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Archive through April 06, 2005

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Charlie, I do believe it was something about you giving me one of your Cub Cadets. :eek:p
Man! have I got a deal for you! LOL

Also, while I'm at it and for all those nay-sayers out there that said my thrower mode would do nothing but eat belts.
ONE belt all winter long and we had some pretty heafty snows to throw/blow too!


Charlie, don't tell me, free Cub Cadet but the delivery will cost me several hundred dollars right? :eek:)
I figure we can sneak around while Travis is givin out door prizes and come up with somethin for ya to take home!

Besides, after PD6, I think he kinda expects for folks to help themselves ya know! Course there would be consequences that might not fit into our schedules.
Charlie, I think in the long run it's cheaper to pay before taking possession....... :eek:)
ONe thing on this WF/NF thing.
Ride what has the best battery in it and will start right off the bat! That's the way I do it, LOL
<font size="-2">Actually, I kinda always liked Edsels.</font>
and yes, Brian, its Raquel not Rachel Welch. Whatever happened to her?
Heh, I like WFs because it's all I own.
Not going to stir, was just poking fun earlier.

The 1000 may actually end up <font color="ff0000">RED</font> along the lines of the last 5488.

I dunno about you guys but this Plow Day thing is really looking like it's going to be PERFECT!!!!
High of around 70, low wind and partly cloudy.
I'm thinkin it's about time Kevin D. made his semi annual post about plow day!!!!!!
I'll add a little quote from a well known EXPERT on Cub Cadets that we all know and love!
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

It's just a ******* garden tractor!<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

Kinda sums it all up IMHO! grin
Bryan and I had that conversation a couple weeks back. He gave me a history lesson...

And that it is. But a DAMN good one.
Rick M,
Yea BUTT, you can only believe about 1/3 of what Bryan tells ya unless your in front of a witness! LOL
Speaking of history lessons, I could SWEAR that there was a couple of Word documents floating around some years ago that covered just about all the Voyager forum days. I printed it off but can't find it, it's not on the main site anymore and I think I asked Kraig and he couldn't find it either. Hmmm...
You showed me your 1000, you picked up. A man came up to me a couple of weeks ago and ask if I would be interested in a cadet. When I, asked how much he replied, when I clean my shed out I`ll load it and deliver it to your house. When he gets the 782 here I`ll send a picture. Did I mention it is free.
I have an on topic question for you guys who are easily distracted by shiny yellow things.

This is a plowing question.
I have regular turf tires. The tires have about 75 lbs of fluid in them. I also have 50 lb wheel weights. This gives me about 250 lbs of weight in the back. I weight about 185. Is this going to give me enough traction? Should I bring my chains along? Or should I just bounce on the seat?
Damn George! Good deal.

Now Bryan, did Tom send you that link? I thought he didn't want it spread around?!
Bryan, Rick,
I know where mine is?

Terry "B",
Leave the chains on.

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