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Archive through April 02, 2009

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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I toldya to send'um to me!
yea, a good way to increase the value of a green thing! i agree!o-dear john.......lol!
wups sorry, I reposted in the other section. If the admin could delete this one Ill try and get it right next time.
i guess no one really knows. about the steering Q.
thanks anyway, it was a real question by the way.
maybe it would be better to ask if the splines are the same inside the steering wheels or maybe if the splines are the same on the steering collum shafts?
Charlie, no one has pulled your chain lately so I'll make my first attempt. I have to take car sick medicine when you are nice, please refrain! (PLEASE AND THANK YOU) Had to wait for the first of the month for my cub allowance to order manuals and some parts for the new to me 1650. Hope to get that done today. Is it OK to contact you directly to ask about the health and well being of a board member? I hate to do it on the forum when I don't personally know the person or circumstances.

thanks Carl Sr.
Man! There's one in every crowd ain't there.

Sure you can email me anytime you want to.
I might not reply or know what your talkin about,but I will reply.
Carl Sr: I can attest that Charlie will reply, even when he doesn't know squat...

You can use the "Comings & Goings" thread (below) to ask or inquire about an individual Forum member and anyone with info will likely respond. That's what "Comoings & Goings" is there for, amongst other things...

Myron B
Douglas Quest - I am really not sure, there is no better way than to try it. I think there is a pretty good chance it will. The tended to use the same manufacters on other parts. You could could give the guys over on freedom machines a try.
