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Archive through April 16, 2008

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Lonny, I guess I should have specified FACTORY hydrostatic round fender. Do you have your tall spindles on that? Where did the fenders come from?

Yes, I am useing the 3" extended spindles for lift on the front.
The fenders where made out of dual axle fender sold at the local farm&fleet.
I cut them for the best fit I could get with the radius of the fender to clear the tires.
I also had to shorten the foot rests from a 102 and fit them to the brackets of the 127.
I no longer have working breaks on the 127 as I had to remove them so the fender brackets would fit. They are made out of another set of break brackets from an e-bay purchase.


Hope all the cubs and cubers are safe out there. We had a big after shock from the earthquake here in Tenn. at 6:35 this am. Checked on my cub cadets and they were fine. The wife was o k to.
Lonnie: What did those rear tires come off of? Really got my interest perked up! What size are they so I can start watching?

Thanks Pops---

Yep felt that dang earthquake up here in Northern Indiana. WOW
Dudley C.
Thanks for the advice about the shaft , the clutch looks fine but I'll make sure about the bearing and the shaft.
I'm kinda disappointed... I slept right through the stupid earthquake... =]
I felt it East of Indy....... was a really strange feeling. I work in one of the taller buildings downtown and they guys that were here said it shook the building. Everything is still in one piece. I remember the one 15 or 20 years ago..... was out in the garage working on Dad's 149 as a kid. Both of them were really wierd experience.... since the earth isn't supposed to move around here.
I have to BEG for Charlie's forgiveness here...but RON S. - As I read Your post of Your tour of FARMALL & IH E.Moline even though it was 30 yrs ago I remember those very same things. First job I had @ FARMALL was right across the wall from the paint booth that painted the tractors on the Start line. And I could never smell ANY paint fumes. I was a production sheduler for a gear machining dept. so I was familiar with all that equip. You didn't want to be in heat-treat during the summer where the gears & shafts were hardened in HUGE carburizing furnaces. Typical temps on warm days was 120-125 deg.
I even was a "helper" on an 8 ft Cincinnati metal cutting shear for six weeks from Jan. '77 till March '77 @ the E.Moline plant. Really didn't care for that place....after about two weeks I was back @ FARMALL BEGGING for any kind of job available there. In March I worked My last day @ E.Moline after My first day @ Farmall as the gear dept. Prod. Scheduler. I felt I was "HOME" again.