesn't know how) the president is taking vacations in one part of the country while the wife vacations in another part. Do you have any idea what that cost the taxpayer? He talks about the real important things like gay marriage and is yet to even provide a budget which the constitution says he must. In his ******** campaigning in '07 he promised to cut the national debt in half. In his ******** campaigning in '12 he couldn't campaign on any accomplishments of his own so he bashes Romney AND WINS. He's about the biggest liar I've ever seen come out of Washington. He lies every time he gets behind a mic.

In closing the rich could give 100% taxes and we'd still be up ***** creek. The "president" is constantly barking up the wrong tree. We need jobs in this country period and things aren't going to change or get better until that happens. And that isn't going to happen until we get some leadership. Then the talk about the rich not paying their fair share would just vanish.

Taxes aren't the answer.
Charlie should have never opened the GARAGE doors and let me in!
Wayne & Harry: WTF can we do to help stop this madness? Can't vote "them" out, others from the same gene pool just replace "them".
Sucks to be us, don't it?
At almost 64 I'm going to ride this one out. In the early 80's I was ready to apoligize to my daughter for being part of bringing her into this world. She's adapted - it's the life she knows.
As Geezers, it's not our world anymore.
I should call Charlie and bitch him out - he's been known to do it to me! No, I termed that wrong - he's been known to (try) to set me straight on The Forum usage.
For you guys in the Northern Zone, ever wonder why we get so happy to see Robins in the Spring and then get tired of their chirping later on in the Summer?
I'm kicking myself out of the GARAGE now.
One line I don't agree with..."As Geezers, it's not our world anymore."
That's ********! As long as I'm paying taxes, IT IS STILL MINE and I'm not giving it up nor should I because I am a Geezer.
These "Kids" <font size="-2">(Because we're Geezers we can say that)</font> have no god damn idea of how it <u>was</u> and how it should be. America didn't get where it is/was but kissing ANYONE'S ass. Not China, France, Japan, Germany, etc., etc..
Guys , I hate to say this but, The world we grew up in is gone and will never come back ! Change is now not for the better , Next thing they will put a woman in Your White house . I think it is a good thing that as we grow older we mellow and forget.

stirring the pot from over here with all the same issues if you look close ! (taxed to death)
Tom Hoffman

I don`t know how it works over there. but over here if you refuse to pay taxes they take everything you got and then charge you extra to do it.there is only one thing we will all do , live then die and still owe taxes .
Frank - I'm glad Charlie opened the door and let you in. This is the place for real talk. WTF can we do. We're still gonna be around this world for awhile, and we gotta keep trying. One thing I will say, I never voted for the winner in the White House for along time. About 20 years ago that changed, and for once I finally did, only to discover I made a mistake. The only way we're gonna change this is from the bottom up. Revolutions have been known to start over starvation, and over taxes - and I'm thinking it may be getting close, and that's in part why we have the ammo issue. But there are alot of us on the 99% side, and we can still make changes without going all the way to a revolt. But is sure is damn hard to find someone that can lead the charge.
I think we could see a big change if we could get the lazy ass republicans to just vote. There are still a bunch of us around. Of course something needs to be done about fraudulent voting too...one of "the presidents" specialties. Since everything is the "republicans fault" now it's becoming fashionable to be a conservative independent instead. I see that as sort of a cowards way out. People need to stand together to the end and if something is being done wrong let it be known. I've also witnessed some democrats changing over the republican because of what's not happening as it should.

I don't know how most here think of Rush Limbaugh but I think he tells things like they really are. He's not afraid to tell it like it is and feels about the white house ******* as I do. I also have really been impressed with his predictions through the years. It's amazing how many have materialized. And if you don't listen to him please don't come on here and bash him. I hear enough of that from the ignorant left. The man knows his ****.

When you talk about revolt I think about how the British thought they were coming over to an easy victory just to find a bunch of ole time red necks with their squirrel rifles behind every tree. They had their minds changed quickly. Just think of how it might have been had the British won even though we wouldn't know the difference. Come to think of it...it would have to be better than things are right now. Almost anything would be.

I know I'm not giving up and hope to see at least a little good happen for the country before it's my time to buy the farm.

As I type this I have Cops on the TV (not necessarily by choice). It's another good example of what surrounds us in this country. It ought to be renamed "More of Americas Stupidity".
I think it's the time and place to repost this picture of a few years back just to "lighten" things up a bit.
Wayne - don't give me that Rush Linbaugh crap. I used to listen to him, but the right is just paying him off big time. He can lie with the best of them - just send him your money and your fictious story and he'll make it the truth.
Tom thats not Obamas cub,,, he would have the Ags on backwards

It's late for old farts like me but I just want to say you're so full of **** your eyes are brown and your breath stinks! If what you say had any truth to it then what about payoffs on the left????? Hell, everyone is paying off everyone else. Look at the unions, the lobbyist, the new black panthers, and the list goes on and on. I do realize there are corrupt payoffs on every side of politics and that's one of the big problems. I personally think Rush is a ******* genius and I knew if anyone would have **** to say about him it would be you. No...you never LISTENED to him and you are wrong here as you ever have been. Sometimes you sound so damn "progressive"!

I also want to add that's the ugliest cub 102 I've ever seen. I didn't think cubs could be ugly until now. I know it's not the little tractors fault but I wish Charlie would poof every and any pic of that ******* posted. Throughout my life I've never hated a president of the United States. I've been against many but never hated one until NOW! He's the worst thing this country has ever dreamed of having and is working to destroy America. Anyone else having done the things he's done would have been impeached ten times over. That pic turns my stomach and is a big insult to IH equipment. Kraig...please turn that tractor into a damn john deere at least (I think he's too nice of a guy to come on this thread).
Wayne Shytle

OH MY ! I would like to tell you that the tractor I think was refurbed by a guy down under. It was a sad looking tractor when he first posted it.

Ok I bet we can all agree on this; Not to piss anyone off but we all know


under edit I found the 102
graeme k tatchell (Gtatchell) on Friday, December 24, 2010 - 09:54 pm:
Wayne - it was your quote "Rush is a ******* genius". Is he still on drugs? Who's paying for the drugs now? Who are the advertisers supporting his show? Has he ever really accomplished anything? All he does is stir ya up and piss ya off.

It's obvious in everything you ask/say that you simply don't listen to him. You're just like most others today that go by some stupid popular opinion and form your own from theirs. As far as I know he is clean from the drugs nor does he even smoke his cigars any longer. If there's any favoritism through his sponsorship I only hope it's from the right. I don't see it but we do need all we can get in this day and time. The drug thing was what?...two years ago at least if not longer??? And he doesn't stir me up and piss me off; he makes me think. He has the biggest radio audience and is the most popular by people that have genuine knowledge of what's happening in this country. No, you don't listen to him.


It's nothing personal about the 102 but what is sitting on it in that pic was sickening. I don't even like to see that mug in a joking situation.

One more thing Harry...

I'd love to see a debate between your man (the White House fraud) and Rush but that will NEVER happen because he, as well as his administration would be destroyed and the leftist media wouldn't even be able to save him.
God bless you Wayne.
If only the left would actually LISTEN to Rush with an open mind for about a month.

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