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Archive through April 06, 2005

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Rick M. -

Let's just say I Googled for the most non-obvious URL that I could find on the subject

Terry B. -

Chains can only help - I used them when I plowed with turfs. Weight's fine, but when you get turfs clogged with dirt and mud you have - SLICKS. You need traction from somewhere, and the chains will provide it.
I be right here,brothas. Thanks to the chosen few for not letting the cat out of the bag. I'll be there about 9:00 Saturday. See y'all then!
This one's for Wyatt!

Sorry I had to make the photo so tiny to post here!
Just got the catalog in the mail this morning.
Some problems have to be dealt with!

BTW, I'll be at PD9 tomorrow, are you bringing your Gear drive Wyatt? I'd like to see it!
Kevin -
I can't wait to see the finished item.

(Message edited by rmunday on April 08, 2005)
They send those toys bulk rate too?

Must have noticed something from me in the garage huh?

(Message edited by wcompton on April 08, 2005)
I am the owner of a 107 Cub and the engine needs a rebuild. I am attempting to tear it down and have come up against a roadblock. Namely the "clutch assembly" on the other end of the crankshaft from the flywheel. Just can't quite see how to get it off. None of the manuals I have looked at describe this and I have the engine manual for the K series. Guess this is a Cub issue not Kohler however...

I did see one allen screw which I removed. It was not aligned with the keyway however, if this matters. Approx. opposite where the allen screw was, I see what appears to be a bolt head but don't see any way to get to it. There are 3 screws or bolts on the face of the clutch but these seem to turn but not come out. Tried gentle prying by inserting wedges under pully flange but nothing moved. What am I missing here? Any suggestions would be appreciated. I will put my toll free number here in case anyone wants to call me with suggestions. 1-888-288-6382. Thanks, Bruce
Bruce B,
Also remember that there's TWO set screws in each of the 3 holes. Guys have tried everything from cobalt drill bits to tox drivers and jack hammers sometimes to get those SOB's out, Patience is a virtue when it comes to a stuck tight clutch assmebly.
Also! Invest in some PB Blaster or Kroil and soak the bejeezes out of it for a couple days, that always helps, and WD40 ain't gonna help!

(Message edited by cproctor on April 08, 2005)
Charlie, Why have all of those PTO JPEGs got odd page numbers.

Chains with Turf Tires always.
Bruce B: I just checked GSS 1404, that's the IH Blue Ribbon Service Manual for the 107!! Beginning on page 2-69 through page 2-73 (That's FIVE PAGES !! with illustrations no less) on the subject of removal, repair & reinstallation of the front Power Take Off (PTO)Clutch for the 107 (and others of that series). I recommend, like some famous moderator often says: "RTFM"
Myron B
That didn't work. Not even a tractor banner. Back to studying pic posting.

(Message edited by jkoenig on April 08, 2005)
It's not too rare that someone might have an operators manual and a Kohler manual and think they have all the manuals, I did. Instead of "RTFM" they should be told to "SBB" or Surf Binder's Books and see what they are missing, especially on the first post.

David P. -

We tell people to read the FAQ at the top of this page and on the registration page and in the e-mail that says their registration was approved. FAQ question #6 tells them what books they should procure to start with.

So with the assumption that they've done that, RTFM isn't such an unreasonable request...

But hell, if they're not inclined to read a manual, they're surely not going to be inclined to read the FAQ. And given the kind of username requests that come thru, they're not inclined to read the registration instructions, either
I made it to plow day's but unfortunately I didnt get to bring my 446 because, of trailer problums. But I will be so happy to attend my first plow days ever. I do expect to be plowing tomarow on one of Kevin Duffy's tractors. I'll see you all tomarow

Thanks for bringing up FAQ 6. And since I would rather read FAQs than work on taxes I finally read it.
But, generally it's difficult to get across that Sevice Manuals on some Cub Cadets, example Orginal, come in a set of 3: Engine, Chassis and Operators manual.
David P -

On that I'll certainly agree.

It's a shame that the ops manual is of limited use - read it once and you've pretty much got it covered - where to put the gas, how to operate it, where the zerks are...
<font size="+2">Hello-</font><font size="+1">ello-</font>llo-<font size="-1">lo-</font><font size="-2">o</font> <font size="+2">Anyone</font><font size="+1"> here</font> <font size="-1">re</font><font size="-2">e?</font>
I wonder where everyone is at? Hmm.........
Tom, it is dead here, you would think it was a Plow DAy or something....

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