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Archive through December 27, 2006

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Ryan W., the 125 and the other narrow frame tractors did not come with a hydraulic lift as standard. The only way to get a hydraulic lift was with the add on pump/cylinder, I assume that is what your's has, see photo below. With the wide frame Cubs there is room within the frame for a hydraulic cylinder and control valve. The 149 had the hydraulic lift as standard factory installed equipment and was the first Cub Cadet model to have hydraulic lift as standard equipment.

Here's a little history for you that may or may not be interesting. The 169 was also supposed to come with standard hydraulic lift but during the production run of 169s they ran out of parts so some were shipped with the manual lift handle. They had the ported hydrostatic transmission installed at the factory and were supposed to have the rest of the hydraulic lift components installed at the dealership. However some of them were sold without the hydraulic lift parts installed.

mouse port on my PC just quit working! Thankfully it is a USB mouse so I just unplugged it from the adapter and plugged it into a regular old USB port and it came back to life. For a few moments I thought XP had hung.
Of course, I really get to play with it today, and what, the dang thing wont start, I've tried everything... I even changed batteries, what do I do???
Matt G.
On the MTD site, add the part(s)that you want to your cart. Go back and click on "Submit Cart".It then asks you if you want to "Buy from local retailer" or "Buy online". If you click on "Buy online" and fill out the info like you are actually going to purchase, it will give you the list price.
Man, talkin about lucking out.
I just went and picked up a #2 tiller that was used for about a hour and put away. Till last week.


I've seen and and had many tillers, but I've never seen this tab that holds the rear flap up.
Course as we all know, it doesn't take much to entertain me, snicker


And while I'm flingin pics out here.
You just gotta love a wife that pays attention when you ramble on and gets you some neat stuff for Christmas.


And she also said I needed to make once of those fancy round things like Steve B. has on his plow! LOL
The previous owner of my 106 has cut up the center portion of my tractor near where the creeper handle would be. It appears that a portion of the metal was peeled back then bent back when some repair was done. Any idea what repair would have required cutting this area of the tractor?

Roger, just a guess here, I bet the previous owner didn't want to bust up his knuckles when he worked on the driveline components, so he cut an access panel. Or he wanted to remove the creeper before selling it and again didn't want to bust up his knuckles. At least he was nice and didn't use a torch like Travis would have.
I believe you are right. Replacing that rear driveshaft pin on a 106 with external brakes is a real pain from the bottom. BTDT.
I did it the way Brian did it. Had to fill out the shipping info, etc, before it would show me an invoice with prices. Now the CC website thinks my name is Me Justwannaseetheprices and I live at 123 Any Street.
Thanks for the info on that part, guess I'll keep looking for a used one.


I didn't really need an exact price, just the range like Charlie gave me. Not to mention the last time he gave me a price for something, it was exactly the same as the dealer's price...
Anyone know where to get a bearing for a starter. Im looking for the front bearing that the starter sits on.
I have a cub 100 and the front bearing by the pully on the starter generator is destroyed, so i am looking for a new bearing. I think i may have found one on ebay that ma work. Would any CC starter generator bearing work for me???? or does it have to be a specific model. Are they all interchangable through the cub cadets??? thanks in advance.
Robert F:

You will need 941-0361 Bearing. It is available from your local CC Dealer or any of the dealers at the top of this page can help you.

are you sure thats the correct part # because ive been searching for it on the web and it is saying there is no such thing.