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Archive through December 20, 2009

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Justin on my vista it has a windows live program and i save a pic there and do what ever i want like shrink and draw my wife showed me it ill email you more info tomorow
i have just had one of those epic fail/face palm type moments. i was looking online and found this way to do it http://blogs.vertigo.com/personal/jatwood/Blog/archive/2007/05/07/the-easiest-way-to-resize-a-large-picture-in-vista.aspx

Snow all over the country except here and we only get 2 guys posting pics of their workout/playtime?

Next thing ya know, I'll have to get some pics of me trying to remove the 1/2" we got last night! Geesh
Oh sure...complain complain...I lost an inch of snow ! Wind blew it away....
Morning guys, well we go snow here yesterday and i`ll get some seat time in a few minutes. Just drove the wife to work at the town Post Office and I`ll use my loader to move some snow as the 149 don`t have a blade on it lol
. I just never got around to putting it on and now its 100' behind my house covered in snow. Have a great day all.


We have about 15cm of snow the weather man said.This was our first snow storm this year.

Thanks for the suggestions. I didn't think of the relief valve. It's located in the original Danco pump. I did replace a shaft seal on the pump when I got it from the PO. But it may be time to overhaul the pump as well.

DON - You'll like that loader for moving snow! Almost as fast as a snowblower.

As always, We'll love the pictures!

If you noticed it deteriorating gradually over a long period of time an overhaul is probably in order, but if it was fine one day and not working the next you may have gotten some dirt stuck in the relief valve.

ok guys,i got a 782 with the front hydrualics.i've been told it's actually a 784.anyways it has always worked perfectly.until this last freeze. 2days ago i started it & the front hydraulics did not move,the machine warmed up then everything worked fine.i parked it for about 12hrs.i went to plow the driveway,but now i have no forward.all hydraulics & reverse now work fine.thinking it might be related to the freeze i drove it to my neighbors heated garage where it sits now.have not tried it since yesterday.but,is it possible that condensation built up then froze or is the cold not related & i have a real problem?any & all advise is appreciated.
hi guys,finally got enough snow to try out my plow this week,put a cc 42 blade on my old 104 with chains and no weights and it works the nuts.next summer i am going to put my qa snow blower on my 127 also have fun this winter.
Dennis Frisk
Don`t have chains on my loader and the bar print, well I was stuck in a hurry
. I had a time getting it to back up.The drive is now clear and I should dig out my blade for the 149 and be ready for the next storm. I think the loader would work great if I had a bigger bucket or an angle blade as well.the bucket fills full of snow to fast now. Later Don T
Charlie "Digger" Proctor,
Here in Toledo, we missed it. I finally went out today to remove the 1" total we got. It was more trouble getting gas and starting the 104 than my 15 min ride basically charging the battery with the blade down. But I know we will get hit. Just don't know when.
Bruce that is a nice cub house you got. But why do you need 2 cubs with blades LOL
DON T. - I've tried moving snow with my 7000# FARMALL's without chains.... I can move more snow with a broken shovel than They could move without chains.

Working on dirt or crushed rock they aren'y as bad, frozen grass without chains is almost as bad as being on concrete or blacktop without chains.

There's a discussion on the RPM forum in the Coffee Shop about chains. Someone mentioned $1300 for a pair of chains for an 18.4" x 30" utility tractor tire. Something about the size of Charlie's 460 forklift. Guess I better take better care of the chains I have!
Well it was killin me not throwing some snow, so I tried anyway.
Of course it's hard to get anything to come out the chute when you have the shoes set at 3/4" and you only have 1/2" on the ground.


Then I got to thinking about the cloudy days in the cab and thought a heater would be nice.
Works pretty well I might add.
i got bored today, so i went out and played with my 63 CCO. it looks much better now, especially with the fresh snow


