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Archive through December 20, 2009

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well-known member
Aug 4, 2006
Wichita, KS
Matt Gonitzke

Go back and read my previous post. That A28 is probably an inch too short. It would probably shred in 5 minutes anyway. The number I gave you is from Charlie's FAQ.
thanks for the part #, but that is listed as "15/32 X 30 SL ". does that mean 30" long?
i just want to be sure that is the right part #, as 30" sounds about twice as long as i need.
You said your belt currently has "A28" on it. That means you've got a 28" A-section belt, which you said is too short. I'm not sure how you'd get a 15" long belt on there...

If you still don't believe me, I'll go find the belt I had on my QA36A when I had it on my 1450...same belt...
here are some pics of my two CC plow tractors: the '63 model 70 pulling tractor and the '72 model 128 mowing and yard worker. the 70 doesnt need any chains as it wieghs over 1300lbs with me on it with the pulling weights. (the 70 has a stock CC blade and the 128 has a light duty homemade one. now i have an excuse to use both tractors in a storm

A 4L300 is a 30"x 1/2" (you said it says 4L300 on it).... The difference in width might make it a little more difficult to put on, but I agree with Matt - if you don't think that's the right length (????) why don't you try the rope trick and find out the length yourself?..

hmm..under edit...is it an A28 or a 4L300???

Justin: Nice pics..you <u>could</u> post 'em here for posterity...it's really pretty easy to do.
first, i am not arguing with anybody, if i knew what i was doing, i would not be on here looking for help.
the belt says "A28 (4L300) goodyear HY-T PLUS"
written just like that.

in another spot it says "0243".

and in another spot "0137 184".

if i measure length, stretched by hand, i get 13 1/2". which would be 28" in circumference, adding 1" for me not being strong enough.

therefore, if my old belt is 28" and the correct belt is 30", that would be my problem, as the belt just misses by 1-2".

when i first questioned the length, i was thinking long, diameter. not circumference.

once again, you guys figured it out. last question, any suggestions on how to kill the previous owner that gave me this belt?
I used the Danco loader on the 122 and the QA42 snowthrower on the 147 to "play" in the snow today. We had about 6 inches of the white stuff. Some pics below.

I had problems with the loader. When I had the bucket half way up and tried to raise it to the full height it would drop about a foot. It wouldn't raise to the full height even empty. I checked the hydraulic tank which was full. I'm thinking it's the spool valve, but I'll try replacing the cylinder seals first. I seem to recall that Chris Westfall carries Danco cylinder replacement seals.




Kendell, ive tried posting pictures from both of my cameras. the files are too big, i get an error message everytime i try
Justin, a quick suggestion. Check your camera settings and see if you have an 'e-mail' setting or a '480x640' setting. That would automatically give you the right file size.
Still may need to re-size the pics, I can set my Sony to VGA which is 640x480 for emails or posting and they are still too big, kb wise.
thanks guys. just sat down a reread my camera book(nowhwere near as fun as a CC equipment book LOL). i set the m.p. way down. ill go out and snap a few pics. it should help

EDIT::: scratch this. my camera still wont make small enough files even in the worst quality mode
darn high quality cameras
i found a site that resizes pictures
{biggrin}{biggrin}{biggrin} heres the pics from earlier and some i just snapped






Justin. Nice set of Cubs. Strange looking plow blade on the one. Something other than a standard Cub part??
<font size="-1">(PS, whats the name of that 'resizing' site?)</font>
the site is http://www.shrinkpictures.com/

the 128 does have an odd plow, it was homemade deal. it works to a degree lol. i need to rebend the frame to make it set level, one end digs the ground. its made to use the QA frame on the tractor. ill have to get some pics or a video of the plow
Very nice pictures! If you'd like a simple tool to install on your PC (if you're running XP or newer), try the Image Resizer from the Microsoft Xppowertoys website. It's the simplest I've found and brings my 10 Mpxl shots down under a 100KB in a single step..
i tried downloading that thing, it says it is corrupt or something on my vista laptop. must be something about it being moved from xp to vista.
I thought the MS Image Resizer was standard in Vista??? Try a right click on the pic file and look for a "resize image" pick.

I love the XP Powertoy version...as Kendell said...SLICK!!!!!

I don't know the particulars of your hydraulic circuit. You could have a problem with the spool valve, but I'm also wondering about the pressure relief valve. If the loader won't go up all the way empty it sounds like the pressure is low. The problem with it dropping before it moves up could be caused by the relief valve sticking open. I don't know if your relief is in the pump, in the spool valve, or an independent relief valve. I'd get a pressure gauge on it and see what the system is running at.

Had about 1-1/2" of snow today. My 2 year old nephew was over at the house this afternoon, so he got a ride on the 2072 w/Haban blade for a quick clean up......needless to say, we both had fun!!!!